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On Demand Migration Current - Active Directory User Guide


A workflow is a series of steps that ultimately lead to the migration of objects. Workflows are manged in Directory Sync. Please see the Workflows topic for more information.

For Directory Sync Workflows which will be used for Device migrations in Active Directory most of the settings will be similar to the settings for other kinds of migrations. There are two key settings which pertain to Device objects that you must enable when configuring for Device migrations: Workflow steps and Template Object settings.

For a Device migration to be successful the users and groups which have permissions to files on that machine must be in the Directory Sync database and have matching objects defined in the target. Otherwise, the Device ReACL process will not be able to correctly update the file access permissions on the device in preparation for moving to the new domain. It is not necessary to include User or Group objects in the same Workflow as Devices. Users and Groups will require Read In, Match, Stage Data, and Write Out Workflow steps. Device objects themselves at minimum require only the Reading and Matching steps.

A key part of Workflow settings which will apply to Device migrations are the Objects settings for the Template you use. In the Devices section of those Template Objects settings you can configure options to control how creation and updates of objects are handled.


Migration Profiles

What is a Migration Profile?  

A Migration Profile is a collection of common settings used to manage the domain join process during Device Cutover which can be defined once and then applied to multiple Devices. Migration Profiles are used for AD and Hybrid Microsoft Entra ID device migrations.


How are Migration Profiles created?  

To create a Migration Profile:

  1. On the Migration section of the Profiles page, click the Add button. The Add Your Migration Profile window appears.
  2. Enter values for the following fields, then click Next:

  • Profile Name - A name to identify this profile (for example, "10 Second Reboot Delay").

  • Domain Join Delay - The delay time a Device agent processing a Cutover job applies before attempting to change the computer's domain to join the new domain.

  • Reboot Delay - The time for a Device agent processing a Cutover job to delay after joining the new domain before rebooting the computer.

    Note: If set to any value other than zero (0), the user will receive a pop-up notification informing them that the workstation will be rebooted when the Cutover is performed. If set to zero, no notification will appear.

  1. Select desired Microsoft Entra ID Device Options, then click Next:
  • Perform Microsoft Entra Hybrid Leave – This will unjoin the Device from the source Microsoft Entra ID if it is currently hybrid Microsoft Entra ID joined.

  1. Enter values for the following fields, then click Next:
  • Empty Recycle Bin? - How to handle the Recycle Bin during Cutover, either Empty or Don't Empty.

Note: End users may get an error message that their Recycle Bin has been corrupted after migration if the Recycle Bin is not empty. See Troubleshooting for more information about this issue.

  • Specify Target OU - The target OU where the Device will be created. If this field is left blank, they will default to the Computers container.

  • Join to Existing Computer Account - Select Yes if you expect to join the Device to the existing target Computer during Cutover. Select No if you want the Device to be created in the target by the Cutover job.

  1. Click Save Profile. The new migration profile is added to the list.

Network Profiles

What is a Network Profile?  

A Network Profile is a collection of common network adapter settings that need to be updated during a Device’s migration to the new domain which can be defined once and then applied to multiple Devices.


How are Network Profiles created?  

To create a network Profile:

  1. On the Network section of the Profiles page, click the Add button. The Add Your Network Profile window appears.
  2. Enter values in the following fields, then click Next:

  • Profile Name - The name to identify this Network Profile

  • Set DNS Servers For the Computer? - Options include: Don't Change This Setting, Use DHCP For DNS Server, or Manually Assign DNS Servers.

  • DNS Suffix For the Network Adapter - The primary DNS suffix that will be set on the network adapter that is connected to the target domain.

  1. Enter values in the following fields:
  • Append DNS Suffixes to the Network Adapter - Options include Don't Change This Setting, Preserve Current DNS Suffixes From the Network Adapter, or Set the Following DNS Suffixes.

  • DNS Suffixes (Enabled if Set the Following DNS Suffixes is selected above) - Enter each suffix and then press Enter.

  • .Register the Network Adapter's Addresses in DNS - Options include Don't Change This Setting, No, or Yes.

  • Register the Network Adapter's Addresses in DNS (Enabled if Yes is selected above) – select from Don't Change This Setting, Include the Manual DNS Suffix, or Don't Include the Manual Suffix.

  • Enter the WINS Servers: Primary WINS Server - The preferred WINS server and Secondary Wins Server - The alternate WINS server.

  1. Click Save Profile. The new Network Profile is added to the list.
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