Navigation: How Content Matrix Handles Various SharePoint Components > Ghosted and Un-Ghosted Page Migration |
Metalogix Content Matrix can migrate the following types of pages:
·Ghosted page - A page whose contents are not stored in the content database but are read from a site definition file; a page that has not been customized.
NOTE: When ghosted pages are migrated they will remain ghosted.
·Un-ghosted page - A page that has been modified from the site definition file, and whose contents are stored in the content database. (These are also known as "customized" pages in Microsoft Office SharePoint Services (MOSS) 2007).
§If un-ghosted pages are migrated between the same version of SharePoint, un-ghosted pages can have their customizations preserved, and be migrated as un-ghosted pages.
§If un-ghosted pages are migrated between different versions of SharePoint, Metalogix Content Matrix is unable to retain the customizations needed for un-ghosted pages, and will reattach these pages to their page layouts. Once these pages have become ghosted, manual steps would have to be taken in order for them to become un-ghosted again.
Navigation: How Content Matrix Handles Various SharePoint Components > Ghosted and Un-Ghosted Page Migration > Converting Un-Ghosted Pages into Ghosted Pages in a Migration |
When migrating between the same version of SharePoint, the Reattach Publishing Page Layouts option on the Configure Copy Options List Content Options tab allows you to convert un-ghosted pages back into ghosted pages, When selected, un-ghosted pages will be reattached to their page layout, and become ghosted again.
NOTE: When you copy un-ghosted pages between different version of SharePoint, this option is disabled because the conversion is done automatically.
Metalogix Content Matrix is unable to retain the customizations needed for un-ghosted pages, and will reattach these pages to their page layouts. Once these pages have become ghosted, manual steps would have to be taken in order for them to become un-ghosted again.
Navigation: How Content Matrix Handles Various SharePoint Components > Document Set Migration |
When migrating from SharePoint 2010 or later, as long as the Copy List Items and Documents option is selected, Metalogix Content Matrix will automatically copy existing Document Sets. You also have the option of copying snapshots (versions) of both the Document Sets themselves and the files stored within them.
Note that you can also configure copying options to apply new Document Sets to libraries, lists, folders, and documents as part of a migration.
Navigation: How Content Matrix Handles Various SharePoint Components > Navigation Migration |
Metalogix Content Matrix can copy the navigation settings of a site as a part of a site migration or as a separate action. This includes the quick launch navigation (left-hand navigation) and the global navigation (top bar navigation). Navigation migration can be performed at the site, site collection, and MySite levels.
Metalogix Content Matrix can migrate the navigation settings, and node structure for the global and quick launch navigation. This includes preservation of any navigation that has been modified on the source, or doesn't inherit navigation from its parent site. The main restriction on navigation copying is that the site structure on the target side must be the same as the source side, in order for everything to be preserved. In cases where there has been some restructuring or if some of the endpoints for the navigation have not been migrated, these navigation links will not be created on the target, because there is nothing for the navigation to add (point at).
There are some basic limitations when migrating navigation:
·To be correctly migrated, the navigation content must exist on the target SharePoint side, in the same structure as it exists on the source. This means that in order for a site, list, or library's navigation listings to be migrated correctly to the target, the site, list, or library the navigation is pointing to must exist on the target SharePoint server. If not, the navigation item will not be migrated.
·When migrating navigation as a part of a site copy, Link Correction will be enabled by default. Specifically, the Enable Link Correction option will be enabled and grayed out, forcing link correction to be run. This is because Link Correction helps Metalogix Content Matrix correct and update any of the navigation links to point to the new correct target location. Without Link Correction being checked the navigation would not be able to correct the navigation links with the new data, which would result in the navigation failing to copy, or for the navigation to copy incorrectly.
·When migrating from a SharePoint 2013 source, if the Managed Navigation option is selected for either the global or quick launch navigation settings, Metalogix Content Matrix will migrate it as a Structural Navigation setting. This should still produce results that are similar to the source, but it will be listed under the Structural Navigation setting instead.
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