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Enterprise Reporter 3.5.1 - Report Manager User Guide

Quest Enterprise Reporter Report Manager Introducing the Report Manager Running and Scheduling Reports Creating and Editing Reports Troubleshooting Issues with Enterprise Reporter Appendix: PowerShell cmdlets

Azure Resource Report Types

The following table outlines the report types that are available for Azure reports. Many of these report types can be extended to include additional fields. When editing a report, in the Available Fields area, the option to extend the report type is indicated by a special folder icon next to object names underlined in blue. You can right click the object names to see the available type of account objects that can be added. For detailed steps on extending the report type, see To extend a report type .

Azure Classic Disk Resource

Provides information on Azure Classic Disk Resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Resource Group, and Azure Resource Classic Disk.

Azure Classic Network Security Group

Provides information on Azure Classic Network Security Group Resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Resource Group, Azure Resource Classic Network Security Group, and Azure Resource Network Security Group Security Rule.

Azure Classic Storage Account Resource

Provides information on Azure Classic Storage Account Resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Resource Group, and Azure Resource Classic Storage Account.

Azure Classic Virtual Machine Drives

Provides information on drives connected to Azure Classic Virtual Machine Resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Resource Group, Azure Resource Classic Virtual Machine, and Azure Classic Virtual Machine Drives.

Azure Classic Virtual Machine Networking Resource

Provides information on Azure Classic Virtual Machine Networking Resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Group, Azure Resource Classic Virtual Machine, Azure Resource Classic Network Security Group, and Azure Resource Classic Virtual Network.

Azure Classic Virtual Machine Resource

Provides information on Azure Classic Virtual Machine Resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Resource Group, and Azure Resource Classic Virtual Machine.

Azure Classic Virtual Network Resource

Provides information on Azure Classic Virtual Network Resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Resource Group, Azure Resource Classic Virtual Network, and Azure Resource Classic Subnet.

Azure Disk Resource

Provides information on Azure Disk Resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscriptions, Azure Resource Resource Groups, and Azure Resource Disk.

Azure IP Address

Provides information on Azure Network Interface Resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Resource Groups, Azure Resource IP Address.

Azure IP Configuration

Provides information on Azure IP Configuration. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Resource Groups, Azure Resource IP Configuration, Azure Resource IP Address, and Azure Resource Subnet.

Azure Network Interface

Provides information on Azure Network Interface Resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Groups, Azure Resource Network Interface, and Azure Resource IP Configuration.

Azure Network Interface Resource

Provides information on Azure Network Interface Resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Resource Group, Azure Resource Network Interface, Azure Resource Network Security Group, Azure Resource IP Configuration, Azure Resource Public IP Address, Azure Resource Subnet, Azure Resource Virtual Network.

Azure Network Security Group Resource

Provides information on Azure Network Security Group Resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Resource Group, Azure Resource Network Security Group, Azure Resource Network Security Group Security Role.

Azure Resource Access Control

Provides information on Azure Resource access control. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Group, Azure Resource, and Azure Resource Role Assignment.

Azure Resource Groups

Provides information on Azure Resource Groups. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription.

Azure Resource Resource Group Access Control

Provides information on Azure Resource Group access control. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Group, and Azure Resource Role Assignment.

Azure Resource Subscription Access Control

Provides information on Azure Resource Subscription access control. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, and Azure Resource Resource Role Assignment.

Azure Resource Subscriptions

Provides information on Azure Resource Subscriptions.

Azure Resources

Provides information on Azure resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, and Azure Resource Group Group.

Azure Storage Account Resources

Provides information on Azure Storage Account Resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Resource Group,and Azure Resource Storage Account.

Azure Subnet

Provides information on Azure Subnet. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Groups, and Azure Resource Subnet.

Azure Virtual Machine Networking Resources

Provides information on Azure Virtual Machine Networking Resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Resource Group, Azure Resource Virtual Machine, Azure Resource Network Interface, Azure Resource Network Security Group, Azure Resource IP Configuration, Azure Resource Public IP Address Azure Resource Subnet, and Azure Resource Virtual Network.

Azure Virtual Machine Resource

Provides information on Azure Virtual Machines. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Resource Group, and Azure Resource Virtual Machine.

Azure Virtual Network

Provides information on Azure Virtual Network Resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Resource Groups, Azure Resources Virtual Network, and Azure Resource Subnet.

Azure Virtual Network Resource

Provides information on Azure Virtual Network Resources. Contains fields for Azure Resource Subscription, Azure Resource Resource Group, Azure Resource Virtual Network, Azure Resource Subnet.

Common Objects Report Types

Computer Report Types


Account Membership

Provides information on computer accounts and the groups of which they are a member. Contains fields for the computer group member and its related computer and group.


Provides information on computer IP addresses. Contains fields for the IP address and its related computer.

Advanced Auditing

Provides information on computer advanced audit policy configuration settings. Contains fields for the policy and its related computer.

Fields are organized into advanced audit policy categories for simpler selection. When Advanced Audit Policy Configuration settings are being used the "Force audit policy subcategory settings to override audit policy category settings" policy setting must be enabled, this field is available in Security Options Audit.

All Installed Software

Provides information on all the installed software on a computer (including Microsoft Store applications). Contains fields for the installed software and its related computer.

Change History

Provides a list of changes made over time to all computer objects collected. Contains fields for the change history and its related computer.


Provides information on physical computers.

DNS Zones

Provides information on DNS zones for a computer. Contains fields for the DNS zone and its related computer.

Event Logs

Provides information on event logs for a computer. Contains fields for the event log configuration and its related computer.


Provides information on hotfixes on a computer. Contains fields for the hotfix and its related computer.

Installed Software

Provides information on the installed software on a computer. Contains fields for the installed software and its related computer.

Local Group Members

Provides information on local groups and their members. Contains fields for the local group, its related computer and the group member as well as an option to expand group membership.

Local Groups

Provides information on local groups on a computer. Contains fields for the local group and its related computer.

Local Users

Provides information on local users on a computer. Contains fields for the local user and its related computer.

Microsoft Store Applications

Provides information on the Microsoft Store applications on a computer. Contains fields for the Microsoft Store application and its related computer.

Network Configuration

Provides information on the network configuration of a computer. Contains fields for the network adapter as well as its related network protocol and computer.

Printer Permissions

Provides permission information on computer printers. Contains fields for the computer, the printer, the permission, the owner, and the permissioned account.


Provides information on printers on a computer. Contains fields for the printer and its related computer.

Profile Information

Provides user profile information on a computer. Contains fields for the profile and its related computer.

Security Options

Provides information on security options on a computer. Contains fields for each security option and its related computer. Fields are organized into security option categories for simpler selection.

Security Policies

Provides information on computer security policies including audit, lockout and password policies. Contains fields for the security policy and its related computer.

Service Permissions

Provides permission information on computer services. Contains fields for the computer, the service, the permission, the owner, and the permissioned account.


Provides information on services on a computer. Contains fields for the service as well as its related service account and computer.

Service with Dependencies

Provides information on services on a computer including the service dependencies. Contains fields for the service as well as its related service dependencies, service account and computer.

Share Permissions

Provides permission information on shares on a computer. Contains fields for the computer, the share, the permission, the owner, and the permissioned account. Domain user, domain group, local user and local group fields are available for the permissioned account including organizational unit.

Note: Domain user and domain group information only available if an Active Directory® collection has been completed.

Share Permissions with Nested Accounts

Provides permission information on shares on a computer. Contains fields for the computer, the share, the permission, the owner, and the permissioned account as well as an option to expand the accounts membership.


Provides information on shares on a computer. Contains fields for the share and its related computer.

User Rights

Provides information on user rights on a computer including the accounts assigned user rights. Contains fields for the user right as well as its related assigned accounts and computer.


Provides information on the volumes on a computer. Contains fields for the volume and its related computer.

Exchange Report Types


Distribution Group Members

Provides detailed information for Distribution Group Members. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, Distribution Group, and Distribution Group Member.

Distribution Groups

Provides detailed information for Distribution Groups. Contains fields for Exchange Organization and Distribution Group.

Mail Contacts

Provides detailed information for Mail Contacts. Contains fields for Exchange Organization and Mail Contact.

Mailbox Delegates

Provides detailed information on Mailbox Delegates. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, Exchange Server, Mailbox Store, Mailbox, Mailbox Account, and Mailbox Delegate.

Mailbox Folder Permissions

Provides detailed information for Mailbox Folder Permissions. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, Exchange Server, Mailbox Store, Mailbox, Account, Mailbox Folder, the permission, and the permissioned account.

Mailbox Folder Permissions with Nested Accounts

Provides detailed information for Mailbox Folder Permissions with Nested Accounts. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, Exchange Server, Mailbox Store, Mailbox, Mailbox Folder, the permission, the permissioned account, and an option to expand the account’s membership.

Mailbox Folders

Provides detailed information for Mailbox Folders. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, Exchange Server, Mailbox Store, Mailbox, Mailbox Folder, and Account.

Mailbox Permissions

Provides detailed information for Mailbox Permissions. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, Exchange Server, Mailbox Store, Mailbox, Account, the permission, and the permissioned account.

Mailbox Permissions with Nested Accounts

Provides detailed information for Mailbox Permissions with Nested Accounts. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, Exchange Server, Mailbox Store, Mailbox, Account, the permission, the permissioned account, and an option to expand the account’s membership.

Mailbox Store Permissions

Provides detailed information for Mailbox Store Permissions. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, Exchange Server, Mailbox Store, the permission, and the permissioned account.

Mailbox Store Permissions with Nested Accounts

Provides detailed information for Mailbox Store Permissions with Nested Accounts. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, Exchange Server, Mailbox Store, the permission, the permissioned account, and an option to expand the account’s membership.

Mailbox Stores

Provides detailed information for Mailbox Stores. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, Exchange Server, and Mailbox Store.


Provides detailed information for Mailboxes. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, Exchange Server, Mailbox Store, Mailbox, and Account.

Mail-Enabled Users

Provides detailed information for Mail-Enabled Users. Contains fields for Exchange Organization and Mail-Enabled User.

Organization Permissions

Provides detailed information for Organization Permissions. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, the permission, and the permissioned account.

Organization Permissions with Nested Accounts

Provides detailed information for Organization Permissions with Nested Accounts. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, the permission, the permissioned account, and an option to expand the account’s membership.

Public Folder Permissions

Provides detailed information for Public Folder Permissions. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, Exchange Server, Public Folder, Mailbox, Account, Public Folder Store, the permission, and the permissioned account.

Public Folder Permissions with Nested Accounts

Provides detailed information for Public Folder Permissions with Nested Accounts. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, Exchange Server, Public Folder, Mailbox, Account, Public Folder Store, the permission, the permissioned account, and an option to expand the account’s membership.

Public Folders

Provides detailed information for Exchange Public Folders. Contains fields for the Exchange Organization, Exchange Server, Public Folder, Mailbox, Account, and Public Folder Store. Note: Public Folder Mailboxes and Public Folder Stores only exist for certain versions of Exchange.

Server Permissions

Provides detailed information for Exchange Server Permissions. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, Exchange Server, the permission, and the permissioned account.

Server Permissions with Nested Accounts

Provides detailed information for Exchange Server Permissions. Contains fields for Exchange Organization, Exchange Server, the permission, the permissioned account, and an option to expand the account’s membership.


Provides detailed information for Exchange Servers. Contains fields for Exchange Organization and Exchange Server.

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