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Enterprise Reporter 3.5.1 - Installation and Deployment Guide

Product Overview Installation Considerations for Enterprise Reporter Installing and Configuring Enterprise Reporter Managing Your Enterprise Reporter Deployment Troubleshooting Issues with Enterprise Reporter Appendix: Database Content Wizard Appendix: Encryption Key Manager Appendix: Log Viewer

Merging Two Enterprise Reporter Databases

This section provides details about the Merge task.


Start-ERMerge [-SourceSqlHost] <string> [-SourceDatabaseName] <string>
[[-SourceUserID] <string>] [[-SourcePassword] <string>] [-TargetSqlHost] <string>
[-TargetDatabaseName] <string> [[-TargetUserID] <string>] [[-TargetPassword] <string>] [<CommonParameters>]


Restoring an Enterprise Reporter Database

This section provides details about the Restore task.


Start-ERRestore [-TargetSqlHost] <string> [-TargetDatabaseName] <string>
[[-TargetUserID] <string>][[-TargetPassword] <string>] [-FilePath] <string>
[-Password] <string> [<CommonParameters>]


Transferring an Enterprise Reporter Database

This section provides details about the Transfer task.


Start-ERTransfer [-SourceSqlHost] <string> [[-SourceDatabaseName] <string>]
[[-SourceUserID] <string>][[-SourcePassword] <string>] [-TargetSqlHost] <string>
[-TargetDatabaseName] <string> [[-TargetUserID] <string>] [[-TargetPassword] <string>] [-SelectedOptions] <TransferDataSelectionEnum>
{None | ClustersAndNodes | Discoveries | Reports} [<CommonParameters>]


Start-ERMerge –SourceSqlHost Sample.Sql.Server –SourceDatabaseName SourceDatabase –SourceUserID TestUser –SourcePassword fee3td
–TargetSqlHost TargetSample.Sql.Server –TargetDatabaseName TargetDatabase –TargetUserId TargetUser –TargetPassword fhfsk8 –SelectedOptions ClustersAndNodes, Discoveries, Reports

Appendix: Encryption Key Manager

Enterprise Reporter makes use of FIPS 140-2 compliant encryption to secure user credentials and includes an encryption key management tool. The Enterprise Reporter Encryption Key Manager can be started from the Windows Start menu. This tool allows you to perform the following tasks related to the Enterprise Reporter encryption key.

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