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Rapid Recovery 6.10 - User Guide

Introduction to Rapid Recovery The Core Console Repositories Core settings Protecting machines
About protecting machines with Rapid Recovery Understanding the Rapid Recovery Agent software installer Deploying Agent to multiple machines simultaneously from the Core Console Using the Deploy Agent Software Wizard to deploy to one or more machines Modifying deploy settings Understanding protection schedules Protecting a machine About protecting multiple machines Enabling application support Settings and functions for protected Exchange servers Settings and functions for protected SQL servers
Managing protected machines Snapshots and recovery points Managing privacy Encryption Authentication Replication Events Reporting VM export Restoring data Bare metal restore
About bare metal restore Differences in bare metal restore for Windows and Linux machines Understanding boot CD creation for Windows machines Managing a Linux boot image Performing a bare metal restore using the Restore Machine Wizard Using the Universal Recovery Console for a BMR Performing a bare metal restore for Linux machines Verifying a bare metal restore
Managing aging data Archiving Cloud accounts Core Console references REST APIs Glossary

Managing VMware proxy settings

The VMware proxy settings are intended for protected VMware ESXi machines that require Virtual Disk Development Kit (VDDK) APIs to access the VMware disk storage. Rapid Recovery addresses this access and possible timeouts associated with it by using a process called the VMware proxy. This service is automatically installed with the Rapid Recovery Core and only runs when it is needed. The Core Settings page lets you adjust the service timeout settings as you see appropriate.
  1. On the icon bar of the Rapid Recovery Core Console, click [Settings] 
    (Settings), and then do one of the following:
    • From the list of Core settings on the left side of the Settings page, click VMware Proxy.
    • Scroll down on the right side of the Settings page until you can see the VMware Proxy heading.
  2. Under VMware Proxy, modify the timeout settings described in the following table.
    Table 36: VMware proxy settings information
    UI Element Description

    Connection timeout

    The maximum amount of time that should pass before the VMware proxy should stop trying to connect to the VMware disk storage, designated by hh:mm:ss.

    NOTE: The default setting is 5 minutes (00:05:00).

    Read/Write timeout

    The maximum amount of time that should pass before the VMware proxy should stop trying to read or write to the VMware disk storage, designated by hh:mm:ss.

    NOTE: The default setting is 5 minutes (00:05:00).

    Start service timeout

    The maximum amount of time that should pass before Rapid Recovery should stop trying to start the VMware proxy service, designated by hh:mm:ss.

    NOTE: The default setting is 1 minute (00:01:00).

    Stop service timeout

    The maximum amount of time that should pass before Rapid Recovery should stop trying to stop the VMware proxy service, designated by hh:mm:ss.

    NOTE: The default setting is 1 minute (00:01:00).

  3. For each setting, when satisfied with your changes, click the check mark to save the change and exit edit mode, or click X to exit edit mode without saving.

Configuring vFoglight settings

If you provide vFoglight information in the Core settings, the Core Console displays a vFoglight URL for each protected VM on its Summary page. Clicking this URL opens information about the VM in vFoglight.

Complete the following steps to integrate your vFoglight server with your Rapid Recovery Core server.

  1. Navigate to the Rapid Recovery Core Console.
  2. On the icon bar, click [Settings] (Settings), and then do one of the following:
    • From the list of Core settings on the left side of the Settings page, click vFoglight.
    • Scroll down on the right side of the Settings page until you can see the vFoglight heading.

      The vFoglight configuration settings are displayed.

  3. Modify the vFoglight settings as described in the following table.
    Table 37: vFoglight connection settings information
    Text Box Description
    Use https Enables or disables secure hypertext transfer protocol. Secure HTTPS is the default.
    Host Enter a host name or IP address for your vFoglight server. Consult your vFoglight server administrator for details.
    Port Specify the appropriate port. The default port is 32896. Consult your vFoglight server administrator for details.
    Authentication token Provide the proper authentication to let the Core communicate with your vFoglight server. Consult your vFoglight server administrator for details.
  4. For each setting, when satisfied with your changes, click [Check mark] 
    to save the change and exit edit mode, or click [Check mark] to exit edit mode without saving.

Configuring SAML settings

To integrate your SAML single sign-on authentication identity provider (IdP) server with your Rapid Recovery Core server, complete the following steps.

NOTE: Before you configure SAML settings in Rapid Recovery, you must enable SAML with a compatible IdP. For more information, see Understanding SAML single sign-on.

NOTE: Rapid Recovery Core supports two types of authentication: Windows-based and SAML-based. The Core uses Windows-based authentication by default. After you enable SAML, the Core begins to use SAML-based authentication.

Caution: After you configure the SAML settings, you must restart theRapid Recovery Core Service for the changes to take effect. Before you restart the Core Service, you must complete all of the steps in the configuration procedure. If you restart the Core service before completing the SAML configuration, the Core Console becomes inaccessible.

To configure SAML settings

  1. Navigate to the Rapid Recovery Core Console.
  2. On the icon bar, click [Settings] (Settings), and then do one of the following:
    • From the list of Core settings on the left side of the Settings page, click SAML.
    • Scroll down on the right side of the Settings page until you can see the SAML heading.

      The SAML configuration settings are displayed.

  3. Next to Enable configuration, select Yes.
  4. Copy or take note of the following information provided by Rapid Recovery Core:
    • Sign on URL
    • Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)
    • Logout URL
  5. Go to your IdP.
  6. On the Single Sign-on or SAML page, paste or enter the Rapid Recovery information in the corresponding areas.
  7. On the same page of your IdP, copy or take note of the following information:
    • Metadata URL (Issuer URL)
    • Audience (Entity ID)
  8. If you have token encryption enabled, upload the certificate file and provide the password.
  9. Return to the Rapid Recovery Core Settings page.
  10. In the SAML section, paste or enter the Metadata URL and Entity ID that you copied from the IdP.

    For each setting, when satisfied with your changes, click [Check mark] 
    to save the change and exit edit mode, or click [Check mark] to exit edit mode without saving.

  11. Modify the SAML settings as described in the following table. For each setting, when satisfied with your changes, click [Check mark] 
    to save the change and exit edit mode, or click [Check mark] to exit edit mode without saving.

    Find the following details on the SAML page of your IdP.

    Table 38: SAML connection settings information
    Text Box Description
    Enable configuration Select Yes.
    Metadata URL Enter the metadata URL from your IdP. This URL provides an endpoint on the Rapid Recovery Core that Rapid Recovery uses to furnish keys and additional SAML endpoints to the IdP.
    Entity ID Enter the entity ID from the IdP. This URL serves as the identifier that represents the Rapid Recovery Core server, and should be the same as the Entity ID on the IdP.
    Signature algorithm If using a certificate, select the signature algorithm from the following options:
    • RSA-SHA1
    • RSA-SHA256
    • RSA-SHA384
    • RSA-SHA512
    Certificate validation Select the validation you want to use from the following options:
    • None
    • ChainTrust
    • PeerOrChainTrust
    • PeerTrust
    Enabled token encryption Select whether to enable token encryption.

    NOTE: Not all IdPs support token encryption.

  12. If you enabled token encryption, the Certificate option appears.
  13. Next to Certificate, click Upload and complete the following steps:
    1. In the Upload certificate window, upload the certificate file by clicking Choose File.
    2. Enter the password for the certificate.
    3. Click Continue.
  14. To run a validation of the current settings and confirm the login with the IdP, click Check SAML.
  15. To return the settings to their original state, click Reset.
  16. To apply the SAML settings, restart the Core service.

Protecting machines

This section describes how to protect, configure, and manage the protected machines in your Rapid Recovery environment.

Topics include:

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