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Space Manager with LiveReorg 9.0 - User Guide

Smart Start for Space Manager Collect Statistics Profile DML Activity Manage Storage Reorganize Objects with Reorg Manager Partition Tables with the Partitioning Wizard Run and Monitor Scripts Run Reports Options Troubleshooting Administration Functions Appendix About Us

Oracle Upgrade

If you plan to upgrade from one version of Oracle Database to another, uninstall QSA first. After the new Oracle database is installed, reinstall the server and the QSA agent.

When upgrading Oracle

  1. Uninstall the Server Agent.
    1. From the Space Manager main menu, select Tools | Admin | Quest Server Agent | Manage Quest Server Agent Installation.
    2. Select Remove Quest Server Agent and complete the Server Agent Installer wizard. See Uninstall the Server Agent for more information.
  2. Upgrade Oracle Database.
  3. Reinstall server components.
    1. Return to Space Manager and from the main menu select Tools | Admin | Reinstall Space Manager Server Objects. This recreates all the Space Manager views and triggers the installation of the Server Agent. See Reinstall Server Objects for more information.
    2. When installation of the server components is finished, the Server Agent Installer opens and prompts you to install the agent.
  4. Install the Server Agent. This ensures that the correct Oracle libraries are used when you upgrade Space Manager. See Install or Upgrade Server Agent on UNIX or Linux for more information.


Change Repository Update Schedule

The Space Manager Repository is used to store object and tablespace lists and statistics. This information is used in reports, in reorg need calculations, and to display in the Explorer. Space Manager updates the Repository daily, by default. However, you can modify the schedule at which the Repository Update job runs.

Tip: The Repository Update job is listed in the Script/Job Monitor. You can access the script execution log from the Job Monitor window.

To Set or Modify Repository Update Schedule

  1. Select Tools | Admin | Change Repository Update Schedule.
  2. In the Schedule Task dialog, select the frequency with which you want to update the Repository: daily, weekly or monthly. Click Next.

    Note: The default is Daily.

  3. Select the time of day and other details for scheduling the update. Click Finish when done.


  • You can immediately initiate the update process for a Repository by setting the next scheduled update to the current day and time. This starts the update process, which can run for some time.
  • You can view the status of a database's Repository in the Explorer. Select a database in the Explorer tree-list to display the date of the last update and whether an update is scheduled.
  • You can specify the method for Space Manager to use when gathering object and tablespace lists displayed in the Explorer by selecting Tools | Options | Explorer Object Lists. See Explorer Object Lists for more information.
  • You can specify the number of segments to update in each Repository Update job. See Repository Schedule Options for more information.


Install/Uninstall Demonstration Data

Demonstration data consists of objects and tablespaces that suffer from the space-use problems found in a typical database. You can use the data to learn how Space Manager detects and resolves these problems.

After you resolve problems, you can refresh demonstration data. This restores its original condition.

Note Demonstration data functions are only enabled for DBAs. They are disabled for users who do not have the DBA role.

Install Demonstration Data

You can install or refresh demonstration data at any time. The data requires 20 MB or 24 MB of disk space, depending on the database block size. The demonstration user is created when you install demonstration data. This user is the owner of all demonstration objects.

CAUTION: When demonstration data is uninstalled or refreshed, all objects owned by the demonstration user are dropped. To avoid losing objects, do not create objects under the demonstration user’s name.

Note: When you install server components, you have the option to install demonstration data at the time.

To install or refresh demonstration data

  1. Run Space Manager and connect to the target database as a DBA.
  2. Select Tools | Admin | Demonstration Data.
  3. Use default entries for demonstration username, password, tablespace names, and datafile names. A password is not needed. If you specify different directories for demonstration datafiles, the directories must already exist.
  4. Click Install if you are installing demo data for the first time. Click Refresh if you are restoring demo data to its original condition.

Uninstall Demonstration Data

Uninstalling demo data removes demonstration tablespaces and objects, and the demonstration user. Datafiles for the two demonstration tablespaces must be removed manually from the database server.

CAUTION: When demonstration data is uninstalled or refreshed, all objects owned by the demonstration user are dropped. To avoid losing objects, do not create objects under the demonstration user’s name.

If demonstration tablespaces contain objects that are not owned by the demonstration user, relocate these objects before uninstalling demonstration data. Demonstration tablespaces and objects are not removed if demo tablespaces contain objects that are owned by a user other than the demo user.

Note When you unintall server components, demonstration data is automatically uninstalled along with the components.

To uninstall demo data

  1. Run Space Manager and connect to the target database as a DBA.
  2. Select Tools | Admin | Demonstration Data.
  3. Click Uninstall. Then click Yes to clear the confirmation message that displays.
  4. When the uninstall is complete, click OK to clear the message reminding you to delete tablespace datafiles.
  5. From the database server host, manually delete datafiles for the two demonstration tablespaces. The names of the datafiles are SPCDEMO01_nn.dbf and SPCDEMO02_nn.dbf.


Install Analysis Packages

The Install Analysis Option function can be used to install analysis packages if they were not installed along with server components. When analysis packages are missing, you are prompted to install them by statistics-collection functions.

To install analysis packages

  • Select Tools | Admin | Install Analysis Option.



Verwandte Dokumente
Space Manager with LiveReorg - 9.0
Installation Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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