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Enterprise Reporter 3.5.1 - Report Manager User Guide

Quest Enterprise Reporter Report Manager Introducing the Report Manager Running and Scheduling Reports Creating and Editing Reports Troubleshooting Issues with Enterprise Reporter Appendix: PowerShell cmdlets

Changing the report icon

TYou can change the icon displayed in the header of reports. We recommend using an image that is 300 x 300 pixels. First, configure a global icon, then change the header icon on your reports.

Click the System Configuration tab in the Enterprise Reporter Report Manager.
Click Manage report icon.
Optionally, select Use this icon for new reports to make the icon available on new and copied reports.
Click OK to save the configuration.
Click OK to close the icon change confirmation box.
Follow the steps To set the global report header icon and select Use this icon for new reports.
Click Yes to use the global report header icon for all copied reports.
Click OK to close the icon change confirmation box.

Modifying the Fields to be Included

You can add and remove fields from a report. Fields are organized by report type; a report can only contain fields from one report type. You cannot change the report type of a report. Each report type includes information from various related tables in the Reporter database. Some report types can be extended. By extending a report type, more fields are available to be added to your report. Typically, only a subset of the available fields are included in each report. You can add or remove fields to suit your needs.

By default, Enterprise Reporter collects a base set of attributes for each type of object. Your discovery administrator has the ability to extend some attributes in the Configuration Manager, and these are noted as (extended) after the field name in the Report Manager. They can be added to a report as usual, and you will find them in the report type associated with the object on which you are reporting. If you have requested that an attribute be collected, you need to restart your Report Manager in order to see the new fields in the report type.

You may also extend some report types to include additional fields for account objects. For example, in an NTFS report, you may want to see additional domain user fields that are collected by an Active Directory® discovery. You can accomplish this by adding account objects to the report type. The available types of account objects you can add are:

You may also extend some report types to include additional fields for identity objects. For example, in a OneDrive report, you may want to see additional Azure user fields that are collected by an Azure Active Directory discovery. You can accomplish this by adding identity objects to the report type. The available types of identity objects you can add are:

When editing a report, in the Available Fields area, the option to extend the report type is indicated by a special folder icon next to object names underlined in blue. You can right click the object names to see the available type of account or identity objects that can be added. For detailed steps on extending the report type, see To extend a report type .

You can set the sort order for each field on this page as well. This sorts the fields in the database before reporting them. Sort order is important in determining what the report output looks like. The first sorted field is the primary sort, the second field is the secondary sort and so on. For example, if you sort ascending on Server Name, Instance Name, and Database Name then arrange the fields in that order, your results are returned like this:

See also:

Click Fields.
Click OK to continue.
Update the selected fields by clicking the Add and Remove options as usual. For more information, see To add and remove report fields .

See also:

Performing Calculations Within a Report

You can also apply an aggregate to certain fields. Aggregates provide summaries of the available rows and columns of collected data in the Reporter database. Depending on the type of field you are working with, the available aggregates are:

Indicating Data Age on a Report

Data in your reports may be drawn from different discoveries (for more information, see Editing Reports ). This means that the freshness of your data may vary within a report. If it is important to understand when the data was collected, you can add this information to each top level object collected. The following table outlines where you can add this time stamp:

Click Fields.
Add Last Collected Time.
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