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Enterprise Reporter 3.5.1 - Report Manager User Guide

Quest Enterprise Reporter Report Manager Introducing the Report Manager Running and Scheduling Reports Creating and Editing Reports Troubleshooting Issues with Enterprise Reporter Appendix: PowerShell cmdlets

Working with Report Parameters

When you collect data in Enterprise Reporter, all data from the target is collected. To create meaningful reports, this data must be filtered, sorted and organized for specific needs. Parameters are used to filter the data.

When you add multiple parameters to a report definition, you can also group parameters to further filter the information included in a report. Each group supports a single AND or OR operator.

(Type of Account equals User) AND (Account Name starts with P)
(Account Name starts with P) OR (Account Name starts with S)

You can further connect groups with AND or OR operators to create even more complex filtering.

[(Domain User Expiration Date is in the past 29 days) OR
 (Domain User Expiration Date is in the next 15 days)]

Only one child level of grouping is supported.

[(Type of Account equals User) AND
((Account Name starts with P) OR (Account Name starts with S))]

See also:

See also:

What is a Parameter?

A parameter consists of the following:



Condition Operator

Default Value

Types of Parameters

There are three types of parameters that you can create. By paying careful attention to choosing the proper parameter type, you can ensure that you get the right balance of user interaction and preset information, and that your report serves its intended purpose. Each type of parameter has to have specific elements in order to be accepted.

Parameter Operators

The operators that are available for use depend on the data type of the field you are working with. The following table outlines the operators available.


Returns all data between the two values you provide.

For example, if you choose a field that contains text, and search between A and C, it will return all values that start with the letters A, B and C.





Returns all data containing the value you provide. The value can be found anywhere within the field.

For example, if you enter AN, as long as that sequence of letters is found anywhere in the field, the data is returned.

This is a very flexible operator. Many of the operations you can do with Contains can also be done using other operators. It is primarily intended for use with wildcard characters. Wildcard characters must be surrounded by square brackets. Supported characters (for strings only):

Returns all data that matches the combination of text and wildcard characters that you provide. For example:


Does not Contain

Returns all data except those containing the value you provide.

For example, if you enter AN, if that sequence of letters is found anywhere in the field, the data is not returned.

You can use wildcard characters in the same manner as Contains.


Does not end with

Returns all data except that ending with the value that you provide.


Does not start with

Returns all data except that starting with the value that you provide.


Ends with

Returns all data that end with the value you provide.



Returns only the data that exactly matches the value you provide. Equals is not case sensitive.






Equals with group expansion

Enter an Account Name. Results include the data for the selected account as well as the data for any group of which it is a direct or indirect member.

For example, if an account is a member of Group A and Group A is a member of Group B, the results will include values/data for the account as well as Group A and Group B.

Account Name attribute

Identity unique display name attribute


You provide a list of values. Returns all values except those matching your list. This acts as an OR when joining the list you provide—it returns data that does not match any one of the values.

For example, if your Excludes list is Austin, Dallas and Houston, if a field includes any of the values, the data will not be returned.

The Excludes operator also acts like an OR with numbers (integers). For example, use it to exclude NTFS folder level 1 OR folder level 4 OR folder level 5. However, to exclude NTFS folders up to folder level 5, use the operator Less than or equal to.

Supported wildcard characters (for strings only):

Wildcard characters must be surrounded by square brackets. For a full explanation of the use of these wildcard characters, see Contains .




Greater or equal to

Returns all data larger than and including the value you provide.




Greater than

Returns all data larger than the value you provide.




Has a value

Has two possible values: True or False. If you choose True, returns all data where the field is populated. If you choose False, returns all data where the field is empty.





In the next

Enter a number of days. Returns data with a date range from the date and time you run the report to the number of days in the future that you enter.

For example, if you run the report at 16:30 on December 12, and you enter six days, you will get data with the dates from December 12 at 16:30 to December 18 at 16:30.


In the past

Enter a number of days. Returns data with a date range from the date and time you run the report to the number of days in the past that you enter.

For example, if run the report at 16:30 on December 12, and you enter six days, you will only get data with a date from December 6 at 16:30 to December 12 at 16:30.



You provide a list of values. Returns all values that match any item on your list. This acts as an OR when joining the list you provide—it returns data that does not match any one of the values.

For example, if your Includes list is Austin, Dallas and Houston, if a field includes any of the values, the data is returned.

The Includes operator also acts like an OR with numbers (integers). For example, use it to include NTFS folder level 1 OR folder level 4 OR folder level 5. However, to include NTFS folders up to folder level 5, use the operator Less than or equal to.

Supported wildcard characters (for strings only):

Wildcard characters must be surrounded by square brackets. For a full explanation of the use of these wildcard characters, see Contains .




Less than

Returns all data smaller than the value you provide.




Less than or equal to

Returns all data smaller than and including the value you provide.





You select two fields. Returns only the data where the contents of one field is identical to the other field. Matches is not case sensitive.



Not between

Returns all data that is not between the two values you provide.

For example, if you choose a date field, and set the values to not between December 10, 2011 and January 15, 2012, you will get all corresponding data from December 10 and before, and January 15 and after.

You must enter the lower value first, followed by the higher value.




Not equals

Returns all data except for the value you provide.






Not in the next

Enter a number of days. Returns all data except for the time period from the date and time you run the report to the number of days in the future that you enter.

For example, if you run the report on December 12 at 16:30, and you enter six days, you will get all data except that with a date from December 12 at 16:30 to December 18 at 16:30.


Not in the past

Enter a number of days. Returns data with any date except for the time period from the date and time you run the report to the number of days in the past that you enter.

For example, if you run the report at 16:30 on December 12, and you enter six days, you will get all data except that with a date of December 6 at 16:30 to December 12 at 16:30.


Starts with

Returns all data that starts with the value you provide.


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