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Enterprise Reporter 3.5.1 - Installation and Deployment Guide

Product Overview Installation Considerations for Enterprise Reporter Installing and Configuring Enterprise Reporter Managing Your Enterprise Reporter Deployment Troubleshooting Issues with Enterprise Reporter Appendix: Database Content Wizard Appendix: Encryption Key Manager Appendix: Log Viewer

Checking the Enterprise Reporter configuration after recovery

Start the Configuration Manager and check the health of the recovered Enterprise Reporter configuration.

Select Information.
Click the Discovery Nodes tab.
Select Yes on the popup message.
Select Discovery Management and click Manage Discoveries.


Appendix: Database Content Wizard

The Enterprise Reporter Database Content Wizard can be started from the Windows Start menu or from within the main Database Wizard.

To run the Database Content Wizard, you must have control and alter permission on the database. During installation, if the sa account is not selected, the Enterprise Reporter service account is added as a member of the Discovery_Admin_Role and Discovery_Nodes_Role roles. Both accounts have control and alter database permissions.

The Enterprise Reporter Database Content Wizard allows you to perform the following tasks on the information stored in Enterprise Reporter SQL Server® Databases:

Software Requirements

Starting and Configuring the Enterprise Reporter Database Content Wizard

Start the main Database Wizard by clicking the Start menu, and select All Programs | Quest | Enterprise Reporter | Database Content Wizard.
Optionally, click Advanced Settings to configure how long the server will wait for a response.
Optionally, set the SQL Server Connection Timeout.
Optionally, set the SQL Server Command Timeout.
Optionally, click Reset to defaults to restore both timeouts to 60 seconds.
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