An alert is a priority notification of an event. Any event for which you specifically requested notification appears in the list of alerts, along with errors, warnings, or important informational messages.
Rapid Recovery Core ships with a default set of events that are prioritized as alerts. You can customize the events which appear as alerts by editing the default notification group (or by setting up a new notification group). In addition to these events appearing on the Alerts page, you can change the methods used to notify you by changing your notification options. For more information on changing the events that appear as alerts, or changing notification options, see the topic Understanding event notifications in Rapid Recovery.
Complete the following steps to view alerts specifically for the Rapid Recovery Core, or to view alerts associated with a specific machine.
- To view alerts for the Rapid Recovery Core, from the icon bar, click
(Events). Click on the drop-down
menu to the right of the Tasks page title, and select Alerts.
If you want to view alerts for a specific protected machine, navigate to the Summary page of the specified machine, click the Events menu, and then click Alerts.
The list of events is filtered to display only important alerts for the Core or for the machine you selected. - Optionally, to filter the list of important alerts by start date, end date, alert message description, or any combination, do the following:
- To filter by alert category (errors, informational messages, or warnings), click the
status drop-down menu, and select the status condition or conditions. Alert category filter options include
informational messages, and
warnings, or any combination of the three.
- To filter by start date and time, enter the starting date and time using one of the following options:
- In the From text box, type the date and time in format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM. For example, to search from the first day of January in 2016 at 8:00 AM, enter 1/1/2016 8:00 AM.
- To select the current data and time, click the
Calendar widget in the From text box and then click the current date. The current time automatically appears.
- Click the
Calendar widget, select the date, then click the
Clock widget and select the desired time using the controls. Click away from the calendar to accept the selected changes.
- To filter by alert message description, enter the description in the Search message text box.
For example, to see alerts only related to agents, enter "agent," or to see alerts related to transfers, enter "transfer;" and so on.
- To further refine the list of alerts that appears, you can also define an end date and time in the same format.
The list of alerts is immediately filtered based on the criteria you selected.
- To filter by alert category (errors, informational messages, or warnings), click the
- Optionally, if you want to remove all alerts, click Dismiss All.
For more information, see the following related tasks:
- Understanding event notifications in Rapid Recovery
- Configuring notification groups
- Viewing a journal of all logged events
- Navigating between tasks, alerts, and the events journal
- Viewing tasks
- Suspending or resuming scheduled tasks
- Viewing alerts
- Viewing a journal of all logged events
- Viewing running tasks from any Core Console page