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Replicator 7.4 - Reference Guide

Metalogix Replicator Documentation Replicator Central Administration Configure Web Application Manage Replication Groups Manage Replication Connections Manage Classifications Manage Map Families
Actions Configure Map Family Configure Replication Map Settings Manage Map Family
Monitor Replicator About Metalogix Replicator Site Settings

Replication Groups

Replication Groups are used to group Connections with specified parameters. The Replication Group parameters are defined on the Configure Replication Group page. Replicator is installed with the default "Worldwide Connection".


To add a connection to a Replication Group, select the group from the Available Replication Group list and click >>.To remove a connection from a Replication Group, select the group from the Selected Replication Groups list and click <<.

The headings Available Replication Connections and Selected Replication Connections, once clicked, will sort the connection names in the list alphabetically.

Conflict Settings

The Conflict Settings section allows you to specify what action should be taken for Inbound Packages when a conflict occurs on the Target Web Application. For example, the modified date content on an Inbound Event is older than the date on the Target Web Application.


When conflicts occur, these settings govern how Replicator responds.



Skip Event

Always keep current content by not applying the Inbound Package.

Apply Event

Always apply the incoming event and overwrite current content.

Generate Conflict

Always generate a report and pause replication until the conflict is resolved.

The conflict can be monitored and addressed under Monitor conflicts page, accessed from the Central Administration page.


NOTE: Conflicts occur on Inbound Events only. Conflicts are not identified by the Outbound Processing process.

E-mail Notification

When conflicts occur, Replicator sends e-mail notifications to the Site Administrator, Item Updater, Item Owner or an alternative specified e-mail address.

Note: The outgoing e-mail settings must be configured in SharePoint in order to use this feature.

Email Option


E-mail Web Site Administrator

An e-mail is sent to the site administrator when a conflict occurs.

E-mail Item Updater

An e-mail is sent to the person who updated the item when a conflict occurs.

E-mail Item Owner

An e-mail is sent to the named item owner when a conflict occurs.

E-mail Specific Address

An e-mail is sent to a specific, named e-mail address, (such as the Help Desk or IT Department) when a conflict occurs.

Enter email addresses in the adjacent field, separated by semicolons if there is more than one.

Compression Settings


Compression settings allow Replication Packages to be reduced in size, if required. Reducing the size of Packages also reduces the amount of bandwidth required when sending them, but increases the amount of processor time and power required to process them, as they have to be shrunk and then expanded again.




Replication packages are compressed before they are sent in order to save bandwidth.


No data compression.

Differencing Compression (DC)

Differencing Compression (DC) allows data to be synchronized with a remote source using compression techniques to minimize bandwidth and network resources requirements. However, while it minimizes bandwidth usage, it requires the most CPU resources of all available methods.

DC is useful for moving data across a wide area network when the data transmission costs outweigh the costs of increased CPU processing for compressing and expanding the files. This is most useful when there is a large amount of data being transferred and the actual changes in the data are small.

DC works by creating a signature file on the Source Web Application then sending it to the Target Web Application. The Target Web Application then creates a signature file, compares the two files and sends a file back to the source telling the source what bits it needs from the file.

For example, a Word document is modified on the source by changing one word in the document after the signature comparison is complete. Only the part of the file that changes is replicated, resulting in significant bandwidth savings.

Note: DC requires the most CPU resources of these compression modes and increases the amount of time required to process packages.

Note: If the connection is in a direct group, then Remote Differential Compression (RDC) is used. If the connection is in an adaptive group, then Metalogix Dynamic Compression (MDC) is used. It is important to note that MDC depends on data found in the Packages Replicator Data folder. If the "retain completed packages for" section is set to a shorter period of time or if you manually clear packages on the Monitor Replication page, then you may end up removing packages used by MDC to reduce the total amount of transferred data. Metalogix recommends that if you are using MDC compression, you select a retention period long enough to maintain a complete history of packages and that you do not manually clear packages from the Monitor Replication page.

Note: To use DC, you must install Remote Differential Compression as a Windows feature on the servers where Replicator is installed before creating connections. When you create a connection, you will not be able to select this option. Instead, create the connection and then edit it again to configure DC.

DC Size Threshold

DC, if selected, will only be used for packages that are greater than the size specified in this field. Any packages that are smaller than this specified size will not be scanned for differentials, but replicated in entirety.

This parameter is measured in KB. The entry must be a positive decimal number.

Note: This number can only be adjusted if the compression mode is set to Differencing Compression (DC).

This size indicates the combined sizes of all files within a single replication package.

This setting is client-specific, and must be adjusted as required to find the best level for your organization.

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