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Rapid Recovery 6.10 - User Guide

Introduction to Rapid Recovery The Core Console Repositories Core settings Protecting machines
About protecting machines with Rapid Recovery Understanding the Rapid Recovery Agent software installer Deploying Agent to multiple machines simultaneously from the Core Console Using the Deploy Agent Software Wizard to deploy to one or more machines Modifying deploy settings Understanding protection schedules Protecting a machine About protecting multiple machines Enabling application support Settings and functions for protected Exchange servers Settings and functions for protected SQL servers
Managing protected machines Snapshots and recovery points Managing privacy Encryption Authentication Replication Events Reporting VM export Restoring data Bare metal restore
About bare metal restore Differences in bare metal restore for Windows and Linux machines Understanding boot CD creation for Windows machines Managing a Linux boot image Performing a bare metal restore using the Restore Machine Wizard Using the Universal Recovery Console for a BMR Performing a bare metal restore for Linux machines Verifying a bare metal restore
Managing aging data Archiving Cloud accounts Core Console references REST APIs Glossary

Obtaining the application ID for an Azure web application

Complete the steps in this procedure to obtain the application ID for an existing Azure AD web application.

  1. From the Azure navigation menu, click [AD] Azure Active Directory.

    The Overview page appears.

  2. From the Overview page, click [App registrations]App registrations.

    The Application registrations page appears.

  3. Review the list of application registrations, and click the appropriate application.

    The details page for the specified application appears.

  4. Click [Click to Copy]Click to Copy to copy the application ID to your clipboard. Retain this information for connecting your Azure account to your Rapid Recovery Core.

Obtaining Azure subscription information

This step requires you to have an Azure subscription. You must have the Owner role.

NOTE: If you are not the owner, contact your Azure administrator and request ownership.

When you have an Azure subscription, certain information associated with your subscription is required to perform virtual export to Azure.

Complete the steps in this procedure to obtain information about your Azure subscription.

  1. Open the Microsoft Azure dashboard.
  2. From the Azure left navigation area, click [All services] All services.
  3. From the All services pane, click [Subscriptions] + Subscriptions.
  4. From the Subscriptions pane, locate the correct subscription. Note the subscription name, and ID, and verify that your role is Owner.

Obtaining the directory ID for your Azure web application

As a prerequisite for this task, you must create an Active Directory (AD) web application in your Azure subscription. For more information, see Creating an Azure Active Directory web application.

When associating an Azure cloud account with the Rapid Recovery Core, one parameter you must provide is the tenant ID. Azure calls this parameter the directory ID. The directory ID is a property of the Active Directory (AD) web application you create within your Azure subscription.

Complete the steps in this procedure to obtain the directory ID for your AD web application from your Azure account.

  1. From the Azure navigation menu, click [AD]Azure Active Directory.
  2. From the Properties pane, scroll down if necessary and click [Properties] Properties.
  3. From the Properties Details pane, copy the Directory ID value to an easily accessible location. This parameter is referred to in the Rapid Recovery Core Console as the tenant ID.
  4. Finally, as an Azure user with administrative privileges, add the Owner role to your web application by doing the following:
    1. From the Azure navigation menu, click [All services] All services.
    2. From the General category, click [Subscriptions] Subscriptions and then click on your Azure subscription.
    3. In the Subscription blade, click [IAM] Access control (IAM), and then click + Add.

      The Add permissions dialog box appears.

    4. From the Role drop-down menu, select Owner.
    5. From the Assign access to drop-down menu, select Azure AD user, group, or application.
    6. From the Select drop-down menu, search for and select the name of your AD web application, and then click Save.


Obtaining a secret key for your Azure web application

As a prerequisite for this task, you must create an Active Directory (AD) web application in your Azure subscription.

You must have a secret key to connect to and use your Azure Active Directory (AD) web application with Rapid Recovery. Typically, a key is created as part of the process for defining the web application. When creating the secret key, immediately save the secret key to a secure location, as it cannot be recovered or viewed later.

NOTE: The steps for defining your secret key after creating the web application is described in the topic Creating an Azure Active Directory web application

If you do not record the secret key value, you can create a new secret key for your web application in Azure.

Complete the steps in this procedure to create a new secret key associated with an existing Azure AD web application.

  1. From the Azure navigation menu, click [AD] Azure Active Directory and select [App registrations] App registrations.
  2. Click the name of the appropriate AD web application in your Azure account.

    Details for the selected web application appear.

  3. From the details page for your web application, click [Settings] Settings.
  4. From the Settings pane, click [Subscriptions] Keys.
  5. From the Keys pane, do the following:
    1. In the Key description text area, enter a text description to help identify the purpose of the secret key. For example, to describe this key as the one you will use with Rapid Recovery Core, type RRCore-key.
    2. From the Expires drop-down menu, select a duration for this secret key, for example, 2 years.
    3. From the top of the Settings pane, click [Save] Save.

    Caution: Immediately record the secret key description and value in a secure location for the long term. If you do not retain the secret key for your Azure AD web application when you create it, it cannot be recovered.

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