Once a report is scheduled, it generates on the schedule defined. If you want to temporarily stop the generation of a scheduled report, then you can pause the schedule.
If a scheduled report is paused, and you wish to resume the generation of the report, then you can resume the report as described in this procedure.
If you are currently generating a scheduled report, and no longer need to generate that report, you can delete it.
To determine if any scheduled report is paused, check the status column in the scheduled reports summary table. A green sphere indicates an active scheduled report; a yellow sphere indicates a paused schedule; and a red sphere indicates an error.
Complete the steps in this procedure to pause, resume, or delete a schedule for a report.
- Navigate to the Rapid Recovery Core Console.
- From the icon bar, click
(More), and then select
The Job Report page appears. A downward facing arrow appears to the right of the current report name.
- Click the arrow to the right of the report name, and from the drop-down menu, select Scheduled Reports.
The Scheduled Reports page appears.
- In the Scheduled Reports summary table, view the status of all scheduled reports, using the colored indicators.
- For each report you want to pause or resume, select the check box in the first column.
- From the Scheduled Reports options above the summary table, do one of the following:
The Reports menu appears at the top of the page when viewing Reports. This menu includes a report title, which is also a drop-down menu that lets you see which report types are available. Below this menu are one or more filters that help you to define your report criteria.
The specific filters available depend on the report type. For information on the parameters that apply to each report type, see the topic for understanding that report type.
On the right side of the reports menu, some controls appear. These controls, described in the following table, help you generate and export the report.
Table 111: Reports menu controls
Preview button |
Click the preview button to generate a report based on the selected report type and the report parameters specified in the filters. |
Export format drop-down menu |
The Export format drop-down menu lets you select a report output format. If you do not select a value, the default format (pdf) is used. |
Download button |
The Download button exports the generated report in the format type selected in the Export format menu |
Reports include units of measure which make it easier to determine if a column is represented in GB, TB, or in seconds.
If you are not satisfied with the appearance of a generated or exported report, you can change the font used in the reports. For more information, see Managing report settings.
Once a report is generated, you can use the reports toolbar, as described in the topic Using the Reports toolbar.
After you generate it from the Reports menu, the report appears below a Reports toolbar. The toolbar can help you manipulate report output, including saving and printing the reports.
On the left of the toolbar, there is a Toggle sidebar option. This tool expands or contracts the sidebar, giving access to a few more display options. To the right of the toolbar, the Tools option expands a drop-down menu providing report navigation controls. The elements of the Reports toolbar are described in the following table.
Table 112: Reports toolbar icons
Toggle sidebar. All report pages are displayed as thumbnails. Other options in the sidebar are not supported. |
Sidebar: Show thumbnails. This is the default view for all pages of a generated report. |
Sidebar: Show document outline. This feature is not supported. |
Sidebar: Show attachments. There are no attachments for reports. This feature is not supported. |
Find. Allows you to search text within the generated report. Includes options to highlight all text that matches the criteria you enter, and also to match or ignore case. |
Previous page. Move the report view to the previous page. |
Next page. Progress to the next page in the report view. |
Enter page number. Click in the page number text field, enter a valid page number, and press Enter to progress to that page in the report view. |
Zoom out. Lets you zoom out the view of the generated report. Each successive click zooms out further, to a minimum of 25%. |
Zoom in. Lets you zoom in the view of the generated report. Each successive click zooms in further, to a maximum of 1000%. |
Automatic Zoom. Lets you control the zoom view of the generated report, including viewing by actual size, fit page, full width, or by percentage, including 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 200%, 300%, or 400%. |
Open file. Lets you navigate your file system to locate and open a saved report. |
Print. Lets you print the generated report. |
Tools. The Tools drop-down menu expands or contracts when you click this icon. The Tools options are described below. |
Tools: Go to first page. Navigates you to the first page of the generated report. |
Tools: Go to last page. Navigates you to the last page of the generated report. |
Tools: Rotate clockwise. This option rotates the canvas of the generated report in a clockwise direction. |
Tools: Rotate counterclockwise. This option rotates the canvas of the generated report in a counterclockwise direction. |
Tools: Hand tool. When you select this tool, it Lets you move the report by clicking and dragging across the screen. |
Tools: Document properties. Provides information about the document properties of the generated report. Click Close to close this window. |
For information about generating a report, see Generating reports from the Core Console.
The Job report is available for the Rapid Recovery and for machines protected on the Core. This report provides you with a method to view the status of jobs performed by a selected Core or a protected machine. Rows or columns of data that appear in the report with no data indicate that the tested parameter was null. For example, if a column (such as Errors) appears with no information, then no errors are occurred for the selected record. If the report generates a blank row, the job for the selected record reflects machine-independent activity.
For information on how to generate a Job report from the Core, see Generating a Core report on demand. For information on how to generate a Job report for a protected machine, see Generating a protected machine report on demand.
When you generate a Job report, report details include the following:
- Selection criteria for the report
- A summary table showing a row for each job in the date range you specified. In addition to listing the appropriate Core, protected machine, and job type, each row includes:
- A summary of the job
- The job status
- Any errors related to the job
- The start and end dates for the job
- The job duration in seconds
- The total work in MB
If information is not relevant for a specific category, that cell appears with no information in the report. For example, if the Core for a specified protected machine has no errors, the Error column is blank for that row in the report.
For more information, see the following topics: