Available Data Providers are:
- Connection via ADO
- Native Connection
- Connection via TCP/IP
Connection via ADO:
Native Connection:
Connection via TCP/IP
- If the following error message occurs in the Log area: "Unable to reverse users, roles and permissions. You haven't assigned the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role!", it means you have not all the necessary rights to load users, roles and permissions.
- To load these items successfully, you need to have the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role assigned or need to set a right for user to SELECT tables DBA_USERS, DBA_ROLES, DBA_ROLE_PRIVS, DBA_TAB_PRIVS.
- Missing access to system table ALL_TABLES.
- Missing privilege SELECT on system table ALL_TABLES.
Note: Connection via TCP/IP does not support Oracle native encryption. |
What to Generate tab - For Entities and Materialized Views the following checkboxes are available:
- Physical Properties and Table Properties
- Materialized View Properties
Uncheck the Physical Properties checkbox not to generate content of tab Physical Properties of entities and materialized views. (For entities, content of tab External Table Properties will not be generated either.)
Uncheck the Table Properties/ Materialized View Properties checkbox not to generate the content of these tabs in entity and materialized view dialogs.
Virtual Column area - If you want the column to be virtual column, select the Is Virtual Column checkbox and fill out the Expression box (e.g. Attribute2 * Attribute3) and set appropriate data type.

Trigger (Entity)

The Trigger Fire box with an item COMPOUND.
Body of Compound Trigger, including initial key sentence "COMPOUND TRIGGER", should be written on tab SQL.
From the Trigger Fire box, you can select items COMPOUND or BEFORE or AFTER.
Trigger (View)

From the Trigger Fire box, you can select items COMPOUND or INSTEAD OF.
Available Data Providers are:
- Connection via ADO
- Native Connection
- Connection via TCP/IP
Connection via ADO:
Native Connection:
Connection via TCP/IP
- If the following error message occurs in the Log area: "Unable to reverse users, roles and permissions. You haven't assigned the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role!", it means you have not all the necessary rights to load users, roles and permissions.
- To load these items successfully, you need to have the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role assigned or need to set a right for user to SELECT tables DBA_USERS, DBA_ROLES, DBA_ROLE_PRIVS, DBA_TAB_PRIVS.
- Missing access to system table ALL_TABLES.
- Missing privilege SELECT on system table ALL_TABLES.
Note: Connection via TCP/IP does not support Oracle native encryption. |