Navigation: Using PowerShell with Content Matrix > Content Matrix PowerShell Commandlet List > Metalogix.SharePoint.Commands > Clear-GlobalMappings |
·ClearGuidMappings - Indicates that global GUID mappings should be cleared.
·ClearURLMappings - Indicates that global URL mappings should be cleared.
·ClearUserMappings - Indicates that global user mappings should be cleared.
·ClearDomainMappingss - Indicates that global domain mappings should be cleared.
Navigation: Using PowerShell with Content Matrix > Content Matrix PowerShell Commandlet List > Metalogix.SharePoint.Commands > Compare-MLSharePointFolder |
·CompareFolders - Indicates whether or not to compare folders.
·CompareItems - Indicates whether or not to compare items.
·CompareVersions - Indicates whether or not to compare item versions.
·CompareMetadata - Indicates whether or not to compare object metadata.
·VerboseLog - Indicates whether or not to compare object metadata.
·HaltIfDifferent - Indicates whether or not to halt the comparison if a difference is encountered.
·FilterListsAndFolders - Indicates whether or not to filter lists and folders.
·ListAndFolderFilterExpression - The filter expression applied to lists and folders.
·FilterItemsAndVersions - Indicates whether or not to filter list items and their versions.
·ItemAndVersionFilterExpression - The filter expression applied to list items and versions.
·Transformers - The collection of data transformers which the action needs to run. Note that if the passed-in value for this parameter does not include transformers which are considered mandatory, they will be added automatically.
·Quiet - If set, the operation will not report progress to the PowerShell console.
·JobFile - The name of a job file to use for logging. If the file does not exist it will be created.
·Source - The source node for the actions.
·Target - The target node for the actions.
·JobDatabase - The connection string of a jobs database to use for logging. If the connection string is invalid, an exception is thrown. If both 'JobFile' and 'JobDatabase' parameters are specified, then the 'JobDatabase' parameter will take precedence and the job will only be written to the job database.
Navigation: Using PowerShell with Content Matrix > Content Matrix PowerShell Commandlet List > Metalogix.SharePoint.Commands > Compare-MLSharePointList |
This is the same as Compare-MLSharePointFolder with additional parameters.
Navigation: Using PowerShell with Content Matrix > Content Matrix PowerShell Commandlet List > Metalogix.SharePoint.Commands > Compare-MLSharePointSite |
This is the same as Compare-MLSharePointList with additional parameters:
·CompareLists - Indicates whether or not to compare lists.
·CompareSubSites - Indicates whether or not to compare sub sites.
·FilterSubSites - Indicates whether or not to filter sub sites.
·SubSiteFilterExpression - The filter expression applied to sub sites.
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