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Rapid Recovery 6.7 - User Guide

Introduction to Rapid Recovery The Core Console Repositories Core settings Protecting machines
About protecting machines with Rapid Recovery Understanding the Rapid Recovery Agent software installer Deploying Agent to multiple machines simultaneously from the Core Console Using the Deploy Agent Software Wizard to deploy to one or more machines Modifying deploy settings Understanding protection schedules Protecting a machine About protecting multiple machines Enabling application support Settings and functions for protected Exchange servers Settings and functions for protected SQL servers
Managing protected machines Snapshots and recovery points Managing privacy Encryption Authentication Replication Events Reporting VM export Restoring data Bare metal restore
About bare metal restore Differences in bare metal restore for Windows and Linux machines Understanding boot CD creation for Windows machines Managing a Linux boot image Performing a bare metal restore using the Restore Machine Wizard Using the Universal Recovery Console for a BMR Performing a bare metal restore for Linux machines Verifying a bare metal restore
Managing aging data Archiving Cloud accounts Core Console references REST APIs Glossary

Forcing an archive job

Using this procedure, you can force Rapid Recovery to perform the archive job on a scheduled archive at any time.

To force an archive job, you must have an archive scheduled on the Core.
  1. From the Rapid Recovery Core Console, in the icon bar, click the (More) menu on the icon bar, and then click [Archives] Archives.
  2. On the Archives page, under Schedule Archives, click the drop-down menu next to the archive you want to force, and then click Force.
    Rapid Recovery archives the recovery points according to the settings you chose for that archive, regardless of the scheduled archive time you set.

Checking an archive

Checking an archive verifies whether an archive and its contents are healthy enough to be restored.

You can scan an archive for the integrity of its structure, data segments, and index files by performing an archive check. The archive check verifies the presence of all necessary files within the archive and that the files are healthy. To perform an archive check, complete the steps in the following procedure.

  1. From the Rapid Recovery Core Console, in the icon bar, click the (More) menu on the icon bar, and then click [Archives]Archives.
  2. On the Archives page, click [Check] 
    The Check Archive dialog box appears.
  3. For Location type, select one of the following options from the drop-down list:
    • Local
    • Network
    • Cloud
  4. Based on the location type you selected in step 3, enter the details for the archive as described in the following table.
    Table 161: Archive details
    Option Text Box Description
    Local Location Enter the local path for the archive.
    Network Location Enter the network path for the archive.
    User name Enter the user name. It is used to establish logon credentials for the network share.
    Password Enter the password for the network path. It is used to establish logon credentials for the network share.
    Cloud Account Select an account from the drop-down list.

    NOTE: To select a cloud account, you must first have added it in the Core Console. For more information, see Adding a cloud account.

    Container Select a container associated with your account from the drop-down menu.
    Folder name Select the folder in which the archived data is saved; for example, Rapid-Recovery-7-Archive-[DATE CREATED]-[TIME CREATED].
  5. Select or clear the checks described in the following table. All are selected by default.

    NOTE: Do not clear all checks. You must select at least one option.

    Option Description
    Index files mapping offsets This option checks that all the data on the internal structure of the archive is in the correct location.
    Structure integrity This option verifies the presence of certain internal files and the folder structure of the archive. If any files or folders are missing, the check fails.
    Checksum integrity This option checks the integrity of the data segments in the archive to ensure that the segments are healthy.
  6. Click Check File.
    Rapid Recovery checks the archive according to your selections.

Attaching an archive

Attaching an archive lets you see recovery points from the archive.

You must have a pre-existing archive created in Rapid Recovery Core release 6.0.1 or later to complete this procedure. For more information, see Creating an archive.

When you attach an archive, the archive name you provide appears as an archive menu in the left navigation menu of the Core Console. Each protected machine with recovery points in the archive is listed separately below the archive menu. You can click any machine name in the archive and browse its recovery points. You can then take the same actions as with any other recovery points currently visible in your Core.

Attaching the archive also caches the credentials for accessing the information. Unless you delete the attached archive permanently, you can easily detach and re-attach an archive, making its recovery points easily accessible without cluttering the Core Console. For information about detaching an archive, see Detaching an archive.

Use this procedure to attach an archive.
  1. On the Rapid Recovery Core Console, click the [Archives]Archive [Drop-down menu] drop-down menu, and then select [Attach]Attach Archive.
    The Attach Archive dialog box appears.
  2. In the Name text box, enter a name for this attached archive.

    The value you type in this field appears in the left navigation menu as the archive menu name.

    Following best practice for display names, the archive name should contain between 1 and 64 alphanumeric characters, including spaces. Do not use prohibited characters or prohibited phrases.

  3. In the Location type drop-down list, select the location type of your archive from the following options:
    • Local
    • Network
    • Cloud
  4. Enter the details for the archive as described in the following table based on the location type you selected in step 3.
    Table 162: Location type details
    Option Text Box Description



    Enter the path to the archive; for example, D:\Work\Archive.



    Enter the path to the archive; for example, \\servername\sharename.

    User name

    Enter user name for logging in to the network share.


    Enter the password for logging in to the network share.



    Select an account from the drop-down list.

    NOTE: To select a cloud account, you must first have added it in the Core Console. For more information, see Adding a cloud account.


    Select the container of the archive associated with your account from the drop-down menu.

    Folder name

    Enter the name of the folder of the archived data; for example, Rapid-Recovery-Archive-[DATE CREATED]-[TIME CREATED].

  5. Click Attach.
    The archive attaches to this Core and mounts the contents as a file system.

Detaching an archive

You must have an archive attached to your Core to perform this task.

When an archive is attached to your Core, you can navigate through the data in the archive as if the data were currently protected machines.Once you attach an archive, its credentials are cached and it remains visible in your Core until you detach it.

Perform this task after you have accomplished your objectives for attaching the archive, to remove it from view on your Core.

NOTE: Detaching the archive does not delete the data; it only removes the data from current view.

Use this procedure to detach an archive.
  1. On the left navigation menu of the Rapid Recovery Core Console, locate the archive you want to detach.
  2. Click on the [Ellipsis] ellipsis for the archive, and from the context-sensitive menu, select [Delete] Delete.
  3. In the resulting dialog box, confirm that you want to remove the selected archive.
    The dialog box closes. After a brief pause, the attached archive is removed from the Core Console. This action is logged as an alert.
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