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On Demand Migration Current - Active Directory Domain Rewrite Quick Start Guide

How does Domain Rewrite select which email address to use for the rewrite?

Domain Rewrite reads in Exchange Online attributes during the tenant discovery process including the PrimarySMTPAddress attribute. When enabling rewrite-as-source, outbound messages sent from a mailbox in the target tenant will be rewritten with the PrimarySMTPAddress or value of the source mailbox.

When enabling rewrite-as-target, outbound messages sent from a mailbox in the source tenant will be rewritten with the PrimarySMTPAddress value of the matched target user account. Matched target accounts must be mailbox-enabled users, mail-enabled users, or B2B accounts. Contact objects cannot be used for matching since they do not have the PrimarySMTPAddress attribute. If provisioning B2B accounts in the target for Domain Rewrite, ensure that you assign the target domain as the PrimarySMTPAddress instead of the source mailbox address while the external address points to the source mailbox primarySMTPAddress.

Will Domain Rewrite continue working if I delete the matched target account?

No, Domain Rewrite requires a valid source and target account. If you delete the target account, then Domain Rewrite will mark the object as deleted during the next scheduled tenant discovery and will no longer rewrite messages for that mailbox.

Can I configure Domain Rewrite between multiple source tenants and a single target tenant?

Yes, Domain Rewrite supports a many-to-one rewrite scenario when all tenants are added to a single Domain Rewrite project. The best practice is to complete DNS and certificate requirements for all in-scope tenants during the initial project setup. If another source tenant is added to the project after the initial setup, you will need to fully disable rewrite in the project before re-enabling it. This is required so the transport rules can be recreated with the updated multitenant configuration.

Important Tip: Ensure that each tenant is only added to a single Domain Rewrite project. Enabling Domain Rewrite for a tenant in more than one project will result in mail flow issues.

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How do I uninstall an agent?  

If you need to uninstall an agent from any machine, you must first delete the registry folder located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE> SOFTWARE> Quest > Agent and then uninstall.

If you need to reinstall the agent, create a new agent from the Directory Integration screen in the On Demand Domain Rewrite project, which will generate a new Registration Key.  Then you can reinstall on the same machine or on a different machine. The old agent (with the old registration key) can be archived in On Demand.





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