The Virtual Environment option appears in the (More) menu only if your Core is installed on a Hyper-V or vCenter/ESXi virtual machine.
Clicking this option results in the Virtual Environments page, which provides options for managing credentials, storage locations, repositories, and volumes for Hyper-V and ESXi virtual environments.
This page has three sub-pages (Virtual Storage, Attached Disks, and Provisioning), from which you can accomplish the following tasks, respectively:
Manage hypervisor credentials. On the Virtual Storage sub-page, you can manage the credentials for Hyper-V or vCenter/ESXi hypervisor hosts added to or protected on your Core. If you add a hypervisor host and enter your credentials, Rapid Recovery caches them for future use.
Manage hypervisor host storage locations. On the Virtual Storage sub-page, once one or more protected hypervisor hosts appear on this page, you can manage storage locations. You can see and set a path to a physical folder on your hypervisor (for Hyper-V), or a path for your data store (for ESXi). You can expand or contract the view of storage locations defined to see all disks; expand again to show snapshots on the base disks, and which is currently active and mounted.
Monitor virtual disks. On this page, you can see disks attached to your virtual environments. From the Attached Disks sub-page, you can view and monitor all virtual disks currently attached to the virtual machine, including the subset of disks not specifically defined as storage locations in the Virtual Storage sub-page.
NOTE: For this reason, the number of disks listed n the Attached Disks sub-page may exceed the number of volumes shown on the Virtual Storage sub-page. |
Define repositories or virtual volumes. On the Provisioning sub-page, you can create a new repository for your Hyper-V or ESXi protected machines. You can also add an empty volume for your virtual environments.
NOTE: Creation of either a repository or a virtual volume requires a storage location to be defined on the Virtual Storage sub-age as a prerequisite. | |