Navigation: How Content Matrix Handles Various SharePoint Components > Master Page Migration |
The Master Pages Gallery is basically a Document Library at the root of a site.
Metalogix Content Matrix can work with Master Pages at two levels:
·At the Site Collection level, where it can copy master pages and page layouts.
·At the Site level, where it can preserve the master page association.
When a SharePoint site is migrated, Metalogix Content Matrix will run a check to see if a master page with the same name as the source site's master page exists. There are then two main scenarios:
·Migrating from an older version of SharePoint to a newer version of SharePoint - Because master pages are quite different between different versions of SharePoint, when master pages are migrated from an older version of SharePoint to a newer version, a suffix will be appended to the end of the master page name based on the source UI version. For example, if you are migrating from MOSS 2007 to a later version, the master pages will have "_2007" appended to the end of the master page name. If migrating from SharePoint 2010 to a later version, the suffix would be "_2010" instead.
When a SharePoint site is migrated, Metalogix Content Matrix will look for the source master page by name. If the master page name is found, Metalogix Content Matrix will then do another check to ensure that the correct UI version is being used on the target site collection. If this UI version also matches, then the master page will be used for the migrating site. If the UI version is not the same, then the current default master page will be used instead.
If the master page cannot be found by name, then Metalogix Content Matrix will check to see if there is another master page that has the same name plus the appended UI version suffix that would represent the source. For example, if migrating from SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint 2016 and the master page is named "AccountMaster3," then Metalogix Content Matrix will look for a master page with the same "AccountMaster3" name. If that fails it will then look for a master page with the same name plus "_2013" appended to the end, like "AccountMaster3_2013." If this is found, then the same UI version check will be run that is used for the exact same master page name, and the same results will be given.
If no master page with the same name is found, either the direct same name, or the name with the UI version appended to the end, then the current default master page will be used instead.
NOTE: If the master page belongs to a UI version that is not supported by the target SharePoint instance, the master page will be skipped.
·Migrating between similar versions of SharePoint - For migrations that are run between the same basic UI version of SharePoint, such as SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016 to SharePoint 2016, Metalogix Content Matrix will look for a master page with exactly the same name as the master page on the source. If one is found, then Metalogix Content Matrix will use that master page. If no master page with the same name is found, then the current default master page will be used instead.
Navigation: How Content Matrix Handles Various SharePoint Components > List Template Gallery Migration |
Metalogix Content Matrix lets you copy the List Template Gallery from a source SharePoint Site Collection to a target SharePoint Site Collection.
In order for the List Template gallery to be migrated, you must have an Object Model (OM) connection (through either a Local or Remote Metalogix Extensions Web Service (MEWS)) on both the source and target environments for SharePoint . |
The List Template Gallery can be migrated as part of a Site Collection copy (when copy a Site Collection and pasting as a Site Collection), or it can be copied as a separate action. Any list templates that are copied from the source will overwrite any list templates on the target that have the same name. If the file names are different, then the list templates will be added to the existing List Template Gallery.
For example, if there are two templates on the target named "Template A" and "Template B", and these are migrated to the target where there are also two templates, which are named "Template B" and "Template C" then only "Template B" will be over written. In this case "Template A" will be copied to the target, and since there is no existing file with the same name it will be added without overwriting any other files. Since there was no file with the "Template C" name that was migrated to the target, the "Template C" file will also exist (as is) on the target. However, since both the source and the target have a file with the "Template B" name, the "Template B" file on the target will be overwritten by the one from the source. The end result is that three files will now exist on the target: Template A, Template B (which is a copy of the source version of the file), and Template C.
Navigation: How Content Matrix Handles Various SharePoint Components > Content Types Migration |
Metalogix Content Matrix can migrate content types at the site and list level. Copying of content types is done as part of a normal copy, or they can be copied separately (at the site level) using the context (right-click) menu.
When Content Matrix copies over content types at the site level they will be copied to the target site with the same name and fields that they had on the source. All content types that are available within the scope of the migration will be copied. In other words, all content types within the selected source site, as well as all the content types that exist within any sub-sites, will be copied. Metalogix Content Matrix will also copy any content types that the source site inherits from its parent site. The copying of these inherited content types is done in order to maintain any dependencies that may exist.
For example, let's look at a scenario where you have a site (Site 1) that has a parent site (Site 0) and two child sites at the same level (Site 2-a and Site 2-b), and all of these sites have content types. In this example, if you select Site 1 and copy content types, when pasted Metalogix Content Matrix will copy over all the content types from Site 1, Site 2-a, and Site 2-b, and it will also copy over all of the content types from Site 0, in case there are any dependencies. If you select Site 2-a to copy from, then it will only copy over the content types from Site 2-a, Site 1, and Site 0 (again because of the inheritance). But the content types from Site 2-b would not be copied since it is outside the scope of the copy, and there is no inheritance. If Site 0 is selected, then Metalogix Content Matrix would copy over all the content types for all four sites.
If you are copying at the list level and the list uses any content types that are not available on the target site, Content Matrix will automatically create them on the site during the migration and apply them to the list. For content types that are specific to the list (i.e., they were created using an STP template), the content types will be migrated along with the list.
Please see the following Microsoft article for more information on SharePoint content types and content type inheritance:
Out of the Box (OOB) Content Types on the Target
By default, Content Matrix will preserve the following OOB content types if they exist on a target list, even if they did not exist on the source.
Content Type |
ID |
System |
0x |
Item |
0x01 |
Document |
0x0101 |
Event |
0x0102 |
Issue |
0x0103 |
Announcement |
0x0104 |
Link |
0x0105 |
Contact |
0x0106 |
Message |
0x0107 |
Task |
0x0108 |
Workflow History |
0x0109 |
Post |
0x0110 |
Comment |
0x0111 |
East Asia Contact |
0x0116 |
Folder |
0x0120 |
NOTE: You have the option of overriding the default behavior so that OOB content types are removed from the target if they do not exist on the source. To do this, change the value of the key PreserveOOBContentTypesForList in the configuration variable file EnvironmentSettings.xml from true to false.
Navigation: How Content Matrix Handles Various SharePoint Components > Document Version and Checked Out File Limitations |
At least one Approved version of a folder or file (that is, version 1.0 at a minimum) must have been published for it to be migrated. If only a Pending ("draft") version of a folder or file exists on the source, it will not be migrated to the target. As long as at least one Approved version exists, subsequent Pending versions will be migrated.
If a file on the source is currently checked out, the last checked in copy of the file will be migrated.
If no checked in copy exists (which may be the case if the list's Versioning setting Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited? is set to Yes, then a file is uploaded but is never checked in), the file will not migrate.
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