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Toad Data Modeler 7.3 - User Guide

Introduction User Interface Models and Model Objects
Physical Data Model
Entity Relationship Diagram Objects Basic Database Design Advanced Database Design
Universal Data Model Logical Data Model Working with Model Objects
Features and Tools
Application Variables Export/Import DDL Script Generation Graphics Model Actions Print Create New Project Reports Reverse Engineering Scripting and Customization About Templates Tips and Tricks Toad for Oracle Integration Toad Intelligence Central (TIC) Integration Tools Version Control
Options and Configuration Databases
Amazon Redshift 1.0 IBM DB2 LUW 9.5 IBM DB2 LUW 9.7 IBM DB2 LUW 10.1 IBM DB2 LUW 10.5 IBM DB2 LUW 11.1 IBM DB2 z/OS 10 IBM DB2 z/OS 11 Greenplum 4.1 Greenplum 4.2 Ingres 9.3 Ingres 10.0 EDB Postgres Advanced Server 10 Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Microsoft Azure SQL Database V12 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Microsoft SQL Server 2019 MySQL 5.0 MySQL 5.1 MySQL 5.5 MySQL 5.6 MySQL 5.7 MySQL 8.0 Oracle 10g Oracle 11g Release 1 Oracle 11g Release 2 Oracle 12c Release 1 Oracle 12c Release 2 Oracle 18c Oracle 19c PostgreSQL 9.0 PostgreSQL 9.1 PostgreSQL 9.2 PostgreSQL 9.3 PostgreSQL 9.4 PostgreSQL 9.5 PostgreSQL 10 PostgreSQL 11 PostgreSQL 12 SQLite 3.7 Sybase ASE 15.5 Sybase ASE 15.7 SAP ASE 16.0 Sybase IQ 15.2 Sybase SQL Anywhere 11 SAP SQL Anywhere 17 Teradata 13 Vertica Database 8.0
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Edit Properties

Double-click a property or press Edit in the Class Properties dialog | Properties tab.


General Tab



Name of property

Data Type

Property data type

Default value

Property default value


Only properties that are marked as External are taken to particular class. Every new property defined by users must be set as External, otherwise the property will not be accessible in the class. If you need to add a property for just an informative purpose to your metamodel, uncheck the checkbox External.

Implementation Area


Get Script Method and Set Script Method

Access methods for property. Name consists of ScriptName.MethodName - without brackets.

Click the button next to the Get Script Method or Set Script Method fields to assign default values there.

Example: PERSequenceOR.GetIncrementBy


Name of package where the access methods are stored


Select to set the property as Overrideable.


Select to set the property as Dynamic.

Read Only

Select to set the property as Read Only.

Write Only

Select to set the property as Write Only.

Attributes Tab

On tab Attributes, you can assign attributes to properties. Every attribute may change class behaviour.

Example: You create a new property MyDescription. This property will be used for storing data entered into a new Text Field in the Entity Properties form. For this purpose, the following property attributes must be enabled: Editable and Store.

Tip: A list of attributes is accessible via Model | Attributes menu.



Toad Data Modeler implements the concept of metamodels. Metamodels are accessible only in Expert Mode (via Package Explorer).

Metamodel is a graphical representation of objects, classes, methods and relationships between them in a specific Package.

Using metamodels, you can create your own classes, methods and properties and define relationships between those items and items that are created in the application by default.

Important: It is recommended to only use lower and uppercase letters for naming your objects in metamodels (no numbers and special characters).


Example: The metamodel of Oracle package


Open Metamodels

  1. Open (or select Expert Mode Menu | Customization | Package Explorer).
  2. Select a package.
  3. Right-click the package and select Open Metamodel.


Create Methods

In theClass Properties dialog | Methods tab | Add.

Edit Methods

Double-click a method or press Edit in the Class Properties dialog | Methods tab.


General Tab



Name of method

Result Data Type

Data type that the method returns


Only methods that are marked as External will be taken to particular class. Every new method defined by users must be set as External, otherwise the method will not be accessible in the class. If you need to add a method for just an informative purpose to your metamodel, uncheck the checkbox External.

Implementation Area



Location of the access methods of property in the form: ScriptName.MethodName. After you click , default value will be inserted to this box.


Name of package where the access methods are stored.

Parameters Tab

Add parameters to methods on this tab.

Click Add to create a new method parameter.


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Toad Data Modeler - 7.3
Installation Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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