The command updates the attributes of a Rapid Data Access (RDA) client. The RDA client modes are auto, passthrough, and dedupe. If a RDA client has four or more CPU cores, it is considered to be dedupe-capable. However, the RDA client operating mode depends upon how it is configured in the QoreStor. For details, see ost --update_client --name <OST Client Hostname> --mode <auto|passthrough|dedupe>.
rda --update_client --name <RDA Client Hostname> --mode <auto|passthrough|dedupe>
--name Hostname of client
--mode RDA modes (auto, dedupe,)
For example, to update the client mode as for the BabuK-W2K8-02 client, run the command: rda --update_client --name BabuK-W2K8-02 --mode
Rapid Data Access (RDA) client BabuK-W2K8-02 with mode Pass-through added successfully.
The command limits the bandwidth consumed by RDA when replicating over a WAN link.
rda --limit --speed <<num><KBps|MBps|GBps> | default> --target <ip address | hostname>
--speed RDA speed limit (eg. 10mbps).
--target DR replication target name or IP address.
Successfully updated bandwidth limit for testbackup to 4 GBps.
Lists or cleans up partial images.
rda --partial_images --containerid <Container id> [--delete <Partial image path>] [--timeout <> 0>]
--containerid Container ID.
--delete RDA partial image path to delete
--timeout Maximum timeout(in seconds) to list partial images.
Image Name: rda_SOAK-MAX_DR4300-20_100M_soakw78_20160916053405-seed273481828 Image Date: 00 Image Policy: RDA Image Path: /0000000000/rda_SOAK-MAX_DR4300-20_100M_soakw78_20160916053405-seed273481828 Image Size: 104857600 Image Status: 0
Displays the list of RDA-related options that can be used as a reference when using the QoreStor CLI.
rda --help
rda --show [--config] [--file_history] [--name <name>] [--active_files] [--name <name>] [--clients] [--limits] rda --update --opdup_encryption <none | aes128 | aes256> rda --delete_client --name <RDA Client Hostname> rda --update_client --name <RDA Client Hostname> --mode <auto|passthrough|dedupe> rda --limit --speed <<num><KBps|MBps|GBps> | default> --target <ip address | hostname> rda --partial_images --containerid <Container id> [--delete <Partial image path>] [--timeout <> 0>] rda --help rda <command> <command-arguments> <command> can be one of: --show Displays command specific information. --delete_client Deletes the Rapid Data Access (RDA) client. --update_client Updates attributes of a Rapid Data Access (RDA) client. --limit Delete existing bandwidth rules for all ports and set new throttling limits for RDA replication over WAN. --partial_images Lists or cleans up partial images. For command-specific help, please type rda --help <command> eg: rda --help show
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