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Space Manager with LiveReorg 9.0 - User Guide

Smart Start for Space Manager Collect Statistics Profile DML Activity Manage Storage Reorganize Objects with Reorg Manager Partition Tables with the Partitioning Wizard Run and Monitor Scripts Run Reports Options Troubleshooting Administration Functions Appendix About Us

Install Server Objects

Install server components after installing the Space Manager client. Install server components for each database you want to manage with Space Manager.

Upgrade the server components after upgrading the Space Manager client.

Use the same DBA account to install server components and the Server Agent. See Space Manager User Requirements for more information.

To install (or upgrade) server objects

  1. Launch the Space Manager client.
  2. When the Connect dialog displays, connect to the database using the Oracle DBA account chosen to install the server components and the Server Agent.

    Note: For more information about creating a connection, see Connect to Databases.

  3. (Upgrade only) If this is an upgrade, one or more of the following messages display:
    • Upgrade required—The is the default message. Click Yes.
    • Running scripts—The install program has found scripts that the Server Agent is executing. Click OK to cancel the upgrade and perform it later.
    • Scheduled scripts—The install program has found scripts that are scheduled for execution by the Server Agent. If you are sure the upgrade will complete before the first script executes, click Yes. Otherwise, click No to cancel the upgrade. You will need to upgrade later.
  4. When the Create Space Manager with LiveReorg Objects dialog opens, specify an owner and tablespace for the components. See the following for more information.

    Field Description
    Owner If this is a first-time installation, specify the installation DBA. By default, the field displays the connecting user. To use a different DBA, enter the user name in the Owner field. After you click OK, a password prompt displays.

    Select a tablespace for Space Manager objects. The tablespace must have a standard name and free space equal to or greater than the amount for Expected Allocation. For an upgrade, it must also have enough free space for copies of existing Space Manager tables (created for recovery purposes and dropped when an upgrade is complete).

    Objects are upgraded in their current tablespace. If you select a different tablespace, objects are upgraded in that tablespace and dropped from the current tablespace.


    (upgrade only)

    Verify the recommended space allocation for Space Manager objects. The recommendations allow for one year of growth in statistics tables.

    • Small is for databases with less than 1,000 non-SYS segments
    • Medium is for databases with 1,000 to 9,999 non-SYS segments
    • Large is for databases with 10,000 to 24,999 non-SYS segments
    • Huge is for databases with more than 25,000 non-SYS segments

    Note: Use the following guidelines for determining space allocation: small for up to 100 GB, medium for up to 500 GB, etc.

    Allocation to use Select a space allocation for Space Manager objects. The recommended allocation is entered by default.
    Expected allocation Verify the expected space allocation for Space Manager objects. This corresponds to the Allocation to use value.

    Install Space Manager Demonstration Data

    (install only)

    If you want to install demonstration data after server components are installed, select this checkbox. Demonstration data requires 20 MB or 24 MB of disk space, depending on your database block size.

    Note: If the Recycle Bin contains many objects, the Create Space Manager with LiveReorg Objects window might require a long time to display. To avoid this problem, empty the recycle bin before you begin the installation.

  5. Click OK. The installation progress displays in the Executing Create dialog. To cancel installation, click Cancel.

    Note: In some cases, Space Manager may try to allocate more than the expected allocation. It does this when a tablespace has a large minimum extent size or is locally managed and uses uniform extent allocation. In either case, installation may fail. If it does, click OK to clear the installation error. Begin installation again and select a larger tablespace for Space Manager objects.

  6. You will encounter a prompt if QUEST_COM_PRODUCTS_% tables are already installed for the target database but the owner is not the installation DBA for Space Manager.
    • To continue, click Yes. The Space Manager objects will be owned by the installation DBA. And QUEST_COM_PRODUCTS_% tables will continue to be owned by their current owner. (Public synonyms and certain views will be owned by SYS.)
    • To cancel installation, click No. Then, when you start the installation again, use the QUEST_COM_PRODUCTS_% table owner as the installation DBA. Space Manager objects and QUEST_COM_PRODUCTS_% tables will be owned by this user. (Public synonyms and certain views will be owned by SYS.)
  7. If O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY is FALSE for the target database and the installation DBA does not have EXECUTE on SYS.DBMS_SYS_SQL, you are allowed to run scripts to grant the privilege.
    • When prompted, enter the user name and password for a SYSDBA account. The first script prompts you to enter the name of the installation DBA.
  8. When server component installation is finished, one of the following displays:
  9. To install demonstration data, click Install in the Install/Refresh Demonstration Data window. It is recommended that you use the default demonstration user name, tablespace names, and datafile names. A password is not required. If you specify different directories for demonstration datafiles, the directories must already exist.

  10. When demonstration data installation is finished, two “success” messages display. Click OK. The Server Agent Installer displays so that you can install (or upgrade) QSA. See Install or Upgrade Server Agent on UNIX or Linux for more information.

For more information about installing and upgrading Space Manager, the Server Agent, and server objects, see the Space Manager Installation Guide at Quest Software Technical Documentation .


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Reinstall Server Objects

The Reinstall Space Manager Server Objects function can be used to install or upgrade Space Manager server components for a database whenever needed. This function is designed for use when you need to rebuild existing components. It is also designed for use after you upgrade to a new version of Oracle. Reinstalling server components updates them for the new version of Oracle.

Note: The Reinstall Space Manager Server Objects function updates server components without affecting data stored in the Space Manager repository. All statistics and stored scripts are preserved.

To reinstall server objects

  1. Select Tools | Admin | Reinstall Space Manager Server Objects. As installation of server components proceeds, its progress and status are displayed in the SQL Exec dialog. When installation of server components is finished, a completion message displays.
  2. When component installation is finished, the Server Agent Installer displays so that you can update the Server Agent.


Related Topics

Uninstall Server Objects

The Remove Space Manager Server Objects function can be used to uninstall server components from a database whenever needed. This function drops all Space Manager objects from a database, including statistics tables and script tables. It also drops the demonstration data.

Note: Datafiles for demonstration data tablespaces must be removed from the server manually.

Server components must be uninstalled by the DBA that installed them. They must be removed individually from each database in which they are installed.

Normally, demonstration data is automatically removed along with server components. However, the data is not removed when demonstration tablespaces contain objects that are not owned by the demonstration user. To ensure that demonstration data is removed, relocate non-demonstration objects before you uninstall the server components.

After demonstration data is uninstalled, manually delete the demonstration datafiles, SPCDEMO01_nn.dbf and SPCDEMO02_nn.dbf.

To uninstall (remove) server objects and demonstration data

  1. Run the Space Manager client and connect to the target database as the DBA that installed server components.
  2. To uninstall server components, select Tools | Admin | Remove Space Manager Server Objects. If demonstration data is installed, it is removed along with server components.

    Note: After server components and QSA are uninstalled, manually delete demonstration datafiles, SPCDEMO01_nn.dbf and SPCDEMO02_nn.dbf.

  3. If the uninstall program detects scripts that are being executed by QSA, you must cancel the uninstall. You can finish the uninstall after script execution is complete.
  4. If the uninstall program determines that one or more scripts are scheduled to run, a message displays the date and time for the first script and asks if you want to continue the uninstall:
    • If you want to continue and are sure that the uninstall process will finish before the first script runs, click Yes.
    • If you want to cancel the uninstall, click No.
  5. Once verifications are complete, a confirmation message explains that all Space Manager objects will be removed from the server. Click Yes. The SQL Exec dialog displays the uninstall progress and status.
  6. After server components are uninstalled, the QSA Installer displays so that you can remove the agent. See Uninstall the Server Agent for more information.


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About QSA Server Agent

The QSA Server Agent is a script execution engine that Space Manager uses to run scripts, such as reorganization, repair, and statistics-collection scripts, from the database server on a scheduled basis. The agent must be used to run live reorganization scripts and scripts that use FastCopy, FSCopy, or parallel agent processes. Scripts are automatically run by the agent when they are scheduled and stored in the Space Manager repository.

You can stop and start QSA from the Space Manager Tools menu or the Script/Job Monitor window. See Start or Stop QSA Server Agent.

To view information about the currently installed QSA Server Agent, select a database connection in the Explorer tree-list. Then click About QSA in the QSA Status panel.

Note: For detailed information about installing or uninstalling QSA (using the QSA Installer or the manual method), specifying QSA user privileges, or specifying QSA parameters, see the Space Manager with LiveReorg Installation Guide.

QSA Server Agent Installer

You can use the QSA Server Agent Installer to install, upgrade, and uninstall the QSA Server Agent for Oracle® databases on UNIX®, Linux®, and Windows® servers.

You can also use the QSA Installer to specify values for QSA parameters. Values are first specified when you install QSA. However, you can modify parameter values, if necessary, after installation by opening the QSA Installer.

To open the QSA Server Agent Installer

  1. Select Tools | Admin | Quest Server Agent | Manage Quest Server Agent Installation.
  2. In the Select Installation Type window, select from the following:

    Note: If the QSA Server Agent is not installed, the QSA Installer skips this window and displays the pages necessary for installation.

    QSA Installer Option Description
    Upgrade QSA Server Agent Select to upgrade to a new version of the Quest Server Agent.
    Remove Quest Server Agent Select to uninstall the Quest Server Agent.
    Configure Quest Server Agent Select to specify Quest Server Agent parameter values.
  3. Click Next after completing each QSA Installer page. Click Finish to save your entries and close the installer.

For More Information

For more information about the QSA Installer, see the following:

Note: You can also run the QSA Installer from the Space Manager application folder. To run the QSA Installer, double click QSAInstall.exe.


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Space Manager with LiveReorg - 9.0
Installation Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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