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Space Manager with LiveReorg 9.0 - User Guide

Smart Start for Space Manager Collect Statistics Profile DML Activity Manage Storage Reorganize Objects with Reorg Manager Partition Tables with the Partitioning Wizard Run and Monitor Scripts Run Reports Options Troubleshooting Administration Functions Appendix About Us

Connect to Databases

Space Manager allows you to create connection profiles to store database connection information. Each profile is comprised of the service name, user name, and password for a database connection. When you select a connection from the tree-list in the Explorer, these values are entered automatically.

The profiles created from a Space Manager client are for that client only. You can create as many profiles as needed for different databases or the same database. A database can have different profiles for different users.

You can have multiple database connections open concurrently during a Space Manager session.

Note: Connection information for the current connection is displayed in the Space Manager title bar. Information consists of service name for the current connection and user name of the connecting user.

Before creating a new connection

  • Oracle client must match architecture (bitness) of Space Manager. Install an Oracle client that matches the bitness of the Space Manager application. For example, 64-bit Space Manager requires a 64-bit Oracle client and 32-bit Space Manager requires a 32-bit Oracle client.
  • Tnsnames file. Make sure the tnsnames.ora file on the Space Manager client computer contains service names for all databases to be managed with Space Manager.

To create a new database connection

  1. Select File | Add New Connection.
  2. Enter the connection information in the Connection dialog. Review the following for additional information:

    TNS / Direct

    Select the type of connection to create.

    TNS—Select if using a TNSNames.ora file.

    Direct—Select to enter database address information directly, without using a TNSNames.ora file.


    (TNS only) Select the TNS name (net service name) for the target database. The field lists all names in the TNSNames.ora file on the client computer.

    Note If you are running Space Manager in an active-active OPS or RAC environment, select the service name for the instance where the Quest Server Agent (QSA) is installed.

    SID (Direct only) Enter the SID or service name for the target database.
    Host (Direct only) Enter the host name for the target database.
    Port (Direct only) Enter port number, if other than the default.

    User Name

    Enter the user name of an Oracle user. The user must have the DBA role or the QUEST_SPC_APP_PRIV role. See Space Manager User Requirements for more information.


    Enter the password for the Oracle user.

    Note: Saved passwords are encrypted.

    Profile Name Enter a name for the profile. This name is used to identify the connection in the Explorer tree-list (left pane of Explorer window).
    Oracle Home Allows you to select the Oracle home to use, if you have multiple Oracle homes specified. Space Manager reads the TNSNames.ora file associated with the selected Oracle home.
  3. Click Add Database to save the profile. Space Manager adds the connection to the tree view in the Explorer window.

To connect

Use one of the following methods to open a connection:

  • Select a database connection in the tree view (left pane) in the Explorer.
  • Right-click a database connection and select Connect .
  • Select a connection and click .

Note: Space Manager server components must be installed in the database to which you want to connect. See Install or Upgrade Server Objects for more information.

To disconnect

Do one of the following:

  • Right-click the connection name in the tree-list and select Disconnect.
  • Select a connection name in the tree-list and click .
  • Select a window that is connected to the database from which you want to disconnect. With this window as the active window, click .

Note: If you disconnect from a database, all Space Manager windows associated to that database connection will close.

To modify connection properties

  • Right-click a connection in the tree-list and select Edit Connection Parameters.

Working with Multiple Connections

When multiple connections are open for a Space Manager session, you can select one as the current connection. All functions performed and all windows opened will apply to the database that is set as the current database connection.

To set the current connection (or switch connections)

Do one of the following:

  • In the Explorer window, select the database connection in the Explorer tree-list.
  • Select a window associated to the database connection.


Reorganization Method Selection Chart

When should you select a certain reorganization method? This depends on the functions you want to use, the objects you want to reorganize, and the version of your Oracle database.

You can use the Predicted Reorganization Benefit report to identify the best reorganization options for an object. The report identifies the benefits of reorganizing selected objects and shows the amount of space you can reclaim by reorganizing these objects. From the report, you can right-click an object to reorganize it. See Generate Reorganization Reports for more information.

When you want to...


Standard Reorg

Live Reorg
Online Switch

Live Reorg
T-Lock Switch

Resolve space-use problems and adjust storage

Reorganize with minimal downtime

Reorganize with zero downtime

Defragment a tablespace

Pause a reorg for datafile maintenance

Sort data by a certain index

Reorganize partitioned objects

Reorganize individual partitions or subpartitions

Reorganize tables with LOBs

Reorganize tables with LONGs (including LONGs >32KB)

Reorganize tables with both a LOB and a LONG

Reorganize IOTs and their IOT overflows

Partitioned only

Reorganize indexes independently of their tables


Oracle License Compliance

Each new release of Space Manager with LiveReorg is designed to optimize your abilities to administer the Oracle database. If Oracle introduces a new data item, feature, or parameter, and if the Space Manager user community desires that new element, you will likely find new functionality within this product to help you with it.

Important! By default, Oracle installs and enables some features in the database which may not be covered by your existing license, such as Partitioning, RAC, Advanced Workload Repository (AWR) and Compression to name a few. Space Manager takes advantage of these features if found installed in your database, and use of these features (including use by Space Manager) may increase your Oracle licensing fees. Being properly licensed by Oracle is your (organization's) responsibility.


Space Manager License Key

After you first install the Space Manager client and try to connect to a database, you are prompted to enter a license key. Once you enter a permanent key, you do not need to enter it again. It is preserved during upgrades. You only need to change or re-enter a license key when:

  • Your trial key expires.
  • You switch from a trial key to a permanent key.
  • You change your licensing agreement with Quest Software.
  • You uninstall and then reinstall the Space Manager client.

To update a license key

  1. Select Tools | Admin | License Key.
  2. Enter your permanent or trial license key.


Verwandte Dokumente
Space Manager with LiveReorg - 9.0
Installation Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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