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erwin Enterprise Architect Agile v2 - User Guide

erwin EA Agile v2 - User Guide
Capabilities System Agile EA Tutorials Migration Developer API

EA agile CSV Import/Export API (with Postman)

EA agile CSV Import/Export API (with Postman)

erwin recently added a write API that allows Professional licensed users, to write data to the EA agile platform, programatically.

Watch the video to see this in action - With some more technical information below


Object Import API – CSV/ZIP files

Single or Multiple Objects of the same Object Type

API Request Type: Post / multipart/form-data

Security: Basic Auth [Username and Password]

Scope: Workspace

Object Collision Detection: Object Type + Name

Object Creation: Yes (if no collision)

Object Update: Yes (if collision) – Only supplied properties are overwritten. If empty value passed, no change to target property

Object Deletion: ?? TBC

Returns: JSON describing the success state of each item


workspace - workspace id of the workspace to import into.

CSV file

Must contain; Name and Object Type columns in the CSV to import

Must have the extension ZIP if compressed, CSV or Text will be treated as a CSV file

CSV file [raw example]:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="20170530092014_Feature_Objects.csv”
Content-Type: text/csv
Name, Object Type, Description, Communities, Tags
Test object 1,Feature,Test desc, All,""


Output: JSON results of the import.

Example: POST



Relationships Import API – CSV/ZIP files

Single or Multiple Relationships of any Relationship Type

API Request Type: Post / multipart/form-data

Security: Basic Auth [Username and Password]

Scope: Workspace

Relationship Collision Detection: Association Type + Name + From Object + To Object

Relationship Creation: Yes (if no collision)

Relationship Update: No – Relationships carry no content

Relationship Deletion: ?? TBC

Returns: JSON describing the success state of each item


workspace - workspace id of the workspace to import into.

CSV file

Must contain; “Relationship Source Name”, “Relationship Target Name”, “Source Object Name”, “Target Object Name”, “Source Object Type Name”, “Target Object Type Name” columns in the CSV to import

Must have the extension ZIP if compressed, CSV or Text will be treated as a CSV file

File should be called “Relationships.csv)

CSV file [raw example]:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="Relationships.csv”
Content-Type: text/csv
Relationship Source Name, Relationship Target Name, Source Object Name, Target Object Name, Source Object Type Name, Target Object Type Name
composes, is composed of, Unified views across the product data, Unification of Object Content across products, Epic, Feature

Output: JSON results of the import.

Example: POST

Combined Import API – ZIP files

Using a ZIP compressed file, it is possible to combine multiple different Object Types, and Relationships in a single import

ZIP structure:

Object Type 1.csv

Object Type 2.csv


When the ZIP containing multiple files is received, it is decompressed, and imported one at a time (object type files first).

As for individual CSVs a response file is returned indicating the success state of the operation

Object and Relationship Export

Export from a View

Watch the video to see this in action

View Export API – Zip of CSV files

Object and Relationship Export – Export Views

API Request Type: Post / multipart/form-data

Security: Basic Auth [Username and Password]

Scope: View on a Workspace

Returns: binary ZIP file


workspace - workspace id of the workspace to export

view – view id of the view to export

Output: raw binary ZIP file containing all the CSVs that make up the view

Example: POST



For more information on our API please visit:

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