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Space Manager with LiveReorg 9.0 - User Guide

Smart Start for Space Manager Collect Statistics Profile DML Activity Manage Storage Reorganize Objects with Reorg Manager Partition Tables with the Partitioning Wizard Run and Monitor Scripts Run Reports Options Troubleshooting Administration Functions Appendix About Us

User Requirements

This section describes the privileges required to install Space Manager server components, install the Server Agent, and run Space Manager.

Server Objects Installation

To install Space Manager server components, you must have the DBA role and full privileges for the target database. (Do not use SYS or SYSTEM.) Your user name must not require double quotes.

Note: In Oracle 12c/19c, the server objects and Server Agent must be installed by a common user with DBA privileges on all containers. See Installation DBA in Oracle 12c/19c.

The DBA account that installs the Space Manager server objects (components) owns the objects. This same DBA account must be used to upgrade and uninstall the server components (which include Space Manager objects).

The DBA account used to install the server components should also be used to install the Server Agent.

The privileges needed to run FND_STATS as a non-APPs user are automatically granted during installation of Space Manager server components. Any user with the DBA or QUEST_SPC_APP_PRIV role can run FND_STATS from Space Manager.

Installation DBA in Oracle 12c/19c

In an Oracle database, the server objects and Server Agent must be installed by a common user with DBA privileges on all containers. This account must be created prior to installation of the server objects and Server Agent.

  1. In the Oracle root container, using a common user account such as SYS or SYSTEM, create another common user account to be used for installing server objects (and Server Agent).
  2. Grant the new common user account DBA privileges across all containers. For example, use a grant statement such as the following:

    grant dba to c##<user> container = all;

Privileges and the O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY Parameter

When Oracle’s O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY initialization parameter is set to FALSE for a target database, the following requirements must be met:

  • The installation DBA must have the EXECUTE on SYS.DBMS_SYS_SQL privilege. During installation, the installation DBA is prompted to log in using a SYSDBA account and then run scripts to grant this privilege.
  • If the target database does not allow remote login by users with the SYSDBA privilege, the installation DBA must have remote database administration capability. This capability must be granted prior to installation.
    1. First, create an authentication password file for the target database.
    2. Second, set the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE parameter to EXCLUSIVE for the DBA account you plan to use as the user for Space Manager server components.

Server Agent Installation

The Server Agent must be installed by user accounts with sufficient privileges. The agent must be upgraded, configured, and uninstalled by its installation account. On UNIX and Linux servers, the agent is installed by an operating system account and an Oracle DBA. On Windows servers, the agent is installed by an Oracle DBA.

Note: In Oracle, the server objects and Server Agent must be installed by a common user with DBA privileges on all containers. See Installation DBA in Oracle 12c/19c.

UNIX and Linux Privileges

To install the agent on UNIX or Linux, you must have READ, WRITE, and DELETE privileges for the installation directory. During installation, the user connects to the database server host using SSH. The user needs privileges similar to the operating system user that installed Oracle.

Oracle Privileges

To install the agent on Oracle, you must have the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privilege and full privileges for the target database. (Do not use SYS or SYSTEM.) To install the agent on Windows, you must have all permissions for the agent installation folder.

On all supported platforms, the installation DBA must have the EXECUTE privilege on:


Normally, EXECUTE privileges are granted as part of the DBA role or during Server Agent installation. If the privileges cannot be granted during installation or if they are revoked, the agent does not run correctly. To fix the problem, grant the missing privileges to the installation DBA.

The installation DBA connects to the target database when QSA is installed. It also automatically connects the agent to the database each time the system is started.

Note: Use the same DBA account to install Space Manager server components and the Server Agent. The same account is automatically used when you run the Server Agent Installer from Space Manager immediately after server components are installed.

Running Space Manager

Space Manager can be run by DBA users and by non-DBA users that have the QUEST_SPC_APP_PRIV role. This section describes how to grant the QUEST_SPC_APP_PRIV role from Space Manager.

To grant privileges from Space Manager

To grant privileges from Space Manager, the installation DBA runs the following procedure in the SQL Editor (in the procedure, ‘USER NAME’ is the user name of the user being granted privileges):


quest_spc_user_manager.grant_user (‘USER NAME’);


The procedure should be run for non-DBA users that will run Space Manager. The procedure grants the QUEST_SPC_APP_PRIV role and additional privileges to non-DBAs. It grants only the QUEST_SPC_APP_PRIV role to non-installation DBAs.

Note: Privileges must be granted after each upgrade, as well as after the initial installation.


Usage Feedback

Enabling usage feedback allows Quest Software to gather general application use statistics for Space Manager with LiveReorg. Usage feedback can be used by the Space Manager development team to better address the needs of the Space Manager user community.

To enable usage feedback

  1. Select Help | About.
  2. Select the Usage Feedback tab.
  3. Select the Enable usage feedback checkbox.

To disable usage feedback

  1. Select Help | About.
  2. Select the Usage Feedback tab.
  3. Clear the Enable usage feedback check box.


Collect Statistics

Collect Statistics

Storage statistics are essential to tracking space use in a database. Space Manager's primary method for collecting storage statistics is the daily job that updates the Space Manager Repository. In addition, Space Manager also provides options in the Reorg Wizards for automatically collecting statistics after objects are reorganized, repaired, or partitioned.

Statistics are used by Space Manager’s problem-detection, problem-resolution, and capacity-planning modules. All provide the best results when statistics are current. Most reports require at least one statistics collection for database objects.

To see the date the Repository was last updated, select a database in the Explorer tree-list. The Last Update date is displayed in the database information in the Explorer window.

The Space Manager Repository

The Space Manager Repository collects and stores statistics that are used by Space Manager to calculate reorg need and wasted space and to display space usage information in the Explorer, Object Properties, the Reorg Wizards, and the reports.

See About the Space Manager Repository for more information.

Repository Update Job

The Space Manager Repository is updated by the Repository Update job. By default, this job is scheduled to run daily. You can modify the Repository Update job's schedule (Tools | Admin | Change Repository Update Schedule).

This job collects statistics from the Oracle data dictionary and from running Oracle procedures (like those in the DBMS_SPACE package). These statistics are then used by Space Manager to display the list of objects in the Explorer, to estimate table sizes, to generate trend reports, to calculate reorg need and wasted space, and to provide a variety of storage and space use information throughout the Space Manager interface.

See Change Repository Update Schedule for more information.

Reorganization Wizards

The Reorg Manager and the Partitioning Wizard provide options that let you automatically update statistics to reflect changes made during reorganization, repair, or partitioning.

These Reorganization Wizards also provide options that let you preserve existing statistics in the Oracle data dictionary. You might want to preserve statistics if you are using pre-set statistics for Oracle’s cost based optimizer.

For more information about the Analysis options provided in the Reorganization Wizards, see Select Scripting Options and About Statistics Collection Options.


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Space Manager with LiveReorg - 9.0
Installation Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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