During the migration, a variety of issues may occur. This section describes some common problems and how to solve them, as follows:
During the migration, a variety of issues may occur. This section describes some common problems and how to solve them, as follows:
Migration Agent for Exchange is the central component in the Office 365 migration workflow. To manage the Migration Agent for Exchange, perform the following:
Caution: If the agent consistently fails to start, try reinstalling it. For that use the Repair Agent action item. |
If an unknown error occurs, you should refer to the logs written by the Migration Manager. The logs for the console and the agent are stored on the corresponding computers in the following locations:
Migration Manager for Active Directory (Microsoft Office 365)
Console log:
On any supported operating system Migration Manager for Active Directory (Office 365) console log is located at the following path: %PROGRAMDATA%\Quest Software\Migration Manager for Active Directory\Directory Migration\QsDirectoryMigrationEngine.log.
Agent log:
On any supported operating system Directory Migration Agent log is located at the following path: %PROGRAMDATA%\Quest Software\Migration Manager for Active Directory\Directory Migration\QsDirectoryMigrationAgent.log.
Migration Manager for Exchange
Console log:
On any supported operating system Migration Manager for Exchange console log is located at the following path: %ProgramFiles%\Quest Software\Migration Manager\Exchange Data\EMWMigration.log.
Agent log:
To view Migration Agent for Exchange log, use the Open Log action item as described in the Managing Migration Agent for Exchange section.
Public folder synchronization agents logs:
Log files are located at the installation path for the agents.
By default the shared QMMEx$ServerName$ folder is created in the %SystemRoot%\System32 folder. On 64-bit Microsoft Exchange, the default shared folder is created in the %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64 folder.
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