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KACE Systems Management Appliance 14.1 Common Documents - Administration Guide

About the KACE Systems Management Appliance Getting started
Configuring the appliance
Requirements and specifications Power-on the appliance and log in to the Administrator Console Access the Command Line Console Tracking configuration changes Configuring System-level and Admin-level General Settings Configure appliance date and time settings Managing user notifications Enable Two-Factor Authentication for all users Verifying port settings, NTP service, and website access Configuring network and security settings Configuring session timeout and auto-refresh settings Configuring locale settings Configuring the default theme Configure data sharing preferences About DIACAP compliance requirements Configuring Mobile Device Access Enable fast switching for organizations and linked appliances Linking Quest KACE appliances Configuring history settings Configuring Content Security Policy
Setting up and using labels to manage groups of items Configuring user accounts, LDAP authentication, and SSO Deploying the KACE Agent to managed devices Using Replication Shares Managing credentials Configuring assets
About the Asset Management component Using the Asset Management Dashboard About managing assets Adding and customizing Asset Types and maintaining asset information Managing Software assets Managing physical and logical assets Maintaining and using manual asset information Managing locations Managing contracts Managing licenses Managing purchase records
Setting up License Compliance Managing License Compliance Setting up Service Desk Configure the Cache Lifetime for Service Desk widgets Creating and managing organizations Importing and exporting appliance resources
Managing inventory
Using the Inventory Dashboard Using Device Discovery Managing device inventory
About managing devices Features available for each device management method About inventory information Tracking changes to inventory settings Managing inventory information Finding and managing devices Registering KACE Agent with the appliance Provisioning the KACE Agent Manually deploying the KACE Agent Using Agentless management Adding devices manually in the Administrator Console or by using the API Forcing inventory updates About Remote Control Managing MIA devices Obtaining Dell warranty information
Managing applications on the Software page Managing Software Catalog inventory
About the Software Catalog Viewing Software Catalog information Adding applications to the Software Catalog Managing License assets for Software Catalog applications Associate Managed Installations with Cataloged Software Using software metering Using Application Control Update or reinstall the Software Catalog
Managing process, startup program, and service inventory Writing custom inventory rules
Deploying packages to managed devices
Distributing software and using Wake-on-LAN Broadcasting alerts to managed devices Running scripts on managed devices Using Task Chains
Patching devices and maintaining security
Using the Security Dashboard About patch management Subscribing to and downloading patches Creating and managing patch schedules Managing patch inventory Managing Windows Feature Updates Managing Dell devices and updates Managing Linux package upgrades Manage quarantined file attachments
Using reports and scheduling notifications Monitoring devices
Getting started with monitoring Working with monitoring profiles Managing monitoring for devices Working with alerts
Using the Service Desk
Configuring Service Desk Using the Service Desk Dashboard Managing Service Desk tickets, processes, and reports
Overview of Service Desk ticket lifecycle Creating tickets from the Administrator Console and User Console Creating and managing tickets by email Viewing tickets and managing comments, work, and attachments Merging tickets Using the ticket escalation process Using Service Desk processes Using Ticket Rules Run Service Desk reports Archiving, restoring, and deleting tickets Managing ticket deletion
Managing Service Desk ticket queues About User Downloads and Knowledge Base articles Customizing Service Desk ticket settings Configuring SMTP email servers
Maintenance and troubleshooting
Maintaining the appliance Troubleshooting the appliance
Appendixes Glossary About us Legal notices

Checking for conditions (conditional rules)

Checking for conditions (conditional rules)

You can write Custom Inventory rules that identify whether (true/false) an application is installed.

When using a conditional rule, if the rule returns true, the Display name (Title) of the custom application appears in the Software: Installed Programs section of the Device Detail page in the Inventory section.

The following sections describe the rules that test for conditions:

When the rule returns false, the application does not appear in the Installed Programs section in the device’s inventory details.

TIP: You can view a list of devices that have the item installed on the Inventory > Custom Inventory > Custom_item: Detail page.

Conditional rule reference

The following table describes which data types can be used for comparison.

The following table describes how comparisons are made.

The following table lists available conditional rules with links to specific details on how to specify the arguments.

Table 26. Conditional rule reference






DirectoryExists (path)




Checks for a directory at the specified path on the device.

FileExists (path)




Checks for a file at the specified path on the device. Include the name of the file and extension in the path.

FileVersionEquals (path, version)


Verifies that the Version > File Version property of the file specified in the path matches the TEXT value you entered.

FileVersionLessThan (path, version)


Verifies that the Version > File Version property of the file you specified as the path is lower than the TEXT value you entered.

FileVersionGreaterThan (path, version)


Verifies that the Version > File Version property of the file you specified is higher than the TEXT value you entered.

ProductVersionEquals (path, version)


Verifies that the Version > Product Version property of the executable or installation file you specified matches the TEXT value you entered.

ProductVersionLessThan (path, version)


Verifies that the Version > Product Version property of the executable or installation file you specified is lower than the TEXT value you entered.

ProductVersionGreaterThan (path, version)


Verifies that the Version > Product Version property of the executable or installation file you specified is higher than the TEXT value you entered.

FileInfoGreaterThan (fullpath, attribute, type, value)




Verifies that the File Info property of the executable or installation file you specified is higher than the value you entered.

FileInfoLessThan (fullpath, attribute, type, value)




Verifies that the File Info property of the executable or installation file you specified is lower than the value you entered.

FileInfoEquals (fullpath, attribute, type, value)




Verifies that the attribute of the executable or installation file you specified matches the value you entered.

RegistryKeyExists (registryPath)


Verifies that a registry key exists.

RegistryValueEquals (registryPath, valueName, value)


Verifies that a registry entry exactly matches the value you specify. Value is compared as TEXT.

RegistryValueLessThan (registryPath, valueName, value)


Verifies that the registry entry is lower than the value you specify. Value is a TEXT.

RegistryValueGreaterThan (registryPath, valueName, value)


Verifies that the registry entry is higher than the value you specify. Value is a TEXT.

EnvironmentalVariableExists (var)




Verifies that an environment variable with the name you specify exists.

EnvironmentalVariableGreaterThan (var, type, value)




Verifies that the environment variable definition is higher than the value you specify.

All three types are valid, TEXT, DATE (in the full format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss), and NUMBER.

EnvironmentalVariableLessThan (var, type, value)




Verifies that the environment variable definition is lower than the value you specify.

All three types are valid, TEXT, DATE (in the full format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss), and NUMBER.

EnvironmentalVariableEquals (var, type, value)




Verifies that the environment variable definition exactly matches the value you specify.

All three types are valid, TEXT, DATE (in the full format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss), and NUMBER.

PlistValueExists (fullpath, entry)


Verifies that a named value exists in a PLIST file.

PlistValueGreaterThan (fullpath, entry, type, value)


Verifies that the named value is a NUMBER or TEXT higher than the value you specified.

PlistValueLessThan (fullpath, entry, type, value)


Verifies that the named value is a NUMBER or TEXT lower than the value you specified.

PlistValueEquals (fullpath, entry, type, value)


Verifies that the named value is a NUMBER or TEXT that exactly matches the value you specified.

For information on Equals, GreaterThan, and LessThan for FilenamesMatchingRegex, see Regular Expression Rule Reference.

Verifying whether a condition exists (Exists rules)

Rules whose name ends with Exists check for the presence of a file, directory, registry key, or other item. If the KACE Agent locates the item on the device, the rule returns true, and the item appears in the device’s Inventory Details as an Installed Program.

Use any of the following Exists rules:

Example: Check for a directory (folder)

The following example tests whether the Windows directory exists on the device:

Example: Check for a file

Evaluating device settings (Equals rules)

Rules whose name ends with Equals compare the value set on the device to the value you specify in the rule. The rules return true if the values exactly match.

Rules that use arguments with set data types can only compare values of the same type.

Use any of the following Equals rules:

Example: Testing JAVA_HOME setting

To verify that the JAVA_HOME setting is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02:

Example: Testing McAfee® Registry Entry setting

To check the setting use the same format as the date in the entry:

Example: Detecting Windows 7 Service Pack 1

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 appears in Add/Remove programs for devices that were originally on Windows 7 then upgraded to SP1 only. The default application inventory for this item does not reflect devices that are already on SP1 because they were originally imaged at the SP1 level.

When using the appliance to deploy Windows 7 Service Pack 1, create the following Custom Inventory rule for a custom application:

You can then exclude devices with this item installed to prevent the appliance from trying to deploy the SP2 to devices that are already at that level (that is, Windows 7 devices that have been upgraded, as well as devices originally imaged with SP1).

Comparing device values (Greater Than and Less Than rules)

Functions whose names end with GreaterThan and LessThan compare values as listed in Table 24.

Use any of the following Greater Than and Less Than rules:

FileVersionGreaterThan (path, version) and FileVersionLessThan (path, version)
ProductVersionGreaterThan (path, version) and ProductVersionLessThan (path, version)
FileInfoGreaterThan (fullpath, attribute, type, value) and FileInfoLessThan (fullpath, attribute, type, value)
RegistryValueGreaterThan (registryPath, valueName, value) and RegistryValueLessThan (registryPath, valueName, value)
EnvironmentalVariableGreaterThan (var, type, value) and EnvironmentalVariableLessThan (var, type, value)
PlistValueGreaterThan (fullpath, entry, type, value) and PlistValueLessThan (fullpath, entry, type, value)
FilenameMatchingRegexGreaterThan (fullpath, regex, value) and FilenameMatchingRegexLessThan (fullpath, regex, value)

Example: Testing whether the product version is higher

To verify that the product version is higher than a given number:

To verify that the production version is a given number or higher, enter the following:

Example: Testing for a product version range

To test whether the product version is within a range, combine less than and greater than rules:

Testing for multiple conditions

You can join rules using AND operators or OR operators to test for multiple conditions.

Joining conditional rules produces the following results:

Checking for multiple true conditions (AND)

Use the AND operator to join conditional rules in the Custom Inventory Field when you want the item to be reported as an Installed Program only if all the rules are true.

In the Custom Inventory Field, join rules using the following syntax:

) AND Function
) AND ...

Separate the conditional statements from the operator with spaces.

Example: Checking for a registry key and comparing values

To check for a registry key and a registry entry value on a Windows device use AND to combine the rules as follows:

Checking for one true condition (OR)

When you join rules using the OR operator, if any of the rules in the Custom Inventory Field are true, the application appears in the Installed Program list of the device.

In the Custom Inventory Field, join the rules using the following syntax:

) OR Function
) OR ...

Separate the function statements and operator using a space.

Example: Checking for either registry value

To check that a registry entry is one value or another:

TIP: To specify a range use RegistryValueGreaterThan and RegistryValueLessThan rules joined by the AND operator.

Getting values from a device (Custom Inventory Field)

Getting values from a device (Custom Inventory Field)

The rules that end with ValueReturn enable you to gather information from the device. You can use these rules to collect information that the KACE Agent normally does not collect.

The returned values are set with the custom application display name (Title). This appears on the Device Detail page under Software in Installed Programs and Custom Inventory Fields.

Use the Custom Inventory Field values to manage installations and to distribute software as well as reports, View By filtering, Smart Label search criteria, or any other process that can be performed with an automatically detected setting.

This section covers the following topics:

Value Return rule reference

The following table shows all available value return rules that you can use to set a Custom Inventory Field :

Getting File Information values

You can set the Custom Inventory Field to any of the Windows File Information attributes using the FileInfoReturn rule.

Example: Getting Mozilla Firefox version

The following example sets the Custom Inventory Field for the Mozilla Firefox Product Version as a NUMBER:

In the Custom Inventory Field, enter the following:

Getting registry key values

You can set the Custom Inventory Field to a registry key using the RegistryValueReturn rule. Where the registryPath (on left) is the path to the entry, the valueName (on right) is the key you want to return.The illustration shows Registry Editor, with a directory tree panel on the left, and name, type and data on the right.

Example: Getting the Mozilla FireFox CurrentVersion key

To set the CurrentVersion registry key as a Custom Inventory Field:

Getting command output

Command rules enable you to set the output of a command to a Custom Inventory Field. The command depends on the command interpreter and executable path on the device.

For example, on Windows devices you can write MS-DOS commands, but not Cygwin-style UNIX commands unless Cygwin is installed and available in the default path for all users.

Use any of the following rules to set the output of the command to a Custom Inventory Field:

Example: Getting uptime on a Mac OS X

To set the uptime as a Custom Inventory Field:

Getting PLIST values

PlistValueReturn rules enable you to set a Property List (PList) key as a Custom Inventory Field.

Example: Getting the system locale

To distribute applications using Managed Installations based on the System-provided language, enter the following rule to get the device locale and then create a corresponding Smart Label that is applied to the device based on the language code reported by the KACE Agent in the Custom Inventory Field:

Getting multiple values

Join ValueReturn rules using either the AND or OR operator. The rule shows the application as an Installed Program, if any of the values are not empty.

The joined values are all set in the same Custom Inventory Field separated by the operator and therefore are technically considered for the purposes of Search Criteria, filters, reports, and other appliance processes as TEXT.

ValueReturn rules joined by the:

In the Custom Inventory field, join rules using the following syntax:

Function(arguments...) AND Function(arguments) AND ...

Separate the conditional statements from the operator with spaces. Do not join AND and OR operators in the same rule.

Matching filenames to regular expressions

Matching filenames to regular expressions

Regular expressions match a character or the specified string to the filenames in the specified directory.

This section describes the regular expressions that match filenames in Conditional and Value Return rules using a regular expression.

Understanding regular expressions

Understanding regular expressions

You can use regular expression syntax to match filenames.

The following table provides an overview of the regular expression syntax used to match filenames:



Example Expression

Target Files

Files Matched

(any string)

Non-special characters match any filename that contains the string.









Dot matches any single character. When entered alone it matches all files.











Backslash is used to escape a special character and for creating a back-reference.

For more information, go to








Caret matches the characters you specify to the start of the filename.







Pipe separates a list of options to match.









Dollar matches the characters you specify to the end of the filename.







Question mark makes the preceding character optional in matches.










Asterisk matches the preceding character zero or more times.











Plus matches the preceding character one or more times.









[ ]

Brackets enclose a character class and match any character within the brackets.

Character class special character rules differ from normal regular expressions.












Parentheses enclosing characters create a back reference and match the preceding characters and/or the enclosed characters.

For more information, go to










Curly brackets repeat the preceding character the number of specified times, where n is greater than or equal to 1.








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