Space Manager with LiveReorg® is a comprehensive solution for achieving optimal capacity and performance in Oracle® databases. It provides the DBA with powerful functionality for making the most of storage resources. Space Manager can be used to collect statistics, visualize space use, detect and resolve space-use problems, identify the benefits of reorganizing tables and indexes, reorganize and resize objects for efficient space use, partition tables and indexes, plan for database growth, and document reorganization activities.
Here are some of the ways Space Manager streamlines the strategic tasks involved in managing database storage:
The Explorer window allows you to quickly detect the space-use problems that impact database capacity and performance. Space-usage pie-charts provide a graphic display of space use in your databases and tablespaces, allowing you to visualize how space is allocated and how much is free.
In the Explorer window, you can drill down to information on each tablespace. A tablespace view displays the tablespace segments and includes statistics on space usage, including segment counts and sizes. The Reorg Need column reveals which tablespace objects need to be reorganized.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
You can find additional documentation for Space Manager with LiveReorg at the Quest Software Support Portal.
This Smart Start outlines the workflow involved in using Space Manager to manage database space. It identifies key features and displays the order in which these features are typically used.
Run the Find Long LONGs procedure in order to populate the Find Long LONGs table.
Reorg Manager checks this table for the size of LONG and LONG RAW columns. The size of these columns determines which data movement methods can be used to reorganize their tables. See Use the Find Long LONGs Package for more information.
Run the Repository Update job.
Make sure the Repository Update job runs at least one time before running a reorganization or attempting to identify objects in need of reorganization. This job updates the reorg need and wasted space information in the Space Manager Repository. See About the Space Manager Repository for more information.
Check space usage in a database and detect space-use problems using Space Manager storage monitoring tools.
Explorer—The Explorer displays when you open Space Manager allowing you to view space usage and space issues for a database. In addition, you can view storage information for a tablespace, datafile, object, or segment. See Monitor Storage from the Explorer for more information.
Right-click a tablespace and select Tablespace Properties to monitor and manage tablespace storage properties.
Manage space in a database and resolve space-use problems with properties dialogs and reorganization wizards. You can redefine extent allocation and resize objects for more efficient space use. You can also relocate or partition objects.
Reorg Manager—Use Reorg Manager to resolve space-use problems for objects from anywhere in a database. Reorg Manager provides two reorganization methods: standard and live (available when the LiveReorg option is licensed). During reorganizations with both methods, you can relocate objects to different tablespaces.
For help determining which reorganization method to use, see Select a Reorganization Method for Reorg Manager.
Note: The Live option is only available when the LiveReorg option is licensed.
Partitioning Wizard—Use the Partitioning Wizard to partition, repartition, or unpartition objects and resolve space-use problems during a live reorganization. See About the Partitioning Wizard for more information.
Note: The Partitioning Wizard is only available when the LiveReorg option is licensed.
Monitor and manage script execution.
Use the Script/Job Monitor to check the status of all scripts that are stored in the Space Manager repository.
Stored scripts are run from the server on a scheduled basis by the QSA Server Agent. They can include reorganization and partitioning scripts.
You can also use the Script/Job Monitor to manage stored scripts and the QSA Server Agent. Script functions allow you to do the following:
QSA Server Agent functions allow you to start or stop the agent and check its status. See Manage and Monitor QSA.
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