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Enterprise Reporter 3.5.1 - Report Manager User Guide

Quest Enterprise Reporter Report Manager Introducing the Report Manager Running and Scheduling Reports Creating and Editing Reports Troubleshooting Issues with Enterprise Reporter Appendix: PowerShell cmdlets

Exporting a Report to Other Formats

Before or after running a report, you can export it to one of the following formats:

The procedure for exporting a report to a raw, unformatted CSV file, or exporting to other formats is the same, no matter what container the report is in.

Click Yes to open the file or click No to return to your report.
Click Export Options, set the appropriate options, and click OK.
In the sidebar, click Run report. and wait for the report to finish.
Click the Export drop-down to display export options.
Click the Export To drop-down to display a list of formats.
To email a report, click the Email-As drop-down or arrow to display a list of formats.
Click Yes to open the file.
Click No to return to your report.

Configuring a Default Email Server

If you are a reporting administrator, and want to make it easier for reporting users to set up email in Enterprise Reporter, you can configure default email settings. There are two options for email settings:

On the Report Manager System Configuration tab, click Configure email settings used by Enterprise Reporter.
To test the Host configuration, press Click to test your connection.
Optionally, you can adjust the Attachment Size Limit to accommodate the size (in MB) of email attachments that will be sent by email.
On the Report Manager System Configuration tab, click Configure email settings used by Enterprise Reporter.
Application (client) ID: The application (client) ID for the Azure Active Directory application created for Enterprise Reporter email notifications.
Directory (tenant) ID: The directory (tenant) ID for the Azure Active Directory application created for Enterprise Reporter email notifications.
Certificate Thumbprint: The certificate thumbprint for the certificate that was uploaded to the registered app.
Cloud instance: Select the type of cloud instance to use for notifications - Azure Cloud (default), US Government Cloud L4, or US Government Cloud L5 (DoD).
Optionally, you can adjust the Attachment Size Limit to accommodate the size (in MB) of email attachments that will be sent by email.

Scheduling Reports

You can create a schedule, or a series of schedules, to run reports. Once you have created a schedule, you can add reports and set the parameters for the reports. You can also view a calendar showing when the reports will run based on the schedule.

When you are deciding how often to run reports, make sure you understand how often the data on which you are reporting is collected. Your reporting interval needs to be at least the size of the data collection interval, or there will not be any new information in the reports. For more information on data freshness, see Running Reports . Each schedule card has the option to disable or enable the schedule if the need arises. The Schedule page also contains the option to sort all reports within each schedule by name or by type.

When you add a report to a schedule, a link is maintained between the originating report and the scheduled version. Any changes to the report definition and layout will be reflected in all scheduled versions. The originating report path is indicated on the scheduled report card.

You can add the same report to a single schedule more than once, or to different schedules. This allows you to schedule different versions of the report by providing different parameter values. In order to help you keep track of the various versions, you can provide a description of the parameter values. This description also appears on the scheduled report card. Figure 3 shows this information on the scheduled report card.

See also:

Creating a Schedule

The first step in scheduling reports is to create a schedule. One schedule can be used for many reports. Reports can be deposited in a file share you specify, can be emailed to selected users, or can be distributed using both methods.

See also:

For more information on these formats, see Exporting a Report to Other Formats . Not all formats are available for scheduled reports.
Optionally, click Export Options and set options such as the Export Mode and the Page Range.
Optionally, select Send report to share to deposit the finished report to a share.
Optionally, select Send Email to email a copy of the report.
You can select Attach report to email to send the report as an attachment.
If you opt to send attachments, you can also select Do not attach reports with empty data results to avoid sending empty reports.

See also:

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