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On Demand Migration Current - User Guide

About On Demand Migration Working with On Demand Migration Account Migration Mailbox Migration OneDrive Migration Microsoft Teams Migration Microsoft 365 Groups Migration SharePoint Migration Public Folders Migration Power BI Migration Troubleshooting Finalizing the Migration Appendix A: Using PowerShell Appendix B: How Queuing Works


After you start a OneDrive migration, open the Assessment view to see the reports described below.

NOTE: Click the Assessment button again to refresh the reports during a migration.

  • OneDrive Users

    • Number of users
    • Number of user accounts that are matched or unmatched
    • Number of OneDrive accounts provisioned or not provisioned in the target tenant
  • Migration Progress

    • Last Run Status - number of user accounts in state of the migration process
    • Progress of Started Users (Source/Target Items Ratio)
    • Average % for Started Users
  • Migration Statistics

    • Current Migrating Users - number of users that are currently migrating.
    • Scope - indicates the performance of the migration within the last 14 days
    • Total Migration File Size - total files size packaged or migrated within the last 14 days
      • Packaged - total file size submitted for migration
      • Migrated - total file size actually migrated
    • Total Migration File Count - total files packaged or migrated within the last 14 days
      • Packaged - total number of files submitted for migration
      • Migrated - total number of files actually migrated
  • File Size (per hour) - performance chart that indicates the file size packaged and migrated per hour. Data is displayed for the last 14 days.

  • File Count (per hour) - performance chart that indicates the number of files packaged and migrated per hour. Data is displayed for the last 14 days.

  • Average concurrent migrating users (per hour) - indicates the average number of users being concurrently migrated per hour. The optimization is managed seamlessly by the migration service to avoid bandwidth or throttling issues.

Microsoft Teams Migration

On Demand Migration for Teams securely migrates Microsoft Teams and associated Microsoft 365 Groups across Microsoft 365 tenants. You can also use this dashboard for migration of content for Microsoft 365 Groups without Teams functionality. (Content Migration for Microsoft 365 Groups). Microsoft Teams migration requires additional licensing.

Basic Microsoft Teams migration workflow consists of the following steps:

# Step
1 Create a migration project (created automatically with New Migration UI)
2 Grant necessary permissions in case these permissions are not already granted. See Prerequisites.

IMPORTANT: It is not recommended to use existing user accounts as source and target temporary Migration Manager accounts, because it is recommended to remove them for safety reasons after the migration will be completed. These accounts can be removed from teams as described in Finalizing the Migration.

3 Discover teams/groups on the source tenant

On this step you can see names, suggested for target teams. In case you need some changes use manual mapping as described below. There are no provision on the target on this step.

TIP: Organize teams in collections to streamline the provision and migration process

4 Export teams mapping to CSV file
5 Map teams manually using exported CSV file

You can use manual mapping to migrate source team to the target team with another name. If the channel do not exist, it will be provisioned. Also you can use manual mapping to merge several source teams to one target team.

6 Create Microsoft 365 Groups and Provision teams on the target tenant. Target teams will be owned by the target temporary Migration Manager account that is used to perform the provisioning.
  • The temporary Migration Manager account in the source tenant will be added to all source teams as a member, and source private channels as an owner.
  • The temporary Migration Manager account in the target tenant will be added to all target teams and Microsoft 365 Groups as a member and an owner, and target private channels as an owner

These accounts can be removed from teams as described in Finalizing the Migration.

7 Migrate teams

Migrate / merge all conversations (including inline content) from the source to target channels.

  • Target temporary Migration Manager account will own all private channels migrated to the target.
8 remigrate teams to incorporate supported changes made after the migration task (step 7) was started.
9 Monitor the progress and track issues

What We Migrate

Migration limitations indicated below may not be an exhaustive list of limitations as some may appear in unique customer migration scenarios, or arise due to platform or legacy support restrictions. In some cases, a solution to a limitation may already be on the product roadmap.

In this topic:


Objects and content types
Object Support Notes
Adaptive Cards  
Announcements partial Customized background picture for announcements cannot be migrated
Applications partial Only Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and List tab applications linked to files in the same channel are supported. If you rename a tab in the source team and then re-migrate, the renamed tab will be migrated. The target will then have two tabs, one with the old name and one with the new name.

Whiteboard tabs are migrated if the Whiteboard files, in the OneDrive of the Whiteboard creator, is pre-imgrated to the target tenant. At least one team owner must have permission to the whiteboard file in source tenant. Whiteboard tabs will be migrated as Weblink tabs in target.

Applications including Shifts for schedule management  
Archived team Archived teams will first be migrated to the target tenant as active teams. Then they will be archived in the target tenant. Archived team can only be migrated once and remigrating archived teams is not supported.
Attached images, media files, documents partial Preview icons cannot be migrated.
Authorship partial Authorship in messages is migrated as a string with author name and creation date. File authorship is supported.
Bots Bot messages in channel conversation can be migrated.
Calls and devices Contacts, contact groups, call history, voicemail, and custom setup cannot be migrated. Devices and device setup cannot be migrated.
Chats Images, media files and documents referenced in one-on-one or group chats are stored in your OneDrive for Business folder. They must be migrated using the On Demand Migration for OneDrive service, before you migrate the chats. File links in team chats will not work after chat migration if the files are moved to another folder in the source tenant.

Files that are linked to the private chats and meetings are migrated but do no display in the Files tab of private chats and meetings. In the source tenant a member removed from a chat can still see the history of the chat in the source. In the target tenant, members cannot see the history of chats they have been removed from.

Users deleted on the tenant cannot be migrated, so do not appear as members of a chat on the target. Deleted users remain visible as members of a chat on the source. One-to-one chats, where one of the users is deleted, are migrated for the user that is still a member of the tenant.

If external users are added to target chats during migration, the external users cannot access the Archived chat file since no permissions are granted to the external users.

If a domain move is done after a chat migration, the Conversation History links in migrated chats will not work because the URL of those tabs remain mapped to the original target domain.

Private one-to-one chats are migrated as group chats. All the messages in the migrated chats are posted by the temporary Migration Manager.

Private one-to-one chats with a Skype user cannot be migrated. The Microsoft Graph API List chat messages do not support querying messages of that type.

Private one-to-one chats initiated by an external user (user from another tenant) cannot be migrated. Private one-to-one chats not initiated by an external user are migrated, and in the title the external user’s real name is replaced with the text "External user".

Loop components in chats cannot be migrated.

Emoji is not supported when archiving chats.

Errors in chat migration will not be linked to a particular user since chat always happens among multiple users. As a result, those errors will not be visible in Exported Error Logs since the logs are exported per user.

Chat application tabs cannot be migrated.

Code snippets  
Conversations The target tenant's temporary Migration Manager account is displayed as the owner of all migrated messages on the target: The original owner and creation time of a message are displayed in the first line of the message starting with "Originally posted by...".

Individual messages larger than 4 MB will not migrate. Messages containing several inline messages can exceed 4MB. The chat will migrate without the large messages. An error will display in the On Demand Migration for Teams Events tab of the form: Request failed with RequestEntityTooLarge status code (Request Entity Too Large).

Custom tags for teams GCC tenants do not support tags.
Custom website tab  
E-mail attachments  
Emoji, GIF, Sticker, Praise, memes Emoji in messages are supported but reaction emojis are not supported.
File preview partial Preview icons of files attached to a post cannot be migrated. The file is migrated as a link.
Formatted text  
Guest accounts and conversations  
Images posted inline from buffer  
Inbox folder and Calendar from the group mailbox associated with a team  
Link preview of public images Preview icons cannot be migrated. Only the link is migrated.
Link preview of public sites partial Preview icons cannot be migrated. Only the link is migrated.
Lists partial Lists must be created in the same SharePoint site used by the team or Private Channel. You must select the Standard and Customized (All SharePoint Content) option in the Migration Options step of the New Teams Migration Task to allow the migration of Lists and their content.
Meeting conversations Conversations are migrated as private chats, but cannot be inserted into the original Teams meeting. Conversations in a channel stay in the channel rather than a private chat, and are migrated to the target channel with a Teams migration task.
Meeting Notes in private meetings  

Meeting recordings


Recordings of scheduled meetings in a team channel, stored in SharePoint or OneDrive, are migrated.

  • Meeting recordings stored in Microsoft Stream (Classic) cannot be migrated; the link to the recording on the source team channel is retained.
  • On Demand does not support meeting recordings in a group chat. Recordings in group chats and one-to-one chats cannot be migrated with the On Demand Migration for Teams service. Since the recording file is stored in the chat organizer's OneDrive account, you can use the On Demand Migration for OneDrive service to migrate recordings.
  • On Demand does not support meeting recordings for "Meet now" meetings.
  • Users (includes @Everyone)
  • Channels
  • Teams
All @mentions from the source will be created as plain text with blue color in the target tenant to avoid notification to end users during migration.
OneNote partial

OneNote files will be migrated during file migration but the OneNote tabs will not be created in the target channels due a limitation of the Microsoft API. When migrating to a new team, default notebook tabs in target channels will be linked to the migrated OneNote files since the tabs are created automatically during teams creation in the target tenant.

If teams are renamed during migration, the default notebook in the source tenant will be migrated as source team name instead of the renamed target team name. As a result, the Note content will not show up in the target team channel and the notebook link in the SharePoint quick launch does not open the Note content.

OneDrive Shared Library partial OneDrive Shared Library must be created and associated with a team in the same SharePoint site. You must select the Standard and Customized (All SharePoint Content) option in the Migration Options step of the New Teams Migration Task to allow the migration of OneDrive Shared Library and its content.
OneDrive Sharing Links partial Only shared links that were activated by the users or group members (the user or group member clicked on the link to access the file or folder) in the source tenant will be migrated and converted to direct permissions. Users or group members who did not activate a shared link in the source tenant will not get the direct permissions in the target tenant and must re-request permissions from the owner when they access the file or folder in the target tenant. Use the Convert Sharing Links permissions to direct permissions option in the Attribute Options step of the New OneDrive Migration Task to migrate sharing links.
Planner partial

Premium Planner and Planner Tab are not migrated. Buckets, Planner Tasks and Comments are migrated. When migrating Planner Tasks, assignees in target tasks will receive a notification after migration.

The author of auto-generated comments like 'New task ... created' in migrated tasks will always show as the login user. This is a limitation of Microsoft Graph API when creating tasks in the target tenant with application permission.

Premium Planner plans are not supported due to a limitation of Microsoft Graph API.

Private channels See Channel settings subsection below.
Reaction Emoji  
Rich card attachments  
Shared channels See Channel settings subsection below.
SharePoint document libraries (Files)  
Standard channels See Channel settings subsection below.
Team owners and team members Only for Microsoft 365 Groups that are migrated / matched. Teams and groups with dynamic membership can be migrated but cannot be merged.

The memberships is not updated in Teams immediately after membership migration. It takes a while before Microsoft synchronizes memberships between groups and Teams. Workaround: Wait for membership synchronization.

Team picture  
Team settings partial Target team settings cannot be updated if you re-run the provisioning task.

Allow members to upload custom apps and Team code settings cannot be migrated.

Wiki sections and pages  
Files uploaded from mobile application 
Media files  
Voice recordings  
Channels and Channel Settings
General settings Channel isFavoriteByDefault property migration is not supported. Workaround: Enable Automatically show this channel in everyone’s channel listoption for the channel manually in your Teams client.
Standard channels  
Private channels The Teams client will not display the updates immediately. It may take up to 24 hours before the changes are reflected due to Microsoft limitations. Private channel members not visible in the Teams application unless you explicitly search for a member.
Shared channel Shared Channels can only be provisioned in the original team where the channel was created. Shared Channel membership is not migrated.
Group Settings
Allow external senders to email this group General
Send copies of group conversations and events to group members General
Hide from my organization's global address list General
Microsoft public preview In general, Microsoft public preview features cannot be migrated. These features may also take additional time to be fully developed and tested before being released to production.

M365 security and compliance features for Teams

  • Legal Hold
  • Retention Labels
  • Microsoft Information Protection policies and labels
  • M365 Compliance Customer Lockbox

Power Platform features for Teams

  • Power Apps
  • Power Pages
  • Power Automate (Flow)
  • Power Virtual Agents
Migration from an Education tenant to an Education tenant

Teams migration from one education tenant (Microsoft 365 for Education) to another is partially supported. The following team types and supported content can be migrated:

  • Standard Team
  • Class Team
  • PLC Team
  • Staff Team
  • Provisioning of public teams is not supported for migration scenarios from one education tenant to another. Only private teams can be provisioned for these scenarios.
  • When using Microsoft Teams for Education, use On Demand Migration for Teams to discover and migrate the EDU group. If you use On Demand Account Migration to discover and migrate the EDU group, then provisioning the EDU teams will fail with a “Request failed with BadRequest status code (Bad Request)” event error.
  • During provisioning, the teams with the same type will be created in the target tenant. Provisioning of public teams is not supported for migration scenarios from one education tenant to another.
  • Assignment app, personal OneNote notebook linked to a Teams channel and the OneNote tab linked to another team are currently not supported. Links to files in migrated messages cannot be migrated in case these links point to files located outside the default SharePoint URL. These links are missing in the target.

All other Education content is not supported for migration.

Migration from a Commercial or GCC tenant to a GCC High tenant

The table below lists the content types in Microsoft Teams that are available for migration from a Commercial or GCC tenant to a GCC High tenant with the On Demand Migration for Teams service.

Content type Availability in
GCC High tenant
Migration support
Applications including shifts for schedule management
Associated SharePoint document libraries (files)
Attached images, media files, documents
Code snippets
Custom tags for teams
Custom website tab
Email attachments
Emoji, Teams GIFs, memes
Formatted text
Group mailbox associated with team
Guest accounts and conversations
Images posted inline from buffer
Link preview of public images Partial. Icon is not migrated.
Link preview of public sites Partial. Icon is not migrated.
Meeting conversations
  • Users
  • Channels
  • Teams
Planner (Planner Tab, Buckets, Tasks and Comments)
Private channels
Public channels
Team owners and team members (Creation of Microsoft 365 Groups)
Team picture

Wiki sections and pages

NOTE: Starting January 2024, neither Wiki tabs nor the Wiki app will be accessible through Teams. Users will no longer have the ability to export their wikis. However, users will still be able to download their wiki files from SharePoint. For more information, see


Verify the following requirements are met before migrating Microsoft Teams. If these actions are not performed, discovery, provision and migration tasks will fail or some data might be lost!

The following consents must be granted to the tenants before Teams migration can be started

  • Migration - Basic
  • Migration - Mailbox Migration
  • Migration - SharePoint - Minimal for the source tenant, and Migration - SharePoint - Full for the source and target tenants. Migration - SharePoint is a legacy permission set and should be replaced with either the Minimal or Full permission sets.
  • Migration - Teams - Minimal for the source tenant, and Migration - Teams - Full for the source and target tenants. Migration - Teams is a legacy permission set and should be replaced with either the Minimal or Full permission sets.

TIP: If the consents are not granted or expired, Discover Teams action is disabled and the following notification is displayed: Grant admin consent to the following Migration sub modules on the Tenants page for both source and target tenants: Basic, SharePoint, and Teams. Open Tenants page and grant the necessary Required Consents and Permissions so that the product can access the source and target tenants. You will be redirected to the Microsoft web site for granting admin consent. Once admin consent is granted, you can start discovering Teams.

IMPORTANT: The Tenant Administrator must open the OneNote application just once in the target tenant. It does not have to be opened or run by every user. If OneNote is not initialized before granting consent for Teams migration, the following error occurs: Unexpected response while attempting to register the tenant: AADSTSxxxxxx: The app needs access to a service ("https://*")

  • Accounts must be matched or migrated before migrating teams.
  • Images, media files and documents referenced in one-on-one or group chats are stored in your OneDrive for Business folder. They must be migrated using the On Demand Migration for OneDrive service, before you migrate the chats.

Required permissions

See the On Demand Migration - Permissions Reference Guide for details.

Temporary Migration Manager accounts

  • It is recommended to create or use source and target temporary Migration Manager accounts.
  • The temporary Migration Manager accounts should be granted the Global Administrator or Teams Administrator role on the tenants for which these account are used. The temporary Migration Manager accounts in the source and target tenant should have Teams license from the Microsoft 365 admin center.
  • Do not change your temporary Migration Manager accounts before completing the migration project.
  • You must remove the source and target temporary Migration Manager accounts for safety reasons after the migration is completed. These accounts can be removed from teams as described in Finalizing the Migration.

The target temporary Migration Manager account is used in (but not limited to) the following scenarios:

  • It creates and owns the provisioned target teams.
  • It is added to all target teams and Microsoft 365 Groups as a member and an owner, and to all target private channels as an owner.
  • It is used to perform the Teams migration and is displayed as the owner of all migrated conversation and chat messages and planner tasks on the target.
  • It is added to all the chats (both group chats and private chats) as a participant during chats migration, and then removed from the migrated chats as soon as the chat migration is complete. All migrated chats of the target temporary Migration Manager account are hidden when the chat migration is complete.

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