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Contacting KACE Technical Support (4377313)

This article aims to provide KACE customers with information on how to contact technical support in and answer some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to assist in resolving common issues. ... Customers can contact technical support in Portuguese through the following methods:

제품: KACE Asset Management Appliance, KACE Desktop Authority, KACE Service...
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-10-17
NA rating | 682 보기
Does Kace Desktop Authority contain support for Arabic Character? (4275565)

KACE Desktop Authority does not contain support for Arabic characters due to character set limitations in KiXtart and other modules. ... Unfortunately, there is no way to work around this limitation.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-07-04
NA rating | 716 보기
Is there a list of FAQ's to review before upgrading to the latest version? (4262846)

Is there a list of FAQ's to review before upgrading to the latest version?

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-06-29
NA rating | 770 보기
What do I need to know before I upgrade my computer to Windows 10? (4293470)

Please see the section &quot;Before an upgrade to Windows 10&quot; in <a href="https://support.quest.com/desktop-authority/kb/208444" target="_blank">KB 208444</a>.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
NA rating | 1294 보기
How can I get Licensing Assistance? (4276445)

<span style="color: #222222;font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;background-color: #ffffff;">Click <a href="https://support.quest.com/contact-us/licensing" target="_blank">here </a>to visit our Licensing Assistance site.</span>

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
2 rating | 758 보기
I've renewed maintenance, how can I get an updated license key with the new maintenance date? (4280955)

Click here to request a new license key with the updated maintenance date for versions prior to Desktop Authority 11. ... Click here to Contact Licensing and request the new license type for Desktop Authority version 11 and up.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2023-05-07
1 rating | 884 보기
How do I purchase additional licenses? (4044588)

I need to purchase additional licenses.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority, KACE Systems Deployment Appliance, KACE Systems...
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-09-27
1 rating | 9745 보기
Knowledge Article
How to disable Logging (4268635)

Desktop Authority’s log files are used to track information about users logging onto the network and the computer they are logging on from. ... During the installation of Desktop Authority, the installation wizard prompts for the creation of a share for logging.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-11-21
NA rating | 1397 보기
Knowledge Article
What Java version is using the Expert Assist Java Launcher application? (4371103)

Need to know what Java version is using KACE Desktop Authority when using the Expert Assis remote management tool and the Remote Control option. ... <p>KACE Desktop Authority is using OpenJDK which is completely open-source and can be used freely.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-11-05
NA rating | 446 보기
Knowledge Article
Manager Service install Fails "Index was outside the bounds of the array" (4225268)

"Index was outside the bounds of the array." ... A possible cause is the certificate that was selected during the configuration. ... For the installation or upgrade, use the Kace Desktop Authority Self Signed Certificate.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-11-05
NA rating | 1303 보기
Knowledge Article
Business logic error Access denied when installing the Administrative Service or Administrative Service always querying (4369715)

2- The Administrative Service is in querying or calculating status and never stops. ... Microsoft DCOM authentication hardening was applied to the server affecting the communication between the Administrative Service and the Desktop Authority Manager Service for this reason, the Administrative Service is not able to report the status and the service cannot be re-installed or installed.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-11-05
NA rating | 1354 보기
Knowledge Article
Error "The Profile List file is not correctly signed and will not be processed" (4281007)

Error at login: “The Profile List file is not correctly signed and will not be processed.” ... The affected machine is not getting updated information from the authenticating Domain Controller due to the fact that the Administrative Service is not running on that Server.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-10-30
1 rating | 3298 보기
Knowledge Article
How to import or export a User Management Profile or Computer Management Profile (4266675)

The User Management profiles and Computer Management Profiles need to be imported/exported using the KACE Desktop Authority Manager for the restoration and backup of profiles. ... To export one or one by one:

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-10-14
NA rating | 1420 보기
Knowledge Article
Not all the machines in the domain are showing up in reports (CLSID) (4228223)

Not all the machines in the domain are showing up in the Managed Computer Inventory report, or the Seats Used do not match the actual number of machines in the environment. ... Not all the machines in the domain are showing up in the “Managed Computer Inventory” report or the “Seats Used” on the System Dashboard is not reporting the total amount of machines in the domain.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-10-10
NA rating | 845 보기
Knowledge Article
How to add trusted sites to Internet Explorer using the registry element in Desktop Authority (4268703)

How to add trusted sites to Internet Explorer using the registry element in KACE Desktop Authority. ... 2. Expand the profile that the new settings will be created under. ... 9. Use the information below to configure the registry setting.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-10-11
NA rating | 2083 보기
Knowledge Article
How to create and map a users Home Directory or Home Folder (4317855)

<p>Even though a home directory can be mapped through Desktop Authority, it is recommended and a Best Practice that ADUC be used to map a user&#39;s home directory. ... </p> ... <ul><li>When a home directory is mapped in Desktop Authority, it is not considered a true home directory, even if you name it Home Directory.</li><li>When creating the the Home Directory through Active Directory, it creates the correct system variables on the user&#39;s machine for it.</li><li>Also, when mapping a home directory though Active Directory you ensure that all the correct permissions are in place for that folder.</li></ul>

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-10-03
NA rating | 1335 보기
Knowledge Article
"Managed Devices" count on the Registration page is incorrect (4263038)

The number of machines listed in Managed Devices (within the last 3 days) is incorrect. ... The licensing count shown on the Registration page is a reflection of how many machines have checked in the previous 72 hours.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-10-10
NA rating | 677 보기
Knowledge Article
How to schedule a reboot using Application Launcher using a User Profile (4284565)

How to schedule a computer restart using Application Launcher. ... Sometimes a computer reboot is required to finish an installation process or due to a specific condition. ... Under Client Configuration | Profiles | User | Profiles | ProfileName | Application Launcher

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-09-25
NA rating | 979 보기
Knowledge Article
How to migrate Desktop Autority (4372869)

KACE Desktop Authority (DA) is a powerful tool used to simplify the management of Windows environments. ... Like any complex software, there may be challenges when migrating or updating it. ... This article will delve into a common problem faced during migration, and how to resolve it.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-10-03
NA rating | 2084 보기
Knowledge Article
How to disable logoff and shutdown alert (4272848)

How to disable the logoff and shut down alert that KACE Desktop Authority will display when elements are required to run at these times. ... When KACE Desktop Authority (DA) runs at logoff or shut down a message is displayed to users letting them know that DA is performing actions at these times.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-09-20
NA rating | 1406 보기
Knowledge Article
Client does not upgrade or install, The handle is invalid, return code 6. (4289795)

RESULT: 6=The handle is invalid ... or ... Return Code: [6] The handle is invalid The Administrative service on the Domain Controller is not able to correctly assist with the upgrade/install administrative task on the client.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-09-06
NA rating | 2189 보기
Knowledge Article
How to edit a GPO to edit the Driver Installation policy to allow non-admins to install printers (4225529)

How to edit the Driver Installation group policy to allow non administrators to install printers. ... Privilege Manager for Windows does not elevate the users permission to allow for printer driver installation.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority, Safeguard Privilege Manager for Windows
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-30
NA rating | 9359 보기
Knowledge Article
Windows 10 or 11 the Shortcut Icon is blank when .ico file is located on a UNC Path (4371743)

The .ico is not getting applied to the shortcut even when it&#39;s pointing to the right path with permission for everyone. ... This is happening only with the Windows 11 machines. ... <br><br>If the shortcut is created using this format: microsoft-edge:https://support.quest.com and the .ico file located on a UNC it will work fine.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-07-18
NA rating | 2397 보기
Knowledge Article
How to download a product (4276726)

Either “Sign In” if you have already registered in the portal, or register. ... Next, enter the product name in the “Enter your product to find support” section, select the product and click the "Go" button.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority, Secure Copy, Active Administrator, Enterprise...
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-06-25
NA rating | 5767 보기
Knowledge Article
Replication and Common Replication Issues (4228450)

<p>It is recommended to select only one Domain Controller as a target for replication. ... All Domain Controllers should still get updated because the Windows File Replication Service (FRS) should transfer the files to the other Domain Controllers independent of Desktop Authority’s replication.

제품: KACE Desktop Authority
최종 업데이트 날짜: 2024-05-31
NA rating | 1191 보기
Knowledge Article
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