The procedure for creating a custom protection schedule from within a protection wizard is identical to the procedure for creating a protection schedule for an existing machine in Simple Mode. Protection schedules created in a wizard or in Simple Mode are not saved as templates. To create templates or multiple protection schedules, see Creating multiple protection schedule periods in Advanced Mode. Complete the steps in this procedure to create custom schedules for using Rapid Recovery to back up data from protected machines.
To create custom protection schedules in Simple Mode
- Complete one of the following options:
- If using a protection wizard (Protect Machine, Protect Multiple Machines, Protecting a Cluster), on the Protection page of the wizard, select Custom protection, and then click Next.
- If creating a protection schedule for a machine that is already protected, on the Summary page for the protected machine, expand the volumes of the protected machine, select the applicable volumes, and then click Set a Schedule.
The Protection Schedule page or dialog appears.
- On the Protection Schedule page or dialog, complete one of the following options:
- To set a protection period that runs on set days and at specified times, select Periods, and then continue to step 3.
- To set a specific time to back up the machine every day, select Daily protection time, and then continue to step 7.
- To take a backup after a specific number of days, select Every number of days, and then continue to step 7.
- To change the interval schedule for any period, complete the following steps:
- Create a span of time by selecting a From time and a To time.
- For each period, click in the interval text box, and then enter an appropriate interval in minutes.
For example, highlight the default interval of 60 and replace it with the value 20 to perform snapshots every 20 minutes during this period.
- To customize snapshots for peak and off-peak business hours, complete the following steps: set an optimal interval for the peak range, select Take snapshots for the remaining time, and then set an off-peak interval by doing the following:
- Select Weekdays.
- Set the From and To times to create a span of time during your peak business hours.
- In the Every X minutes box, enter an interval in minutes for how often Rapid Recovery should create recovery points during this span of peak business hours.
For example, highlight the default interval of 60 and replace it with the value 20 to perform snapshots every 20 minutes during the time range you selected for this period.
- To schedule snapshots during off-peak business hours, select Take snapshots for the rest of the time.
- In the Every X minutes box, enter an interval in minutes for how often Rapid Recovery Core should create recovery points during this span of off-peak business hours.
For example, because there is less business activity during these hours, and fewer changes to back up, you may decide to take fewer snapshots and keep the default interval of 60 minutes.
- Continue to step 7.
- To set a single time of day for a single backup to occur daily, select Daily protection time and then enter a time in format HH:MM AM. For example, to do a daily backup at 9:00 PM, enter 09:00 PM.
- To define the schedule without beginning backups, select Initially pause protection.
After you pause protection from the wizard, it remains paused until you explicitly resume it. Once you resume protection, backups occur based on the schedule you established. For more information on resuming protection, see Pausing and resuming protection.
- When you are satisfied with changes made to your protection schedule, click Finish or Next, as appropriate.
If you are using a wizard, proceed to the next step in the wizard. Refer to the procedure for the appropriate wizard to complete any remaining requirements.
For more information, see the following related topics:
A protection schedule defines when backups are transferred from protected machines to the Rapid Recovery Core. Protection schedules are initially defined using the Protect Machine Wizard or the Protect Multiple Machines Wizard.
You can modify an existing protection schedule at any time from the Summary page for a specific protected machine.
Complete the steps in this procedure to modify an existing protection schedule for volumes on a protected machine.
- In the Rapid Recovery Core Console, from the list of protected machines, click the name of the machine with the protection schedule that you want to change.
- On the Summary page for the machine you selected, in the Volumes pane, expand the volumes of the protected machine, select the applicable volumes, and then click Set a Schedule.
Initially, all volumes share a protection schedule.
To select all volumes at once, click in the checkbox in the header row. Click on
(Protection Group) to expand the volumes being protected, so you can view all volumes and select one or more.
NOTE: It is best practice to protect, at minimum, the system reserved volume and the volume with the operating system (typically the C:/ drive). |
The Protection Schedule dialog box appears.
- On the Protection Schedule dialog box, do one of the following:
- If you previously created a protection schedule template and want to apply it to this protected machine, click Advanced mode, select the template from the Templates drop-down list, click OK to confirm, and then go to step 7.
- If you want to remove an existing time period from the schedule, clear the check box next to each time period option, and then go to Options include the following:
- Weekdays (Mon - Fri): This range of time denotes a typical five-day work week.
- Weekends (Sat, Sun): This range of time denotes a typical weekend.
If you want to save a new protection schedule as a template, click Advanced mode, and then continue to step 4.
- A period is a specified span of time during which you determine how many minutes should pass between each snapshot taken. When the weekday start and end times are from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM, then a single period exists. To change the start or end time of a defined period, do the following:
- Select the appropriate time period.
- To change the start time for this period, use the clock icon under Start Time.
For example, use the arrows to show a time of 08:00 AM.
- To change the end time for this period, use the clock icon under End Time.
For example, use the arrows to show a time of 06:00 PM.
- Change the interval according to your requirements. For example, if defining a peak period, change the interval from 60 minutes to 20 minutes to take snapshots three times hourly.
A blue bar provides a visual representation of this interval.
- If you defined a period other than 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM in step 7, and you want backups to occur in the remaining time ranges, you must add more periods to define protection by doing the following:
- Under the appropriate category, click Add Period.
- Click the clock icon and select the desired start and end times, as appropriate.
For example, set a start time of 12:00 AM and an end time of 07:59 AM.
- Change the interval according to your requirements. For example, if defining an off-peak period, change the interval from 60 minutes to 120 minutes to take snapshots every two hours.
- If needed, continue to create more periods, setting start and end times and intervals as appropriate.
NOTE: If you want to remove a period you added, click the trash icon to the far right of that period, and then click Yes to confirm. |
- To create a template from the schedule you set, click Save as a Template.
- In the Save Template dialog box, enter a name for the template, and then click Save.
- When your protection schedule meets your requirements, click Apply.
The protection Schedule dialog box closes.
For more information, see Understanding protection schedules.
When you pause protection, you temporarily stop all transfers of data from the selected machine to the Rapid Recovery Core. You can pause protection for any protected machine:
- When establishing protection using the Protect Machine Wizard or the Protect Multiple Machines Wizard.
- From the Protected Machines drop-down menu in the left navigation area of the Rapid Recovery Core (pausing protection for all protected machines).
- From the Protected Machines page (accessible when you click on the Protected Machines menu).
- From a specific protected machine in the Protected Machines drop-down menu.
- From the top of every page for a specific protected machine.
If you pause protection using the Protect Machine Wizard or the Protect Multiple Machines Wizard, protection is paused until explicitly resumed. If protection is paused using this procedure, you are prompted to specify whether to pause until resumed, or to pause for a designated amount of time (specified in any combination of days, hours and minutes).
- If you pause protection for a period of time, then when that time expires, the system automatically resumes protection based on the protection schedule.
- If you select Pause until resumed, then protection is paused until explicitly resumed using the Resume function described in this procedure.
If protection for a machine is paused, and you force a snapshot, a single backup snapshot is captured. If it is the first backup, a base image is captured; otherwise an incremental image is captured. Until you explicitly resume protection using this procedure, paused protection remains suspended.
You can resume protection for any paused protected machine:
- From the Protected Machines drop-down menu in the left navigation area of the Rapid Recovery Core (resuming protection for all protected machines).
- From a specific protected machine in the Protected Machines drop-down menu.
- From the Protected Machines page (accessible when you click on the Protected Machines menu).
- From the top of every page for a specific protected machine.
Use the procedure below to pause or to resume protection, as appropriate.
- From the Rapid Recovery Core Console, to pause protection for all machines, click the Protected Machines drop-down menu in the left navigation area, and then do the following:
- Select
Pause Protection.
The Pause Protection dialog box appears.
- Select the appropriate setting using one of the options described below, and then click OK.
- If you want to pause protection until you explicitly resume it, select Pause until resumed.
- If you want to pause protection for a specified period, select Pause for and then, in the Days, Hours, and Minutes controls, type or select the appropriate pause period as appropriate.
- To resume protection for all machines, do the following:
- Select
Resume Protection.
The Resume Protection dialog box appears.
- In the Resume Protection dialog box, select Yes.
The Resume Protection dialog box closes, and protection is resumed for all machines.
- To pause protection for a single machine, then in the left navigation area, click the drop-down menu to the right of the machine you want to affect, and then do the following:
- Select
Pause Protection.
The Pause Protection dialog box appears.
- Select the appropriate setting using one of the options described below, and then click OK.
- If you want to pause protection until you explicitly resume it, select Pause until resumed.
- If you want to pause protection for a specified period, select Pause for and then, in the Days, Hours, and Minutes controls, type or select the appropriate pause period as appropriate.
- To resume protection for a single machine, do the following:
- Select
Resume Protection.
The Resume Protection dialog box appears.
- In the Resume Protection dialog box, select Yes.
The Resume Protection dialog box closes, and protection is resumed for the selected machine.
- To pause protection for a single machine from the machine pages, navigate to the machine that you want to affect.
The Summary page displays for the selected machine.
- At the top of the page, click
The Pause Protection dialog box appears.
- Select the appropriate setting using one of the options described below, and then click OK.
- If you want to pause protection until you explicitly resume it, select Pause until resumed.
- If you want to pause protection for a specified period, select Pause for and then, in the Days, Hours, and Minutes controls, type or select the appropriate pause period as appropriate.
- If you want to resume protection, do the following:
- At the top of the page, click
- In the Resume Protection dialog box, click Yes.
The Resume Protection dialog box closes, and protection resumes for the selected machine.
You can add two or more Windows machines for protection on the Rapid Recovery Core simultaneously using the Protect Multiple Machines Wizard. To protect your data using Rapid Recovery, you need to add the workstations and servers for protection in the Rapid Recovery Core Console; for example, your Exchange server, SQL Server, Linux server, and so on.
As with protecting individual machines, protecting multiple machines simultaneously requires you to install the Rapid Recovery Agent software on each machine you want to protect.
NOTE: As an exception to this rule, if protecting virtual machines on a VMware/ESXi or Hyper-V host, you can use agentless protection. For more information, including restrictions for agentless protection, see Understanding Rapid Snap for Virtual. |
Protected machines must be configured with a security policy that makes remote installation possible.
To connect to the machines, they must be powered on and accessible.
There is more than one method to deploy the Agent software to multiple machines simultaneously. For example:
The process of protecting multiple machines includes optional steps that you can access if you select an advanced configuration. Advanced options include repository functions and encryption. For example, you can specify an existing Rapid Recovery repository to save snapshots, or you can create a new repository. You can also specify an existing encryption key (or add a new encryption key) to apply to the data saved to the Core for the machines you are protecting.
The workflow of the Protect Multiple Machines Wizard may differ slightly based on your environment. For example, if the Rapid Recovery Agent software is installed on the machines you want to protect, you are not prompted to install it from the wizard. Likewise, if a repository already exists on the Core, you are not prompted to create one.
When protecting multiple machines, follow the appropriate procedure, based on your configuration. See the following options for protecting multiple machines: