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Toad Data Modeler 7.3 - User Guide

Introduction User Interface Models and Model Objects
Physical Data Model
Entity Relationship Diagram Objects Basic Database Design Advanced Database Design
Universal Data Model Logical Data Model Working with Model Objects
Features and Tools
Application Variables Export/Import DDL Script Generation Graphics Model Actions Print Create New Project Reports Reverse Engineering Scripting and Customization About Templates Tips and Tricks Toad for Oracle Integration Toad Intelligence Central (TIC) Integration Tools Version Control
Options and Configuration Databases
Amazon Redshift 1.0 IBM DB2 LUW 9.5 IBM DB2 LUW 9.7 IBM DB2 LUW 10.1 IBM DB2 LUW 10.5 IBM DB2 LUW 11.1 IBM DB2 z/OS 10 IBM DB2 z/OS 11 Greenplum 4.1 Greenplum 4.2 Ingres 9.3 Ingres 10.0 EDB Postgres Advanced Server 10 Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Microsoft Azure SQL Database V12 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Microsoft SQL Server 2019 MySQL 5.0 MySQL 5.1 MySQL 5.5 MySQL 5.6 MySQL 5.7 MySQL 8.0 Oracle 10g Oracle 11g Release 1 Oracle 11g Release 2 Oracle 12c Release 1 Oracle 12c Release 2 Oracle 18c Oracle 19c PostgreSQL 9.0 PostgreSQL 9.1 PostgreSQL 9.2 PostgreSQL 9.3 PostgreSQL 9.4 PostgreSQL 9.5 PostgreSQL 10 PostgreSQL 11 PostgreSQL 12 SQLite 3.7 Sybase ASE 15.5 Sybase ASE 15.7 SAP ASE 16.0 Sybase IQ 15.2 Sybase SQL Anywhere 11 SAP SQL Anywhere 17 Teradata 13 Vertica Database 8.0
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Tips and Hints for Large Models

How to divide your large model?

Create new Workspaces!

Workspaces (WS) are similar to submodels. A model can have as many WS as you need. Each WS can display different (or same) parts (objects) of your large model. Each WS can have a different format or display view. On the Workspaces, you can manage your model objects quickly, easily and comfortably.

To create a new WS, simply click on the toolbar.  

For more information, see Designer and Workspace.

How to avoid creating the same or similar objects?

Use the Gallery feature. There, you can store frequently used parts of your models - entities, single attributes, stored procedures and other objects. Then simply use the drag-and-drop technique to insert gallery items into your models.

For more information, see Gallery.

How to work concurrently in two or more places on the same Workspace?

Open another Designer for your Workspace (WS)!

Designer displays a Workspace (WS). You can open as many Designers (tabs) for the selected WS as you need. This allows you to display different parts of the same WS and also the same objects of the WS in a different zoom.  

For more information, see Designer and Workspace.


Your model has one Workspace WS1. WS 1 represents main model and is large. You need to work with two parts of the model concurrently.

  1. Right-click Workspace1 item in the Application View or Model Explorer and select Open Designer. -> Another tab of the same name - Workspace1 will  open in the Application Window. It displays the same objects.

Scenario: You're working in the second Designer and need to move fast to find the required part/objects that you need to edit.

  1. Click on the toolbar.

In the Overview dialog, use drag&drop techniques to move the small frame in the Overview dialog. -> You will move on the WS at the same time. Change size of the frame at your convenience to zoom in or out the objects on the WS.

  1. Find the required objects. (You can close the Overview dialog then.)
  2. Now you can comfortably work in two places of the same WS at the same time.

- You can switch between the two Designers (tabs Workspace1).

- You can undock one of the Designers and see them in one screen, or move it to your second monitor if you have any.

How to display related entities, which are far from each other, close to each other?

Create an entity shortcut!

Entity shortcut is another graphical representative of an entity. It's not a copy but the same object with the same properties. You can create as many shortcuts of an entity as you need (and of course, not only entities...).

For more information, see About Shortcuts of Objects.


Entity1 and Entity42 are related, however each is on a different page. You want to see them closer to each other.

Scenario: Create a shortcut of the Entity 1 and place it next to the Entity 42. (You can also create a shortcut of the Entity 42 and place it to the Entity 1.):

  1. Find Entity 1 on the Workspace.
  2. Find Entity 42 in Model Explorer.
  3. Click the Entity 42 item and drag it to the WS where you want to add the shortcut, next to the Entity1.

How to transparently display entity that has a lot of relationships?

Create an entity shortcut and move shortcuts of some relationships to it!


Entity Film has five relationships leading from or to it. You want to create a shortcut of this entity, place it next to it, and move two relationships to it.

Scenario:Create an entity shortcut on the Workspace.

  1. Click the Film entity on the WS and hold the mouse key down.
  2. Press CTRL+SHIFT keys and hold them down.
  3. Drag the Film entity on the WS.
  4. Release the mouse button and then the keys.

Result: There are two shortcuts of the Film entity on the WS - Film : 1 and Film : 2.

Scenario: Create shortcuts of the two relationships of the Film entity.

  1. Right-click the WS and select Add Selected Objects to Workspace.
  2. From the dialog, select the relationships that you want to 'redirect' to the Film : 2 shortcut. (See the object details next to the relationship name in the dialog).
  3. Confirm your selection.

Result: There are two shortcuts of the two selected relationships connected to the Film : 2 entity shortcut.

Scenario: Remove redundant relationship shortcuts of the Film : 1 shortcut.

  1. Select the two needless relationship shortcuts on the WS (use SHIFT for multiple selection).
  2. Press Delete.

Result: The selected shortcuts will be removed from the WS.

How to colorfully distinguish entities in your model?

Assign selected entities to a Category!

Categories allow you to colorfully distinguish entities that logically go together. Each entity can be assigned only to one category.

For more information, see Categories.


You want to distinguish all entities that contain information on your customers on the Workspace.

  1. Right-click the Categories item in Model Explorer and click Add Category.
  2. Double-click the new category.  
  3. Define properties of the category - its name (Customer Info)  and select a color (Money Green).
  4. On tab Objects, select entities that you want to assign to the category.
  5. Confirm OK.  

Result: All the selected entities will have Money Green background color on all Workspaces of the model.

Scenario: As you have many categories in your model, you want to display a caption of categories on the Workspace.

  1. Click  on the toolbar.
  2. Click the work area where you want to place the caption.

Scenario: You want to display the entities of the category in Model Explorer (they will be Money Green in Model Explorer).

  1. Right-click the Model Explorer and select Settings.
  2. Select the Use Colors of Category to Draw checkbox.

For more information, see Caption of Categories.

How to select objects in ERD by schema or category?

Right-click the Workspace and select Select Objects

Print Large Model

Is Print to PDF Possible?

Yes, you can print your ER diagram  to PDF using "PDF printer" (Note: not all PDF printers are supported.) If you print your model on plotter, we recommend to print your ER diagram to PDF format first.

  1. Install PDF Printer.
  2. In Toad Data Modeler select File | Page Setup.
  3. Select the PDF printer in the Printer box a the bottom of the dialog.
  4. Define the following options:
    • Page: Ledger
    • Print Options: Fit to Page
    • Orientation: Portrait

  1. Confirm OK.
  2. Select File | Print.
  3. On page Settings | uncheck checkboxes Print Page Number and Print Frame.
  4. Print the output.
Can I print whole ER diagram on one page?

Yes. In the Page Format dialog, select the Fit to Page checkbox.

Is there a way to speed up the printing process?

Yes. Disable graphical options. Either select Settings | Options | General, uncheck the Print Gradients checkbox (it is disabled by default) or disable the graphical options Gradient Effect, Graphical Display of Keys etc. in the Workspace Format dialog.

Generating HTML reports

With especially large models, it is possible to run out of memory while generating HTML report. In such situation, try the following suggestions:

  • Change Report Layout

In Select Layout section of Report Wizard, try choosing Frames - top/left menu instead of Frameless layout. Frameless layout is not recommended for large models as it uses Javascript, which means more RAM is used. Additionally, navigating a Frameless HTML report for a large model might feel sluggish on lower-spec machines.

  • Close other models and restart Toad Data Modeler

This will free some more RAM that can be used for report generation, so you're less likely to run into an Out of Memory error.

  • Generate report one workspace at a time

In Select Workspaces section of Report Wizard, you can choose to generate report for specific workspaces only. The fewer workspaces, the less RAM will be needed for the generation process.


Command Line Parameters

You can start Toad Data Modeler from command line and add additional parameters to make it perform various tasks on startup:

  • Open files
  • Create a new model
  • Script execution
  • Start logging
  • Import Toad for Oracle Diagram or Model
Open files


Open-File -File:"Name=*Path to file*"[,Name=<string>]*

Open-File -File:Name=”*Path to file*

TIP: You can include more than one parameters. Use comma (,) to separate multiple parameters. See examples for more information.


The following command opens a model called Videorental.txp:

TDM.exe Open-File -File:Name="C:\Models\Videorental.txp"

The following command opens two models at once:

TDM.exe Open-File -File:Name="C:\Models\Videorental.txp", Name="C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest Software \Toad Data Modeler - Beta\Samples\Employee.txl"

Create a new model


New-Model -ModelType:"*model type*"[ -ModelName:"*model name*"]


Creates a new logical model with default name:

TDM.exe New-Model -ModelType:"Logical Model"

Creates Oracle 10g model with the specified name:

TDM.exe New-Model -ModelType:"Oracle 10g" -ModelName:"My Physical Model"

Script execution

Executes script stored in the application. First parameter is ScriptName (name of the script), second is MethodName(name of the method in script) and the following parameters (Par1Name, Par2Name...) will be passed as parameters to the script method.


Execute-Script -Parameter:ScriptName="*script name*",MethodName="*method name in script*"[,Par1Name=Par1Value, Par2Name=Par2Value...] -TDM [-Silent]


TDM.exe Execute-Script -Parameter:ScriptName=MyScript,MethodName=MyMethod,Par1Name="ABC",Par2Name="DEF" -TDM -Silent


-TDM: The executed script is stored in Toad Data Modeler.

-Silent: Script will be executed in Silent mode and you will be able to work with the application regardless the state of the executed script.

Start logging

Writes messages to log. May be useful for sending reports to TDM developers.



Import Toad for Oracle ER Diagram or Toad for Oracle Project

TDM.exe Import-ToadForOracleERD -file:"NopathMovERD.erd"

TDM.exe Import-ToadForOracleERD -file:NopatMovERD.erd -Connection:"SERVER=OstDbServer:1521/ORCL, USER=movies,PROTOCOL=TNS,CONNECTAS=NORMAL,SAVEPASSWORD=1,ORACLEHOME=c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1,HOST=OstDbServer,SErVICENAME=ORCL, PORT=1521,LDAP=,METHOD=1"

Other Quick Tips

Objects on the Workspace and Keyboard Arrows

  • Move entities on the Workspace via keyboard arrows.

Note: To set the size of a step to move, select Settings | Options | Graphics | Move Objects by (mm/10) (in tenths of millimeters).

  • Select an entity, press SHIFT, hold it down and use the keyboard arrows to change size of the entity box.

Navigation on Workspace

  • CTRL + scroll mouse to zoom in/zoom out
  • CTRL +, CTRL + Page Up to zoom in
  • CTRL-, CTRL+ Page Down to zoom out
  • Scroll mouse to move up/down on the Workspace
  • SHIFT + scroll mouse to move to the right/left on the Workspace
  • Holding down the middle button to move on entire page/Workspace
  • Page Down, CTRL + down to move to next page
  • Page Up, CTRL + up to move to previous page
  • CTRL + left to move to the left page
  • CTRL + right to move to the right page
  • Click to fit your entire ERD to screen.
  • Press F11 to display the application in full screen mode.

Make a Copy of Multiple Objects on the Workspace (CTRL+A, CTRL+C, CTRL+V)

  • Before you press CTRL + V to paste the objects, close the Model Explorer dialog to accomplish the operation much faster.

(The larger your model is, the more significant difference in speed you will notice.)

Print Models

  • In Settings | Options | General, clear the Print Gradients checkbox for much faster print performance. (It is disabled by default.)

HTML Report Layout

  • For large models, Frames - top menu or Frames - left menu options are recommended.

(Frameless report layout is not recommended as it uses Java script that goes through all objects, which takes too much time if your model is large.)

Toad for Oracle Integration

Toad Data Modeler and Toad for Oracle products have started the integration process.

Toad for Oracle - Basic Information on Product

Toad for Oracle® is a powerful application development tool built around an advanced SQL - PL/SQL editor. Using Toad, you can build and test scripts, PL/SQL packages, procedures, triggers, and functions. You can create and edit database tables, views, indexes, constraints, and users. The Schema Browser and Project Manager provide quick access to database objects.

Toad’s Editor provides an easy and efficient way to write and test scripts and queries, and its powerful data grids provide an easy way to view and edit Oracle data. With the optional DB Admin module you can manage space, compare schemas, monitor database performance, create new databases, maintain redo logs, perform health checks, and much more.

Toad for Oracle Integration in Toad Data Modeler

  • Loading of Toad for Oracle® aliases
  • Opening Toad for Oracle® projects
  • Importing Toad for Oracle® ER diagrams
  • Possibility to define Toad for Oracle® as a default editor for generated SQL scripts
  • Possibility to use Toad for Oracle® icons in Toad Data Modeler
  • Import of Toad for Oracle® templates. Toad for Oracle Templates

Default Settings for Toad for Oracle Integration

Select Settings | Options | Toad for Oracle Integration.


  1. Since Toad for Oracle® 10.0, the list of installed programs is not saved to registry but to a special file SettingsLocations.ini. What it means in reality: During start-up Toad Data Modeler searches for all Toad for Oracle® versions that you have on your computer. By default Toad Data Modeler pairs with the last installed Toad for Oracle® version. Once the Toad for Oracle® version is found, it is written in Config file of Toad Data Modeler.

    If you want Toad Data Modeler to pair with another Toad for Oracle® version, you have to define it manually in Toad Data Modeler: Settings | Options | Toad for Oracle Integration.
  2. Toad for Oracle® cannot auto-detect Toad Data Modeler. To detect Toad Data Modeler via Toad for Oracle®, check the Detect this Toad Data Modeler... checkbox at the bottom in this window.
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