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Enterprise Reporter 3.5.1 - Installation and Deployment Guide

Product Overview Installation Considerations for Enterprise Reporter Installing and Configuring Enterprise Reporter Managing Your Enterprise Reporter Deployment Troubleshooting Issues with Enterprise Reporter Appendix: Database Content Wizard Appendix: Encryption Key Manager Appendix: Log Viewer

Installing and Configuring the Encryption Key Manager

The Encryption Key Manager requires no separate installation option as it is automatically installed with the Enterprise Reporter server. The Encryption Key Manager must reside on and be used on the same computer as the Enterprise Reporter server component.

Creating a Database Prior to Enterprise Reporter Server Installation

If you need to create a database prior to installing the Enterprise Reporter server, the following steps are required:

The size of the database directly relates to the amount of data being collected and being queried from the SQL Server. In other words, the size of the database directly relates to the number of rows in the database. Each discovery type stores different amounts of data. Use the Database Estimator tool for further information based on the types of collections being performed.

Installing and Configuring SSRS

You can configure Enterprise Reporter for publishing reports to SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). Once it is configured in your environment, reporting administrators can publish reports from Enterprise Reporter. These reports can then be run from a web browser instead of the Report Manager. For information about installing and configuring Knowledge Portal, see the Knowledge Portal documentation in your download package or CD.

Installing and Configuring IT Security Search

IT Security Search is a cross-product searching platform. Once it is configured in your environment, you set up System Configuration to push collected data from Enterprise Reporter to the IT Security Search repository. To be able to push collected data to the repository, the database account must have db-owner rights to the Enterprise Reporter database. For information on installing and configuring IT Security Search, see the IT Security Search documentation in your download package or CD.

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