Information about various activities for the Rapid Recovery Core are saved to the Core log file. This file, AppRecovery.log, is stored by default in the path C:\ProgramData\AppRecovery\Logs.
NOTE: Depending on your settings, the AppRecovery directory may not be visible on the Rapid Recovery Core. To see this directory, you may need to change the Folder Options control panel to show hidden files, folders, and drives. If these settings include the option to hide extensions for known file types, the Core log file may appear as AppRecovery with no .log extension. |
The Core log includes information about completed Core jobs, connection failures, results of attempts on the part of the Core to contact the License Portal, and other information. Each statement stored in the Core log file is preceded by one of four qualifiers: INFO, DEBUG, ERROR, and WARN. These qualifiers help categorize the nature of information stored in the log when diagnosing an issue.
NOTE: Similarly, a log file is also stored on each protected machine containing information relating to its attempts at communicating with the Core. For more information about machine logs, see Downloading and viewing the log file for a protected machine. |
The ability to access logs can be useful when troubleshooting an issue or working with Quest Data Protection Support. To access logs, see the following procedures: