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On Demand Migration Current - Active Directory User Guide


What is a template?  

Templates contain common mappings and settings used to sync Users, Contacts, Devices, Groups, Office 365 Groups and Microsoft Teams. A template can then be applied to any workflow with a Stage Data step.


Where do I manage templates?  

To manage templates, simply open the left navigation menu and click Templates, located under Setup, see figure 1.

Figure 1: Directory Sync Setup and Settings Menu

Figure 1: Directory Sync Setup and Settings Menu


How do I configure the template to update target objects if they are already mailbox enabled?

You can configure Directory Sync to update mailbox enabled target objects via Templates under Objects and General tab. See Template Options for more information. You should also review the mapping configuration to ensure mail attributes mappings are configured correctly per your project's need to avoid unwanted mail disruption.


What do mappings do?  

A mapping entry defines a relationship between an attribute in the source, and an attribute in the target. It tells Directory Sync where to place the value from a source attribute, and how to modify it if necessary.

Normally this is a one-to-one relationship, for example the value found in the employeeID attribute in the source environment will be written to the employeeID attribute in the target.

Note: By default, msExchMailboxGUID and msExchArchiveGUID are not included in the default mapping template, customer may add them to the template if they wish to sync these attributes.


How do you change a mapping?  

You can modify this mapping by double-clicking on it.

For example, suppose that this project was an acquisition, where the target environment company acquired the source. And in the source company, they use the employee ID field as a unique identifier, but in the target company they user employee number instead of employee ID. The first thing to do would be to remove the employee ID attribute entry as we don’t want that source value to be written as is.

Then, we would modify the employee number mapping, so that source will be the employeeID, and it would be written to employee number.

You can hold down your control key and select one or more mappings to remove if you don't want them. More options can be found under the advanced button.


When importing the mappings file, can the column order be changed?  

If you choose to export and edit the mappings file and then import the file, the columns must remain in the same order or no mappings will be imported.


Additional Information  

Template Options

Advanced Mapping

Reset Mappings

Template Options

General Option

Objects General Tab – Local Environment

  • Synchronize SID History –  Directory Sync will migrate SID-History when this option is enabled.

    LightbulbImportant Tip: Refer to the SID History Synchronization Quick Start Guide for additional information on how to migrate SID-History.

  • Allow Mailbox Update - You can configure Directory Sync to update mailbox-enabled target objects via Templates under the Objects and General tab. You should also review the mapping configuration to ensure mail attributes mappings are configured correctly per your project's need to avoid unwanted mail disruption.

  • Default Password for New Users – Define the default password for new users.

    LightbulbImportant Tip: The default password defined should meet the password complexity policy for your target environment.


Objects Users Option – Local Environment

  • Create New Users As

    • As-Is: Objects will be created just as they currently exist in the source. If the account was disabled in Active Directory in the source, it will be disabled in Active Directory when created in the target. If the account was enabled in Active Directory in the source, it will be created as enabled in Active Directory in the target.

    • Enabled: Objects will be created as enabled in the target Active Directory.

    • Disabled: Objects will be created as disabled in the target Active Directory.

    • Contact: Objects will be created as contact in the target Active Directory.

    • Skip: Objects will not be created in the target Active Directory.

LightbulbImportant Tip:  Source User’s UserAccountControl(UAC) setting can be synchronized to target as-is via attribute mapping in the template.

  • Update Created Users

    • Enabled: Object changes will be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the users were created by Directory Sync.

    • Disabled: Object changes will not be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the users were created by Directory Sync.

  • Update Matched Users

    • Enabled: Object changes will be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the users were matched by Directory Sync.

    • Disabled: Object changes will not be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the users were matched by Directory Sync.

  • If Target Address Exists

    • Overwrite Once: TargetAddress attribute will only synchronized once during the initial sync.

    • Overwrite Always: TargetAddress attribute will always synchronized during initial and delta sync.

    • Do Not Overwrite: TargetAddress attribute will not be synchronized.


Objects Groups Option – Local Environment

  • Create Groups As

    • Distribution Groups: Objects will be created just as Distribution Group in the target Active Directory.

    • Contacts: Objects will be created just as Contacts in the target Active Directory.

    • As-Is: Objects will be created just as they currently exist in the source.

  • Update Created Groups:

    • Enabled: Object changes will be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the groups were created by Directory Sync.

    • Disabled: Object changes will not be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the groups were created by Directory Sync.

  • Update Matched Groups

    • Enabled: Object changes will be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the groups were matched by Directory Sync.

    • Disabled: Object changes will not be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the groups were matched by Directory Sync.

  • Convert Group Options

    • Domain Local Groups

      • Domain Local:  Source Domain Local Groups will be created as Domain Local Groups in the target.

      • Universal:  Source Domain Local Groups will be created as Universal Groups in the target.

      • Skip:  Source Domain Local Groups will not be created.

    • Global Groups

      • Global:  Source Global Groups will be created as Global Groups in the target.

      • Universal:  Source Global Groups will be created as Universal Groups in the target.

      • Skip:  Source Global Groups will not be created.

    • Global Groups

      • Global:  Source Global Groups will be created as Global Groups in the target.

      • Universal:  Source Global Groups will be created as Universal Groups in the target.

      • Skip:  Source Global Groups will not be created.

    • Universal Groups

      • Universal:  Source Universal Groups will be created as Universal Groups in the target.

      • Domain Local:  Source Universal Groups will be created as Domain Local Groups in the target.

      • Skip:  Source Universal Groups will not be created.


Objects Contacts Option – Local Environment

  • Create New Contacts As

    • As-Is: Source contacts will be created just as they currently exist in the source.

    • Do Not Create: Source contacts will not be created in the target.

  • Update Created Contacts:

    • Enabled: Object changes will be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the contacts were created by Directory Sync.

    • Disabled: Object changes will not be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the contacts were created by Directory Sync.

  • Update Matched Contacts:

    • Enabled: Object changes will be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the contacts were created by Directory Sync.

    • Disabled: Object changes will not be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the contacts were created by Directory Sync.


Objects Devices Option – Local Environment

  • Create New Devices As

    • As-Is: Source devices will be created just as they currently exist in the source.

    • Enabled: Source devices will be created as enabled in the source.

    • Disabled: Source devices will be created as disabled in the source.

    • Do Not Create: Source devices will not be created in the target.

  • Update Created Devices:

    • Enabled: Object changes will be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the devices were created by Directory Sync.

    • Disabled: Object changes will not be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the devices were created by Directory Sync.

  • Update Matched Devices:

    • Enabled: Object changes will be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the devices were created by Directory Sync.

    • Disabled: Object changes will not be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the devices were created by Directory Sync.


Cloud Environment Template Options

General Option


Objects General Tab – Cloud Environment

  • Allow Mailbox Update - You can configure Directory Sync to update mailbox enabled target objects via Templates under Objects and General tab. You should also review the mapping configuration to ensure mail attributes mappings are configured correctly per your project's need to avoid unwanted mail disruption.

  • Default Password for New Users – Define the default password for new users.

    LightbulbImportant Tip: The default password defined should meet the password complexity policy for your target environment.


Objects Users Tab – Cloud Environment

  • Create New Users As

    • As-Is: Objects will be created just as they currently exist in the source.

    • Contact: Objects will be created as contact.

    • Guest User: Objects will be created as a guest user.

    • Guest Invite: Objects will be created as a guest user with invite.

    • Skip: Objects will not be created in the target.

LightbulbImportant Tip:  For additional information related to Guest Objects synchronization, please refer to the Guest User How-To Guide in the help section.  

  • Update Created Users

    • Enabled: Object changes will be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the users were created by Directory Sync.

    • Disabled: Object changes will not be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the users were created by Directory Sync.

  • Update Matched Users

    • Enabled: Object changes will be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the users were matched by Directory Sync.

    • Disabled: Object changes will not be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the users were matched by Directory Sync.


Objects Groups Tab – Cloud Environment

  • Create New Users As

    • Office 365 Groups: Objects will be created as Office 365 Groups(Unified Groups) in the target.

    • Distribution Groups: Objects will be created as Distribution Groups.

    • Contacts: Objects will be created as contacts.

    • As-Is: Objects will be created just as they currently exist in the source.

    • Skip: Objects will not be created in the target.

LightbulbImportant Tip: If the source group is a security group, it will be created as security group when As-Is option selected. 

  • Update Created Groups

    • Enabled: Object changes will be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the groups were created by Directory Sync.

    • Disabled: Object changes will not be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the groups were created by Directory Sync.

  • Update Matched Groups

    • Enabled: Object changes will be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the groups were matched by Directory Sync.

    • Disabled: Object changes will not be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the groups were matched by Directory Sync.


Objects Teams Tab – Cloud Environment

  • Create Office 365 Groups and Teams As

    • Teams: Objects will be created Teams in the target.

    • As-Is: Objects will be created just as they currently exist in the source.

    • Skip: Objects will not be created in the target.

  • Update Created Office 365 Groups and Teams

    • Enabled: Object changes will be synchronized to the target during delta sync after they were created by Directory Sync.

    • Disabled: Object changes will not be synchronized to the target during delta sync after they were created by Directory Sync.

  • Update Matched Office 365 Groups and Teams

    • Enabled: Object changes will be synchronized to the target during delta sync after they were matched by Directory Sync.

    • Disabled: Object changes will not be synchronized to the target during delta sync after they were matched by Directory Sync.


Objects Contacts Tab – Cloud Environment

  • Create New Contacts As

    • As-Is: Source contacts will be created just as they currently exist in the source.

    • Do Not Create: Source contacts will not be created in the target.

  • Update Created Contacts:

    • Enabled: Object changes will be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the contacts were created by Directory Sync.

    • Disabled: Object changes will not be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the contacts were created by Directory Sync.

  • Update Matched Contacts:

    • Enabled: Object changes will be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the contacts were created by Directory Sync.

    • Disabled: Object changes will not be synchronized to the target during delta sync after the contacts were created by Directory Sync.

Advanced Mapping


How is the advanced mapping info accessed?  

Click on a mapping and choose the Advanced button. You can then customize the mapping behavior.


What are the components of an Advanced Mapping?  

There are several components in an advanced mapping. Please review the advanced mappings guide before making any changes to an existing mapping.

  • The first component is the value. This is single value, or, it could be a formula that will be used to determine the final written value. This can be a combination of functions, text and/or operations to construct the final value.

    There are some default values that already exist. If you do not have experience with advanced mappings, we suggest that you do not change the default values.

  • The condition is a formula that must result in a True statement in order for the attribute to be mapped. It is a qualifier that acts like an on-off switch. If the condition sections is empty, as in this example the switch is On by default.
  • The target attribute is the userprincipal name. The value that will be written, will be calculated by is called a Function. In this case, it is the replacedomain function. This function will take the userprincipal name from the source, and will replace the domain portion with the target domain that is selected in the StageData step of your workflow, referred to as profile, in this function. Please note that some functions are specific to the workflow type, such as local to local.


Additional Information  

Reset Mappings

Reset Mappings

How do you reset the mappings?  

You can undo all of any changes that you have made by clicking the advanced button resetting to the default mappings. This is going to set all mappings back to the factory default. Any mappings that you have manually added and any advanced customization that you have made to a particular mapping will be lost. With that in mind, before you choose reset mapping, it would be a best practice to choose export all, to save your customizations to a file. This file contains all current mappings.


Additional Information  


Advanced Mapping

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