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Enterprise Reporter 3.5.1 - Installation and Deployment Guide

Product Overview Installation Considerations for Enterprise Reporter Installing and Configuring Enterprise Reporter Managing Your Enterprise Reporter Deployment Troubleshooting Issues with Enterprise Reporter Appendix: Database Content Wizard Appendix: Encryption Key Manager Appendix: Log Viewer

Troubleshooting connectivity issues

Each console maintains connections to the Enterprise Reporter server and to the SQL Server database that stores Enterprise Reporter data. A loss of either connection causes problems. Figure 12 outlines the connections between the components and the server and database.


Restoring a connection to the Enterprise Reporter Server

There are a number of reasons why a Enterprise Reporter server may be down. When a console loses its connection to the server, it becomes unusable and must be restarted. All users connected to the Enterprise Reporter server are affected. You should check the following connections:

If the server has gone down and been restored since you last logged in, then the next time you connect, you will be informed that the server went down. If you are the main Enterprise Reporter administrator, this allows you to be aware that your server has had issues. Intermittent failures over time may be due to instability in your network, problems on the server’s host computer, or your SQL Server deployment.

Restoring a connection to the Enterprise Reporter database

If your server has lost its connection to the database, you can still open a console and connect to the server, but functionality will be limited. You will be unable to create discoveries, run reports or modify your configuration. Ensure that the SQL Server hosting the Enterprise Reporter database is running, and that the server can access it.

The Report Manager maintains a direct connection to the SQL Server database, so ensure that the console’s computer can also access the SQL Server.

Troubleshooting Connection Timeouts

As Enterprise Reporter processes your requests, constant communication with the database is required. Depending on your network configuration, your Enterprise Reporter deployment, and the power of your SQL Server host, the solution for timeout issues may vary.

You can fix timeout issues by either increasing the timeout in Enterprise Reporter, or by investigating any systemic or deployment issues. For example, perhaps the SQL Server om which the database is hosted is underpowered, or you have located your Enterprise Reporter server physically distant from your SQL Server.

There are two places in the Configuration Manager where you can control the database timeouts:

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