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Enterprise Reporter 3.5.1 - Report Manager User Guide

Quest Enterprise Reporter Report Manager Introducing the Report Manager Running and Scheduling Reports Creating and Editing Reports Troubleshooting Issues with Enterprise Reporter Appendix: PowerShell cmdlets

Delivering Scheduled Reports by Email

You can choose to have all of the reports on a schedule delivered by email. Reports can also be delivered to a network share, since some organizations do not allow certain file types to be sent, and restrict the size of attachments.

To configure email, you must provide either an SMTP email server or an Exchange Online connection.

The same SMTP server or Exchange Online connection is used for all schedules. If you change the SMTP server or Exchange Online connection setting on one schedule, all other schedules are automatically updated.

If you select the Attach email to report option, Enterprise Reporter attempts to email the reports as an attachment. If your email setup does not allow for this and you have selected the Save to share option, the email will have a link to the share on which the reports are located.

Optionally, select Send report to share to deposit the finished report to a share.
Select Send Email.
You can select Attach report to email to send the report as an attachment. If you opt to send attachments, you can also select Do not attach reports with empty data results to avoid sending empty reports.
If this is your first schedule, select Configure the mail server.
In the From field, type the sender email address or select one of the 10 most recent entries from the pull-down menu. Note that if Exchange Online is being used, you must select an Exchange Online account for the tenant you are using.
In the To, CC, and BCC fields, type the recipient email addresses, separated by a comma or semicolon. You can also select from the 10 most recent entries from the pull-down menu.
Click OK.
Click Configure mail server. There are two ways to configure email notification: SMTP and Exchange Online.
NOTE: To use Exchange Online, you must register an application for Enterprise Reporter with Azure Active Directory, using certificate-based authentication. For more information, see “Registering an Enterprise Reporter Application for Exchange Online Email Delivery” in the Configuration Manager User Guide.
Click OK.

When scheduling reports, one of the Delivery options is to Send Email. When the Send Email option is selected, the Default SchedulingTemplate.xml template is automatically loaded into the Body field as the default message. For more information, see Modifying Scheduled Email Templates .

You may modify the email message for this schedule, but it is important to note that the email template contains variables and tags that control the content and layout of the email message.

The following options may be used anywhere within the body of the message.


To create a section that will be repeated for every report in the schedule, use <repeat> and </repeat> to indicate the beginning and the end of the section.

The following variables and tags may be used anywhere within the repeating section:



An example of an email message using all available variables and tags is shown below.



You can choose to have all of the reports on a schedule delivered by email. For more details, see Delivering Scheduled Reports by Email . The success, failure, or attachment size of the scheduled reports determines which email template is used.

The templates are located in the following directory on the computer where the Enterprise Reporter server is installed:

Email templates are provided for the following four scenarios:

A schedule does not complete successfully.
The total size of all reports exceeds the maximum of 500KB so no reports are attached.
A schedule is partially complete because one ore more reports fail.

You can use any XML editor to modify the templates (.xml) and their corresponding email style files (.xslt). Some prior knowledge of XML and Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation will be helpful. For more information, see Email Template Structure (.xml) .

The template files contain tags such as <EmailTemplate>, <Subject> and <Body>. The attributes and textual content of these tags may be modified. For example, to change the subject of an email template, open the applicable template file and change the content between <Subject> and </Subject>.

To add more information to the email messages, the following tags can be repeated within the same template:

Text between the {%....%} tags must remain unaltered as they control relative content embedded in the email messages as they are generated. For more information, see Modifying Scheduled Email Messages .

The default maximum file size for Enterprise Reporter e-mail attachments is 1MB. You can increase the maximum attachment size to accommodate larger reports by modifying the Enterprise Reporter configuration.

Click the System Configuration tab.
Click Configure SMTP server used by Enterprise Reporter under Email Settings.
Enter an Attachment Size Limit (in megabytes) that accommodates your reports.

Types of Schedules

There are various types of schedules you can create; one-time, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or for specific months.

See also:

Run Your Schedule Once

This allows you to run your schedule a single time, at a date and time you provide.

Run Your Schedule on a Daily Interval

You can run your schedule every day, or at an interval you choose. For example, if you set the interval to two days, starting on the 22nd day of the month, it will run on the 24th, 26th, 28th and 30th.

The schedule resets at the beginning of the month, so if you have a daily schedule it runs on the first of the month, and then at the set interval. In the above example, after the run on the 30th, the next scheduled runs are the 1st and 3rd of the following month.

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