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Benchmark Factory for Database 8.4 - User Guide

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Random String



Returns a random credit card number string.






$BFCreditCard() ; returns "7970 2384 8889 6599"





Returns a string randomly selected from the list of items.  If no weight is specified, a weight of 1 is assumed. Each virtual user gets a different seed value to generate unique sequences.



string1-The first string in a list to return.

nWeight1-Positive integer indicating the relative weight of the first string.

string2-The second string in a list to return.

nWeight2-Positive integer indicating the relative weight of the second string.

stringN-The last string in a list to return.

nWeightN-Positive integer indicating the relative weight of the last string.


$BFRandList(string1[:nWeight1], string2[:nWeight2], …,stringN[:nWeightN])


$BFRandList("Red", "White":2, "Blue":5)

The value White will be returned 2 times more often than the value Red. The value Blue will be returned 5 times more often than the value Red.






Randomly selects multiple strings based on probabilities from a list.  If Weight is omitted, a value of 100 is assumed. The probability that any string is include in the returned value is determined by the value of nWeight. Each string included in the return value is separated by a comma.


string1-The first string in a list to return.


nWeight1-Positive integer indicating the relative weight of the first string. Probability should be expressed as a value between 0 and 100.  


string2-The second string in a list to return.


nWeight2-Positive integer indicating the relative weight of the second string.  Probability should be expressed as a value between 0 and 100.  


stringN-The last string in a list to return.


nWeightN-Positive integer indicating the relative weight of the last string.  Probability should be expressed as a value between 0 and 100.  



$BFRandMultiList(string1[:nWeight1], string2[:nWeight 2], …, stringN"[: nWeightN])



$BFRandMultiList("Red", "White":50, "Blue":25) ;

returns a value that always contains Red, contained White 50% of the transactions, and Blue 25% of the transactions.



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