Navigation: Using PowerShell with Content Matrix > Content Matrix PowerShell Commandlet List > Metalogix.SharePoint.Migration.Commands > Copy-MLAllListItems |
This is the same as Copy-MLSharePointFolder with additional parameters.
Navigation: Using PowerShell with Content Matrix > Content Matrix PowerShell Commandlet List > Metalogix.SharePoint.Migration.Commands > Copy-MLAllSharePointSiteContent |
This is the same as Copy-MLSharePointList with additional parameters:
·CopyNavigation - Indicates that navigation should be copied.
·OverwriteSites - Indicates if the copy operation should overwrite existing sites. Overwriting sites takes precedence over the 'UpdateSites' parameter.
·UpdateSites - Specifies whether to update sites or not.
·CopyContentTypes - Indicates if the copy operation should include custom content types.
·RecursivelyCopySubsites - Indicates if the copy operation should recursively copy subsites.
·CopyLists - Indicates if the copy operation should include lists and libraries.
·CopySiteWebParts - Indicates if web parts on site landing pages should be copied.
·WebTemplateMappingTable - Defines a table of web template mappings to use to assign new web templates when copying subsites.
·CopySiteFeatures - Indicates if we should copy the features defined on the site.
·MergeSiteFeatures - Indicates if we should merge source site features into the target's site features set. If this switch is not set, target features which are not present in the source will be removed.
·SiteFilterExpression - Defines a filter expression used to determine if a subsite should be copied.
·SiteFieldsFilterExpression - Defines a filter expression used to determine if site columns to be filtered.
·CustomFolderFilterExpression - Defines a filter expression used to determine if a custom folder should be copied.
·CustomFileFilterExpression - Defines a filter expression used to determine if a custom file should be copied.
·CopyCustomContent - Indicates if we should copy the custom folders and files.
·CopyUncustomizedFiles - Indicates if we should copy files that are not customized outside of lists and libraries.
·CopySitePermissions - Indicates if the copy operation should include unique permissions for sites.
·CopyAccessRequestSettings - Indicates if the copy operation should include the request for access settings.
·ApplyThemeToWeb - Indicates if the copy operation should attempt to apply the theme used on the source to the target.
·CopyAllThemes - Indicates if the copy operation should copy either all available themes from source web or just the current theme.
·PreserveMasterPage - Indicates if the copy operation should attempt to preserve the master page used by the source site.
·CopyAssociatedGroups - Indicates if the copy operation should attempt to preserve the owner, member and visitor group settings by the source site. Groups specified by these settings will not automatically get permission to this site. To give these groups permissions, use the CopySitePermissions option.
·CopyPortalListings - Indicates if we should copy the portal listings defined on the site.
·RunNavigationStructureCopy - Indicates if the copy operation should run a navigation structure copy after all sites have been copied.
·CopyGlobalNavigation - If a navigation structure copy is being run, this indicates whether or not the nodes in the top navigation bar should be copied.
·CopyCurrentNavigation - If a navigation structure copy is being run, this indicates whether or not the nodes in the quick launch menu should be copied.
·CopyPermissionLevels - Indicates that the copy operation should include customized permission levels.
Navigation: Using PowerShell with Content Matrix > Content Matrix PowerShell Commandlet List > Metalogix.SharePoint.Migration.Commands > Copy-MLChildListPermissions |
·ListNames - A comma-delimited list of list names to copy permissions for. If null, permissions will be copied for all matched lists.
·CopyRootPermissions - Indicates if the copy operation should copy the permissions for the highest-level objects copied, regardless of inheritance.
·CopyListPermissions - Indicates if the copy operation should include unique permissions for lists.
·CopyFolderPermissions - Indicates if the copy operation should include unique permissions for folders.
·CopyItemPermissions - Indicates if the copy operation should include unique permissions for list item and documents.
·MapGroupsByName - Indicates if the copy operations should map role assignments strictly by name, skipping role assignments without a match.
·MapRolesByName - Indicates if the copy operations should map role assignments strictly by name, skipping role assignments without a match.
·ClearRoleAssignments - Indicates if the copy operations should clear any existing role assignments prior to copying the source role assignments.
·OverrideRoleMappings - Indicates if the automatic permission level mappings should be overridden.
·RoleAssignmentMappings - Defines a collection of name to name role mappings, as well as conditional logic used to determine which objects to apply them on.
·Transformers - The collection of data transformers which the action needs to run. Note that if the passed-in value for this parameter does not include transformers which are considered mandatory, they will be added automatically.
·Quiet - If set, the operation will not report progress to the PowerShell console.
·JobFile - The name of a job file to use for logging. If the file does not exist it will be created.
·Source - The source node for the actions.
·Target - The target node for the actions.
·JobDatabase - The connection string of a jobs database to use for logging. If the connection string is invalid, an exception is thrown. If both 'JobFile' and 'JobDatabase' parameters are specified, then the 'JobDatabase' parameter will take precedence and the job will only be written to the job database.
Navigation: Using PowerShell with Content Matrix > Content Matrix PowerShell Commandlet List > Metalogix.SharePoint.Migration.Commands > Copy-MLSharePointAllChildLists |
This is the same as Copy-MLSharePointList with additional parameters:
·CopyContentTypes - Defines whether content types should be copied or not.
·SiteFieldsFilterExpression - Defines a filter expression used to determine if a site field should be copied.
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