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QoreStor 6.1.0 - Command Line Reference Guide

Introduction to the QoreStor Command Line Reference Guide Introducing QoreStor Managing QoreStor
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seed --remove_device


Remove the target device. This is an important step without which stats and other information will not be saved on the target device.


seed --remove_device 


Successfully deleted device details

seed --show


Used to show the configured seed job.


seed --show


Device info
Server                          :
Volume                          :seed-device
Username                        :administrator
Domain                          :testad.acme.local

Job info
Operation                       :Export
Status                          :Started
Container                       :acme-container1
Encryption type                 :aes256

seed --start


Starts the seeding job. You will be prompted to add additional devices if a single device does not have enough space.


seed --start 


Successfully started seed job.

seed --help


Displays the list of all seed command related options that can be used as a reference when using the QoreStor CLI.


seed --help


     seed --create --op <import|export>      
          [--enc_type <aes128 | aes256>]     
          [--storage_group_name <name>]  
     seed --delete    
     seed --add_container --name <container name> 
     seed --remove_container --name <container name> 
     seed --add_device --server <server name> 
          --volume <volume> 
          --username <user name> 
          [--domain <domain name>] 
      seed --remove_device 
      seed --start 
      seed --stop 
      seed --show 
      seed --cleanup 
      seed --help 

 seed <command> <command-arguments>
     command can be one of: 
          --create             Create a job to perform seeding export or import. 
          --delete             Delete an existing seeding export or import job. 
          --add_container      Add a container to be used for seeding export. 
          --remove_container   Remove a container which is already added for seeding export. 
          --add_device         Add a device to be used for seeding. 
          --remove_device      Remove a device which is already added for seeding. 
          --start              Start seeding process(export/import). 
          --stop               Stop running seeding process(export/import). 
          --show               Show registered device, job for seeding. 
          --cleanup            Start cleaner to process seed ZL logs on target. 
  For command-specific help, please type seed --help <command> 
          seed --help create 

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