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SQL Navigator for Oracle 7.4 - User Guide

Quick Overview Working With SQL Navigator Navigation Oracle Logon Code Editor Visual Object Editors Team Coding and Version Control Systems Modules, Windows And Dialogs
Analyze Tool Auto Describe Tool Benchmark Factory Bookmarks Dialog Capture Web Output Change Logon Password Dialog Code Analysis Code Assistant Code Road Map Code Templates Code Test Database Source Code Search Dialog DB Navigator Describe Difference Viewer Edit Data ER Diagram Explain Plan Tool Export Table Find and Replace Dialog Find objects Dialog Find Recycle Bin Objects Dialog Formatting Options HTML Viewer Import HTML as PL/SQL Import Table Java Manager Job Scheduler Locate In Tree Output Window PL/SQL Profiler Profile Manager Project Manager Publish Java to PL/SQL Quick Browse Rename Object Search Knowledge Xpert Select DB Object Dialog Server Output Server Side Installation Wizard Session Browser Source Preview SQL Modeler SQL Optimizer Task Manager Web Support Configuration Dialog Wrap Code
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Objects Supported by Team Coding

Team Coding and Version Control Systems > Objects Supported by Team Coding

Team Coding controls the following database object types:

  • Table
  • Index
  • Constraint
  • Sequence
  • View
  • Trigger
  • Function
  • Procedure
  • Package
  • Package Body
  • Type
  • Type Body
  • File (Script)
  • Java Source
  • Synonym

Administer Team Coding

Team Coding and Version Control Systems > Administer Team Coding

Use the Team Coding Administration page to install, set up, and manage the Team Coding environment. On this page a Team Coding Administrator can:

  • Install the database objects that support Team Coding
  • (Optional) Set up a version control system (VCS) to use with Team Coding
  • Set global rules for the Team Coding environment
  • Manage Team Projects that organize and control code work

Only a Team Coding Administrator can administer the Team Coding environment. The Team Coding Administrator must have the role of TC_ADMIN_ROLE or an equivalent. For more information, see Team Coding Roles.

To open Team Coding Administration

  • From the Main Menu, select Team Coding | Administer.


Icon Description

Enable or disable Team Coding on this database. This icon works as a toggle to enable or disable Team Coding in the connected database. Team Coding must be installed on the database before you can enable it. For more information, see Install Team Coding.

Important: When Team Coding is disabled, the Team Coding objects remain intact in the database. However, Team Coding users will not be able to view anything in either of the Team Coding Manager tabs.

Install or uninstall Team Coding. Team Coding is installed when the Team Coding database objects are installed in the database. For more information, see Install Team Coding.


Administer Team Projects. Additional icons on the toolbar are active only when the Team Projects Tab is active and at least one non-default project exists. See: Team Projects.


Settings tab

Set up a version-control system for use with Team Coding and set global rules for the Team Coding workflow. For more information, see Team Coding Settings.

Team Projects tab

Create and administer Team Projects. At least one Team Project must exist to define which objects are controlled through Team Coding. For more information, see Team Projects.

Install Team Coding

A Team Coding Administrator must prepare the database and configure Team Coding before users can begin using it. This process includes:

  • Install Team Coding objects in the database. These objects maintain the settings, projects, and other metadata surrounding your Team Coding environment.
  • Configure Team Coding settings. These are the general settings for Team Coding on the database and apply globally for all SQL Navigator users of the objects that are controlled by Team Coding.

To install Team Coding

  1. Select Team Coding | Administer. SQL Navigator displays a message that the Team Coding objects are not installed. If this message does not display, then the Team Coding objects are already installed. To install or reinstall the objects, click in the toolbar of the Administration dialog.
  2. Click Yes to install the Team Coding database objects.
Setup Page


Team Coding Installation

Into Current Schema

Install the Team Coding database objects into the connected schema. If you select the connected schema, it must be publicly accessible and have DBA privileges.

Into Toad Schema

Many DBAs select the TOAD schema to keep their Toad objects organized in one place, but otherwise there is no difference between selecting the TOAD schema or another schema. If the schema does not exist, you are prompted to create it.

Administrator Role

Select or enter the administrator role for Team Coding. It is strongly recommended that you accept the default, TC_ADMIN_ROLE. See Team Coding Roles.

Tablespaces in which to create objects

Select a tablespace for the Team Coding objects. The default is the default tablespace of the installation schema that you selected.

Note: SQL Navigator assigns the Team Coding Administrator role (TC_ADMIN_ROLE) to the selected schema. If you installed the objects in the TOAD schema but were connected to a different schema, SQL Navigator assigns the role to both schemas. SQL Navigator automatically assigns the TC_ADMIN_ROLE to the user who creates the Team Coding objects. By default, all other users in the database can check in items, check out items, and mirror their schema to a Team Coding project. You can grant the Team Coding Administrator role to additional users, if necessary. See Team Coding Roles for more information.

Migrate Team Coding Settings

(Upgrades) If Team Coding was installed previously, you are prompted to migrate the previous Team Coding settings. Select this option to migrate the previous settings.

Note: A migration converts any existing Code Collections to Team Projects.


Clicking Finish runs the script that installs Team Coding.When prompted, log in to the database to execute the creation script and complete the installation of Team Coding.


  1. Click in the toolbar of the Administration dialog to enable Team Coding in the database.

    Note: This icon works as a toggle. When it is shown as depressed, Team Coding is active. At any time, a Team Coding Administrator can click this icon to disable Team Coding but leave the Team Coding database objects installed. When Team Coding is disabled, users will not be able to view anything in the VCS Browser or Team Projects Browser in the Team Coding Manager. You can enable and disable Team Coding as often as needed.


  1. Configure Team Coding.

To configure Team Coding

  1. The Team Coding Administration dialog is displayed after the script that installs Team Coding executes. If this dialog is not displayed, select Team Coding | Administer.

    You can use this dialog at any time in the future to change Team Coding settings.

  2. Configure Team Coding settings as follows:
    1. Set up a version-control system (VCS) to work with Team Coding (optional) and configure global Team Coding settings. See Team Coding Settings.
    2. Create Team Projects to determine which objects are controlled in Team Coding and to group those objects and/or files into projects according to your workflow requirements. At least one project must be created. See Setup Team Projects.


Team Coding Settings

The Team Coding global settings control the Team Coding environment at the database level. These settings apply to all Team Coding users.

To work with these settings go to Team Coding | Administer, then select the Settings tab.


(Optional) Select a VCS to use for Team Coding. Then, click to set VCS settings.

Note: When a user with the TC_ADMIN_ROLE sets up a VCS, SQL Navigator stores the server settings as the default for all Team Coding users. This feature only works with Concurrent Versions System (CVS), Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) and Visual Source Safe, Perforce, IBM Rational ClearCase, and Subversion (SVN). See the directions for your chosen VCS:

Concurrent Version Systems (CVS) Configuration Options

Git Configuration

IBM Rational ClearCase Configuration

Microsoft Team Foundation Server Configuration Options

Perforce Configuration Options

Serena PVCS Version Manager Options

Subversion Configuration Options

(Not required for Microsoft Visual Source Safe.)

Force check-in comment

Require users to enter a comment when checking in an object.

Force check-out comment

Require users to enter a comment when checking out an object.

Force new revision on check-in

Force the VCS to create a new revision record when checking in an object, even if the object source is unchanged. Note: Some version-control systems do not support this feature and will not create a new revision for unchanged objects.

Remove source from VCS when deleting an object

When an object that is controlled by a Team Project is deleted in SQL Navigator, delete the object from the VCS.

Select Prompt before removing to prompt users before removing the object.

When differences in source versions exist...

When you open an object or script, Team Coding compares it with the latest revision in the version control system (VCS) repository (unless it is checked out, in which case SQL Navigator opens a read-only version of the file). If the database object or script differs from the version saved in the VCS, SQL Navigator notifies you. Differences in objects could be due to a number of factors. For example, another tool or a script may have been used to edit the object, or the archive in the VCS may have been updated by some means other than Team Coding.

You can choose one of the following options to resolve the difference:

Open Database Version: Always load the database version in read-only mode.

Open VCS Version: Always update the database with the version from the VCS repository and load it in read-only mode. Caution: Opening the version from the repository will cause the object in the database to be updated.

Prompt User: Prompt the user to choose between opening the database version or the VCS version.


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