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In My Reports, select the report, then click Edit report. |
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Click the group header band and click on the > icon to open the Group Header Tasks dialog box. |
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Click Add to add a new group field to the collection. In the Group Field properties panel, click the Field Name drop-down arrow and select the data field for grouping. |
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Click OK to save the grouping collection. |
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Optionally configure group header settings such as Keep Together and Repeat Every Page to control how the groupings are displayed in the report. |
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In My Reports, select the report, then click Edit report. |
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Right click and select Insert | Column To Right. |
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In My Reports, select the report, then click Edit report. |
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On the Property Grid, scroll to the Appearance section and click the Formatting Rules property. |
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Click Edit Rule Sheet to create a new rule. |
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In the Behavior section, click the Condition field. |
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Click OK to save the condition. |
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Click Close. |
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To apply this formatting rule to the table cell, click the rule and click the > icon to add the rule to the list for “Rules Applied to This Control”. |
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Click OK. |
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In My Reports, select the report, then click Edit report. |
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Click the Fields List tab. |
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To add a new calculated field to the field list, in DataSet1, right-click the Table folder and click Add Calculated Field. |
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To open the Collection Editor, right-click the new calculated field, and click Edit Calculated Field. |
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Click OK to save the calculated field. |
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