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Benchmark Factory for Database 8.4 - User Guide

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Create MySQL Connections

Benchmark Factory allows you to create a connection to a MySQL database using either a native database provider or ODBC connectivity.

To create a MySQL connection

  1. Click in the main toolbar. The New Connection dialog opens.
  2. Select MySQL from the drop-down list.
  3. Select either the Native or ODBC tab, depending on the type of connection you want to create.

    Then enter the connection information. Review the following for additional information:

    Note: BFScripts have been enabled on the User Name and Password fields. In addition, BFScripts have been added to the Data Source name field in the ODBC Connection dialog.



    Enter the name or IP address of the server.


    Enter the port number. The default is 3306.


    Enter the user name to use for this connection.


    Enter the password associated with the user name.


    Select the database to which you want to connect. Benchmark Factory creates a temporary connection and displays the available databases in the drop-down list.

    Data Source Name

    The name of the MySQL ODBC data source.

    User Name

    Enter the user name to use for this connection.


    Enter the password associated with the user name.

    Connection Name

    Enter a name to use to identify this connection in the My Connections pane.


    Click to specify timeout and reconnect options. See Connection Timeout and Reconnect Options.
  4. Click Create Connection to save the connection information and connect.
  5. After creating a new MySQL connection, you can collect database and host server information using the Edit Connection dialog. See Environment Information for more information.

Note: To review or modify a connection, click Edit Connections in the main toolbar. Select a connection and click .

Performance Counters

Benchmark Factory allows you to add additional performance counters to a connection. See Performance Counters Tab for more information.


Create ODBC Connections

Benchmark Factory supports almost all databases that you can connect to using an ODBC 3.0 or later driver. Create an ODBC connection to access these databases.

To create an ODBC connection

  1. Click in the main toolbar. The New Connection dialog opens.
  2. Select ODBC from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter the connection information. Review the following for additional information:

    Note: BFScripts have been added to the Data Source name field in the ODBC Connection dialog. BFScripts have been enabled on the User Name and Password fields.


    Data Source Name

    The name of the ODBC data source.

    User Name

    Enter the user name to use for this connection.


    Enter the password associated with the user name.

    Connection Name

    Enter a name to use to identify this connection in the My Connections pane.


    Click to specify timeout and reconnect options. See Connection Timeout and Reconnect Options.
  4. Click Create Connection to save the connection information and connect.

Note: To review or modify a connection, click Edit Connections in the main toolbar. Select a connection and click .

Performance Counters

Benchmark Factory allows you to add additional performance counters to a connection. See Performance Counters Tab for more information.


Create Oracle Connections

Benchmark Factory allows you to create an Oracle connection using an Oracle client, direct connecton, or ODBC.

To create an Oracle connection

  1. Click in the main toolbar. The New Connection dialog opens.
  2. Select Oracle from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter the connection information. Review the following for additional information:

    Note: BFScripts have been enabled on the User Name and Password fields.

    Native tab



    Schema to which you want to connect.


    Password for schema to which you want connect.

    TNS or Direct tab

    TNS—Allows you to connect to a database using your TNS names file.

    • Databases—Allows you to connect to a database using your TNS names file. Select a database from the list.

    Direct—Allows you to connect to a database using Host, Port, Server name or SID.

    Connect as

    Type of connection you connect to the database with: Normal, SYSDBA, or SYSOPER.

    Connect Using

    Select the Oracle Client to use for this connection.

    This specification is used by Benchmark Factory Agents running on Windows only.

    Make this the BMF default home

    Selecting this check box sets this as the default client for Benchmark Factory.

    Connection Name

    Enter a name to use to identify the connection in the My Connections pane.
    ODBC tab  

    Data Source Name

    Select a data source from the drop-down list.

    Click Add DSN to create a new data source.

    User Name

    Enter the user name to use for this connection.


    Enter the password to use for this connection.


    Click to specify timeout and reconnect options. See Connection Timeout and Reconnect Options.
  4. Click Create Connection to save the connection information and connect.
  5. After creating a new Oracle connection, you can collect database and host server information using the Edit Connection dialog. See Environment Information for more information.

Note: To review or modify a connection, click Edit Connections in the main toolbar. Select a connection and click .


Select the Miscellaneous tab of the Connection dialog to specify options for flushing cached data. Review the following for additional information.

Note: The Miscellaneous tab is only available when creating an Oracle Native connection. For an Oracle ODBC connection, the default options specified in Edit | Settings | Oracle are used.

Database Flush  
Flush data buffer caches at start of each test iteration

Select to clear data buffer caches between iterations.

Note: To perform this action, the Oracle database account must have certain privileges. In Oracle 10g or later, the ALTER SYSTEM privilege is required.

Flush shared pool at start of each test iteration

Select to clear shared pool between iterations.

Note: To perform this action, the Oracle database account must have the ALTER SYSTEM privilege.

Note: Cached data can improve performance, so selecting one or both of these options can prevent cached data from affecting subsequent iterations.

Performance Counters

Select the Performance Counters tab of the Connection dialog to add additional performance counters to a connection. See Performance Counters Tab for more information.


Select the Clustering tab of the Connection dialog to enable clustering. See Oracle Clustering Tab (Connections) for more information.


Select the Statistics tab of the Connection dialog to specify statistics collection options for this connection. See Oracle Statistics Tab (Connections) for more information.


Create PostgreSQL Connections

Benchmark Factory allows you to create a PostgreSQL connection using a native connection or ODBC connectivity.

To create a PostgreSQL native connection

  1. Click in the main toolbar to open the New Connection dialog.
  2. Select PostgreSQL from the Database Type drop-down list.
  3. Select the Native tab.
  4. Enter the following connection information.

    Note: BFScripts have been enabled on the User Name and Password fields.

    Native Tab  

    Server name

    Enter the name or IP address of the server.


    Enter the port number. The default is 5432.

    User name

    Enter the user name to use for this connection.


    Enter the password associated with the user name.


    Select a database. Benchmark Factory creates a temporary connection and displays available databases in the drop-down list.
    Connection Name Enter a name to use to identify this connection in the My Connections pane.
    Options Click Options to specify timeout and reconnect options. See Connection Timeout and Reconnect Options.
  5. Click Create Connection to save the connection information and connect.
  6. After creating a new PostgreSQL connection, you can collect database information using the Edit Connection dialog. See Environment Information for more information.

To create a PostgreSQL ODBC connection

  1. Click in the main toolbar to open the New Connection dialog.
  2. Select PostgreSQL from the Database Type drop-down list.
  3. Select the ODBC tab.
  4. Enter the following connection information.

    ODBC Tab  

    Data Source Name

    Select a data source from the drop-down list.

    Click Add DSN to create a new data source.

    User name

    Enter the user name to use for this connection.


    Enter the password associated with the user name.
    Connection Name Enter a name to use to identify this connection in the My Connections pane.
    Options Click Options to specify timeout and reconnect options. See Connection Timeout and Reconnect Options.
  5. Click Create Connection to save the connection information and connect.
  6. After creating a new PostgreSQL connection, you can collect database information using the Edit Connection dialog. See Environment Information for more information.

Performance Counters

Select the Performance Counters tab of the Connection dialog to add additional performance counters to the connection. See Performance Counters Tab for more information.


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