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erwin Enterprise Architect Agile v2 - User Guide

erwin EA Agile v2 - User Guide
Capabilities System Agile EA Tutorials Migration Developer API



Publications can be created on the platform.

Select the User menu > Publications option.

ADD a new publication .

Enter Application Landscape as the name of the publication.

SAVE the publication.

Open the diagram ArchiSurance Application Co-operation.

Click the Action menu in the bottom right of the screen.

Click the Publications option .

The Print button will allow a PDF version of the diagram to be saved, while the Save button will save a PNG version of the diagram.

Click Add to publication, and accept the default Caption.

Select the Application Landscape publication.

Click Add, to append the diagram to the publication.

Open the Applications with active users view, and its Users Table - Live visualization.

Add this table to the Application Landscape publication.

Return to the Application Landscape publication.

Click on the CONFIGURE tab.

Images of the diagram and table have been inserted into the publication.  The publication can be modified using the features from the rich text area's toolbar;

SAVE the publication.

That completes this tutorial.  You have now begun your journey to using the Agile Enterprise Architecture platform and have just touched the surface. 

Now go ahead and add your own objects and views into the platform and share and collaborate with your colleagues.



Customization Tutorial

Customization Tutorial

Role needed to use: Client Administrator


This tutorial is currently being updated to match the changes in the attribute UI.


Important: Where you see a  symbol, there is a task for you to perform.

  Please allow 45 minutes to complete this tutorial.


In this tutorial we will look at customization of the metamodel, working through:

Creating Object Types

Creating Relationships between Object Types

Adding Attributes to Object Types

Creating instances of Object Types

In order to remain neutral of any methodology, we'll be basing our examples on Airlines, Aircraft and Pilots.

If you would like to understand what a metamodel is, See metamodel help.



Creating Object Types

Creating Object Types

Select the User menu > System > Object Types option


Creating an Airline

Click the add button , on the bottom right hand corner of the list.

Enter the following object type details;

Name: Airline

Description: An airline is a company that provides air transport services for traveling passengers and freight.

Icon: Select an icon

Color: Select a color

Click SAVE to create the new Airline object type.


Creating an Aircraft

Click the add button again, and enter the following object type details;

Name: Aircraft

Description: An aircraft is a machine that is able to fly by gaining support from the air.

Icon/Color: Select an icon and color.

Click SAVE.

Creating a Pilot

Create a new object type using the following details;

Name: Pilot

Description: A person authorized to fly aircraft.

Click Save.




Creating Relationships between Object Types

Creating Relationships between Object Types

Whilst in the Pilot object type, select the RELATIONSHIPS tab  (this will appear after saving the new object type).

When an object type is created, it is initialized with associated with relationships to all the other object types.



Pilot flies Aircraft

Click the add button  to create a new relationship for the Pilot object type.

Enter the following details

From Name: flies

To Name: flown by

Object Type: Aircraft

Click SAVE.

A new relationship now exists between Pilot and Aircraft.  A Pilot flies an Aircraft, and an Aircraft is flown by a Pilot.

Pilot employed by Airline

Add a new employed by relationship from a Pilot to an Airline.  The Airline employs the Pilot.

Click SAVE.

Another new relationship now exists between Pilot and Airline.  A Pilot is employed by an Airline, and an Airline employs a Pilot.


Aircraft owned by Airline

From the Object Type List on the left, locate and click on the Aircraft.

Click on the RELATIONSHIPS tab, and scroll down to view the flown by relationship to the Pilot.

Add an owned by relationship from the Aircraft to the Airline.  The Airline owns the Aircraft.

Click SAVE.

Open the Airline object type, and view the newly created relationships in the RELATIONSHIPS tab.




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