
On Demand Migration Current - User Guide

About On Demand Migration Working with On Demand Migration Account Migration Mailbox Migration OneDrive Migration Microsoft Teams Migration Microsoft 365 Groups Migration SharePoint Migration Public Folders Migration Power BI Migration Troubleshooting Finalizing the Migration Appendix A: Using PowerShell Appendix B: How Queuing Works

Matching and Mapping Gateways


Gateways must be configured in the target tenant at any time before matching or mapping the Gateways, and migrating any Connections or Workspaces.

There are two ways to match Gateways from the source to a target tenant:

Matching Gateways from the Gateways list

  1. Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have set up multiple organizations.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
  3. Create a new project or open an existing project.
  4. From the Power BI tile on the project dashboard click Open. Then select the Gateways tab.
  5. Select one or more Gateways that you want to match to a target tenant.
  6. Click Match in the List View menu and then select Match Selected. The New Match Gateways Task wizard starts.
  7. Step 1: Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time entered in the corresponding calendar field.
    2. Click Next.
  8. Step 2: Summary
    1. Verify the task specifications as described below:
      1. Name - name of the task. The default name is Match Gateways. You can specify a custom name.
      2. Scheduled start - date and time when the task will start. Now indicates that the task will start immediately.
    2. Click Back to revise or review a previous step or click Finish to complete the task wizard and start the task as scheduled.
  9. When the task completes, the Target Gateway column in the Gateways list indicates the matched Gateway in the target tenant.

Mapping Gateways from a file

To match source Gateways to target Gateways with different names, a CSV file is used to indicate the mapping between source and target Gateways, as described below.

To create the mapping file:

  1.  Prepare a comma-separated values (CSV) file with the source and target Gateway names.
  2. The header row defines the names of the source and target attributes used for mapping. Subsequent rows list the mapping values of the attributes.

    The columns are as follows:

    • Name - unique name of the source Gateway. The column header is case sensitive.
    • Target Gateway - unique name of the Gateway in target tenant. The column header is case sensitive.
  3. Save the CSV file. You may rename the file if needed.

To upload the mapping file:

  1. Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have set up multiple organizations.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
  3. Create a new project or open an existing project.
  4. From the Power BI tile on the project dashboard click Open. Then select the Gateways tab.
  5. Select one or more Gateways that you want to map to a target tenant.
  6. Click Match in the List View menu and then select Map from File. The Import Gateways Matching Task wizard starts.
  7. Step 1: Import Gateways Mapping Options
    1. Click Browse and select the CSV mapping file. The selected file name appears next to the Browse button.
    2. Click Next.
  8. Step 2: Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time entered in the corresponding calendar field.
    2. Click Next.
  9. Step 2: Summary
    1. Verify the task specifications as described below:
      1. Name - name of the task. The default name is Import Gateways Mapping. You can specify a custom name.
      2. Scheduled start - date and time when the task will start. Now indicates that the task will start immediately.
    2. Click Back to revise or review a previous step or click Finish to complete the task wizard and start the task as scheduled.
  10. When the task completes, the Target Gateway column in the Gateways list indicates the mapped Gateway in the target tenant.

Migrating Connections

In this topic:

Prerequisites and Considerations

  • Connections can be migrated to the target tenant at any time before performing a Workspace migration.
  • A profile must be assigned to the Connection before it can be migrated.
  • Gateways that are used by Connections:
    • must be matched before migrating a Connection.
    • must be in an Online state for a Connection migration.

Starting a Connections Migration Task

  1. Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have set up multiple organizations.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
  3. Create a new project or open an existing project.
  4. From the Power BI tile on the project dashboard click Open. Then select the Connections tab.
  5. Select a Connection that you want to migrate.
  6. Click Migrate in the List View menu. The New Migrate Connections Task wizard starts.

  7. Step 1: Migration Options
    1. Default Target Admin User - specify the default target admin user to use for any user that has no match on the target. If a default admin user was configured from the project previously, it will automatically appear in this field.
    2. Privacy Level - select a privacy level from the following options:
      • Organizational - Data from a source with an organizational privacy level is considered to contain organizational data. It can be shared with other organizational data sources, but it won't be shared with external data sources.
      • Private - Data from a source with a private privacy level is considered to be highly sensitive. It won't be shared with any other data source, even if they are within the same organizational boundary.
      • Public - Data from a source with a public privacy level can be shared with other data sources without any restrictions. It's assumed that the data at this level doesn't contain sensitive information.
      • None - all data will be migrated regardless of privacy level.
    3. Incremental migration - select this option to migrate modified or missing data. This option is very helpful in subsequent migrations to keep your migrated data synchronized between source and target tenants.
    4. Click Next.
  8. Step 2: Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time entered in the corresponding calendar field.
    2. Click Next.
  9. Step 3: Summary
    1. Verify the task specifications as described below:
      1. Name - name of the task. The default name is Migrate Connections Task. You can specify a custom name.
      2. Default Target Admin User - name of the admin user specified for this task.
      3. Connection privacy level - privacy level selected in the wizard.
      4. Incremental migration - indicates whether or not this option has been selected.
      5. Scheduled start - date and time when the task will start. Now indicates that the task will start immediately.
    2. Click Back to revise or review a previous step or click Finish to complete the task wizard and start the task as scheduled.
  10. When the task completes, the Connection State column in the Connections list is updated.

Reviewing the Connections Migration Task

  1. Open the Tasks tab.
  2. Select the Connections migration task that you want to review.
  3. In the task details pane that opens, the information presented is as described below:
    1. Task Status - current status of the task.
    2. Type - Type of the task. The type is MigrateConnections.
    3. Created - Date and time when the task was created.
    4. Modified - Date and time when the task was last updated.
    5. Last Operation - The action that was most recently performed in this task.
    6. Schedule - Date and time when the task started. Now indicates that the task started immediately after the task was created.
    7. Events (number) - Number indicates the count of events that the task encountered. The values indicate the type of the events and the event count for each type.
    8. Connections (number) - The number of Connections that were selected for migration and the number of Connections passing through the various states from Migrating to Migrated.

Reviewing the Connections Migration Task Events

  1. Open the Tasks tab.
  2. Select the Connections migration task for which you want to review the events.
  3. In the task details pane that opens, click Events (number). The Events tab opens with a filtered list of events for the selected task.
  4. Select an event that you want to review. In the event details pane that opens, the information presented is as described below:
    1. Object - name of the Power BI object if applicable.
    2. Task - Name of the task.
    3. Time - Date and time when the event occurred.
    4. Summary - a descriptive statement about the event if an exception occurs.

Migrating Workspaces

In this topic:


Any Connections that are required by Reports must be migrated before scheduling a Workspace migration.

The Default Target Admin User configured in your Power BI project, is added to migrated Workspaces to ensure that access to migrated Workspaces is retained if a matching administrator account is not available for a migrated Workspace. We recommend that you retain this for safety.


Your target tenant might already host Power BI Workspaces created before the migration. In cases where a Workspace name already exists in the destination, the migration will merge report, semantic model and Workspaces permissions data from the source tenant.

We recommend that you run only one migration task at a time to avoid scheduling delays.

Starting a Migrate Workspaces Task

  1. Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have set up multiple organizations.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
  3. Create a new project or open an existing project.
  4. From the Power BI tile on the project dashboard click Open. Then select the Workspaces tab.
  5. Select one or more Workspace that you want to migrate.
  6. Click Migrate in the List View menu. The New Migrate Workspaces Task wizard starts.
  7. Step 1: Migration Options
    1. Default Target Admin User - specify the default target admin user to use for any user that has no match on the target. If a default admin user was configured from the project previously, it will automatically appear in this field.
    2. Incremental migration - select this option to migrate modified or missing data. This option is very helpful in subsequent migrations to keep your migrated data synchronized between source and target tenants.
    3. Click Next.
  8. Step 2: Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time entered in the corresponding calendar field.
    2. Click Next.
  9. Step 3: Summary
    1. Verify the task specifications as described below:
      1. Name - name of the task. The default name is Migrate Workspaces Task. You can specify a custom name.
      2. Default Target Admin User - name of the admin user specified for this task.
      3. Incremental migration - indicates whether or not this option has been selected.
      4. Scheduled start - date and time when the task will start. Now indicates that the task will start immediately.
    2. Click Back to revise or review a previous step or click Finish to complete the task wizard and start the task as scheduled.
  10. When the task completes, the Workspace State column in the Workspaces list is updated.

Reviewing the Migrate Workspaces Task

  1. Open the Tasks tab.
  2. Select the Workspace migration task that you want to review.
  3. In the task details pane that opens, the information presented is as described below:
    1. Task Status - current status of the task.
    2. Type - Type of the task. The type is MigrateWorkspaces.
    3. Created - Date and time when the task was created.
    4. Modified - Date and time when the task was last updated.
    5. Last Operation - The action that was most recently performed in this task.
    6. Schedule - Date and time when the task started. Now indicates that the task started immediately after the task was created.
    7. Events (number) - Number indicates the count of events that the task encountered. The values indicate the type of the events and the event count for each type.
    8. Workspaces (number) - The number of Workspaces that were selected for migration and the number of Workspaces passing through the various states from Migrating to Migrated.

Reviewing the Migrate Workspaces Task Events

  1. Open the Tasks tab.
  2. Select the Workspace migration task for which you want to review the events.
  3. In the task details pane that opens, click Events (number). The Events tab opens with a filtered list of events for the selected task.
  4. Select an event that you want to review. In the event details pane that opens, the information presented is as described below:
    1. Object - name of the Power BI object if applicable.
    2. Task - name of the task.
    3. Time - date and time when the event occurred.
    4. Summary - a descriptive statement about the event if an exception occurs.



Before you contact Quest support is recommended to prepare organization ID, project ID and task ID

To find Task ID and Project ID

In Events grid right click task link in Task Name column and select Copy link address. Copied link contains the Task ID and the Project ID.

To find organization ID

If you are trying to find an existing On Demand organization ID that another users have created, make sure that they have added your email address under Access Control > Administrators.

  1. In case you are Administrator of the organization, click your account in top right corner to open the account related menu.
  2. Click the organization name. You can see Organization ID in Manage Organization dialog.

Special Cases

Table 1: Special Cases

Feature Event Root cause Workaround
Microsoft Teams Migration Cannot find the group '{Group ID}' on the source. Try to check whether the group exists using PowerShell cmdlet 'Get-UnifiedGroup' as described in the documentation Group associated with the team not found

Use the following PowerShell script and the group ID provided by the error message to get the group name:

Install-Module PowerShellGet -Force Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
$UserCredential = Get-Credential
Connect-ExchangeOnline -Credential $UserCredential
Get-UnifiedGroup -Identity "b1552bc6-f932-4ac9-a4f2-24a5d2da2eed" | Format-List DisplayName,Id

If this is a source group, fix your source data before proceed for migration.

If this is a target group, check if this group exists in target. If this group exists, please contact our support. If this group doesn't exist, remove this group associated team from target, and rerun provision and migration.


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