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KACE Desktop Authority - 교육 서비스

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  • KACE Academy

    <section><input checked="checked" class="tab" id="tab4" name="tabGroup2" type="radio" /><label for="tab4">Course Description</label> <input class="tab" id="tab5" name="tabGroup2" type="radio" /><label for="tab5">What to Expect</label> <input class="tab" id="tab6" name="tabGroup2" type="radio" /><label for="tab6">Schedule of Events</label> <input class="tab" id="tab7" name="tabGroup2" type="radio" /><label for="tab7">Course Agenda</label> <input class="tab" id="tab8" name="tabGroup2" type="radio" /><label for="tab8">Additional Info</label> Is KACE Academy right for you?KACE Academy is a...
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    선행 조건: 과정 선행 조건 보기

    소요 시간: See your region under "Schedule of Events"

    온라인 구매 $2730 학생당
  • KACE SMA What's New in Version 11.1-Free

    This course will provide an overview of the changes that will occur in an upgrade to version 11.1 of the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA).
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  • KACE SDA Version 9.x What's New

    Provide an overview of new features and enhancements in version 9.x of the KACE Systems Deployment Appliance.
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  • KACE SMA What's New in 13.x - Free

    This course will provide an overview of enhancements and changes made in the 13.x releases.
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    대상: Customer

    선행 조건: 과정 선행 조건 보기