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Rapid Recovery 6.3 - System Requirements Guide

Rapid Recovery Core installation requirements



Servers should not have any other applications, roles, or features installed that are not related to Rapid Recovery. For example, do not use the Core server as a high-traffic web server; and do not run Active Directory as a domain controller on the Core server. If possible, do not run server applications such as Exchange Server, Oracle, SharePoint Server, or SQL Server on the Core machine. If SQL Server is required on the Core machine – for example, if you are using Rapid Recovery DocRetriever for SharePoint–make sure you allocate more resources, in addition to those needed for efficient Core operations.

Depending on your license and your environment requirements, you may need to install multiple Cores, each on a dedicated server. Licensed Rapid Recovery users with an active maintenance agreement can manage two or more Cores from the QorePortal, which can be accessed at .

Before installing or upgrading Rapid Recovery Core on your Core server, ensure that your system meets the following minimum hardware and software requirements. For additional guidance for sizing your hardware, software, memory, storage, and network requirements, see knowledge base article 185962, “Sizing Rapid Recovery Deployments.”

Caution: Microsoft offers Server Core editions of their Windows Server products, which have a smaller footprint and limited server roles. Quest does not support running Rapid Recovery Core on these minimal installations of the Windows Server operating systems. Quest only supports Rapid Recovery Core on the standard (or "Desktop Experience") versions of Windows Server versions 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, and 2019.


NOTE: Quest does not recommend installing Rapid Recovery Core on an all-in-one server suite such as Microsoft Small Business Server or Microsoft Windows Server Essentials.


Caution: Quest does not recommend running the Rapid Recovery Core on the same physical machine that serves as a hypervisor host.

Rapid Recovery release 6.3 operating system installation and compatibility matrix

Microsoft Windows operating systems

Rapid Recovery Core must be installed on an appropriately sized server running a supported 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating system. The following table and notes list each Windows operating system and describes compatibility for each Rapid Recovery component or feature. Rapid Recovery Core does not support Windows Server core editions.

NOTE: This matrix is provided to educate users on compatibility. Quest does not support operating systems that have reached end of life.

Table 3: Rapid Recovery components and features compatible with Windows operating systems.
OS Version Core Agent Agentless LMU MR DR URC Restore URC Driver Injection VM Export to Azure
7 SP1 No No1 Limited No No No Limited No Limited3
8 No No Limited No1 Yes1 Yes1 Limited Limited Limited3
8.1 No Limited Yes No No No Limited Limited Limited3
10 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes3
Server 2008 R2 SP1 Yes1, 2 Yes1 Yes Yes1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes3
Server 2012 Yes2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes3
Server 2012 R2 Yes2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes3
Server 2016 Yes2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes3
Server 20194 Yes2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Windows installation and support notes:

1 Follow guidance in Microsoft KB 3033929. Install hotfix per Microsoft KB 2921916. Silent installation of Core is not supported.

2 Rapid Recovery Core cannot be installed on Windows Core operating systems, which offer limited server roles and have no GUI. This includes all Server Core editions for Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019.

3 VM export to Azure works only for x64 editions of operating systems listed. EFI is not supported. Azure VMs do not support Generation 2 Hyper-V VM features. For more information about these features, see "Generation 2 Virtual Machine Overview" in the Microsoft Technet article at

4Rapid Recovery does not support protection of ReFS volumes running Windows Server 2019. For more information, see the topic "Support for Windows Server 2019" in Rapid Recovery 6.3 Release Notes.

Linux operating systems

Linux operating systems are supported as protected machines in a Rapid Recovery Core. You can use agentless protection, or install the Rapid Recovery Agent. The following table and notes list each supported Linux operating system and distribution, and describes support for each Rapid Recovery component or feature.

Table 4: Compatible Rapid Recovery components and features by Linux operating system
OS Version or distribution Agent Agentless Live DVD VM Export
to Azure
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.3 - 6.10 Yes Yes Yes Yes
RHEL 7.0 - 7.6 Yes Yes Yes Yes
CentOS Linux 6.3 - 6.10 Yes Yes Yes Yes
CentOS Linux 7.0 - 7.6 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Debian Linux 7 Limited1,2 Limited1,2 Limited2 Limited
Debian Linux 8 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Debian Linux 9 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Oracle Linux 6.3 - 6.10 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Oracle Linux 7.0 - 7.6 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ubuntu Linux 12.10, 13.04, 13.10 Limited1, 2 Limited1, 2 No


Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS Yes1 Yes1 Yes1 Yes
Ubuntu Linux 14.10, 15.04, 15.10 Limited2 Limited2 Limited2


Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS, 16.10 Yes1 Yes1 Yes1 Yes
Ubuntu Linux 17.04 LTS Yes1 Yes1 Yes1


Ubuntu Linux 17.10 Limited1, 2 Limited1, 2 Limited1, 2 Yes
Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS Yes1 Yes1 Yes1 Yes
Ubuntu Linux 18.10 Yes1 Yes1 Yes1 Yes
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP2 (or later SP) Yes1 Yes1 Yes Yes
SLES 12, 12 SP1, 12 SP2, 12 SP3 Yes1 Yes1 Yes1 Yes1

Linux installation and support notes:

1 B-tree file system (BTRFS) is supported only on operating systems with kernel version 3.7 or later. The earliest versions of compliant operating systems include Ubuntu 14.04, Debian 8, CentOS/Oracle Linux/RHEL 7, and SLES 12.

2 This OS distribution has reached end of life, and is therefore no longer tested. Support for this OS is therefore limited.

For more information on Linux versions supported by Rapid Recovery, including kernel versions, file systems and restrictions, see Rapid Recovery Agent software requirements

Rapid Recovery Core requirements

Requirements for the Rapid Recovery Core are described in the following table.

Table 5: Rapid Recovery Core requirements
Requirement Details

Operating system

Rapid Recovery Core does not run on 32-bit Windows systems or any Linux distribution. Rapid Recovery Core requires one of the following 64-bit Windows operating systems (OS):
  • Microsoft Windows 8.1*
  • Microsoft Windows 10
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1* (except Core editions)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2* (except Core editions)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (except Core editions)

Windows operating systems require the Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.6.2 to be installed to run the Rapid Recovery Core service. Additionally, any OS marked with * requires the ASP .NET 4.6.2. role or feature. When installing or upgrading the Core, the installer checks for these components based on the OS of the Core server, and installs or activates them automatically if required. Installing or upgrading .NET software typically requires a system reboot.

The Rapid Recovery Core supports all x64 editions of the Windows OS listed, unless otherwise indicated. The Rapid Recovery Core does not support Windows Server core editions.

If any operating system listed specifies a service pack (for example, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1), then the OS with the specified service pack is the minimum requirement. If an operating system is listed without a service pack (for example, Windows 8.1), then the base operating system is supported. Any subsequent SP for a listed OS is also supported, unless explicitly excluded.

For optimal performance, it is recommended that you install the Rapid Recovery Core on more recent operating systems.


64-bit only


8GB RAM or more. This is a requirement of Rapid Recovery Core.

Quest highly recommends using Error Checking & Correction (ECC) memory, to ensure optimum performance of Rapid servers.


Quad-core or higher


The amount of storage required differs based on your needs. Storage requirements typically increase over time and should be revisited at least annually.

Rapid Recovery supports primary storage in a DVM repository. Characteristics and requirements include the following:

  • DVM repositories can be extended by adding new storage locations.
  • Each volume you define as a storage location must have a minimum of 1GB of free space available on it. Quest recommends minimum storage of 100GB per storage volume.
  • Requires a configuration of RAID 6 with 4 usable drives or better for a change rate per hour of up to 10GB. More drives are required for additional capacity or higher change rates.
  • Suggested random input/output per second (IOPS) of 300 or better (based on 4 usable drives each capable of 75 IOPS measured at 32KB with 75% reads with 60 random I/O).
  • There are no specific I/O controller requirements. However, speed is the most important factor for DVM repository storage.
  • Quest recommends locating your DVM repository on direct attached storage (DAS), storage area network (SAN), or network attached storage (NAS) devices (listed in order of preference).
  • If installing on a NAS, Quest recommends limiting the repository size to 6TB. Any storage device must meet the minimum IOPS requirements.

NOTE: As of this release, Rapid Recovery Core no longer supports relocation of recovery points from your DVM repository to secondary storage in a tiering repository.


See Quest knowledge base article 185962, “Sizing Rapid Recovery Deployments,” for additional guidance for sizing your hardware, software, memory, storage, and network requirements.


1 gigabit Ethernet (GbE) minimum

NOTE: Quest recommends a 10GbE network backbone for robust environments. .

Network hardware

Use network cables with the appropriate rating to obtain the expected bandwidth.

NOTE: Quest recommends testing your network performance regularly and adjusting your hardware accordingly.

Rapid Recovery Agent software requirements

For each physical machine you want to protect in a Rapid Recovery Core, install the Rapid Recovery Agent software. The Agent software must be compatible with that machine's OS and file system, as detailed in the following matrix.

You can also protect virtual machines (VMs) on your Core. You can use Agent-based protection by installing Rapid Recovery Agent on each VM, as appropriate. Or you can protect VMs on supported hypervisor hosts using Rapid Snap for Virtual agentless protection. There are tradeoffs between using Agent-based and agentless protection. When configured properly, fewer licenses are consumed from your license pool when using Rapid Snap for Virtual. However, you may prefer using Agent-based protection for VMs (for example, when protecting Oracle servers, dynamic volumes, or if you need Live Recovery). For more information, see the topic "Understanding Rapid Snap for Virtual" in the Rapid Recovery 6.3 User Guide.

Requirements for the Rapid Recovery Agent software are described in the following table. Review carefully for reach release, as requirements change. In this edition, some operating system versions or distributions are combined in a single entry. Snapshot data for each protected machine must be saved to a DVM repository only. Tiering is not supported in this release.

You cannot use the Rapid Recovery Add-on for Kaseya to deploy Rapid Recovery Agent to a Linux machine you want to protect in your Core. If using the Add-on, manually install Rapid Recovery Agent on each Linux machine. For more information on installing Agent, see the Rapid Recovery 6.3 Installation and Upgrade Guide.

NOTE: The Add-on for Kaseya is now discontinued. The final release for that product was 6.2.

Table 6: Rapid Recovery Agent software requirements
Requirement Details
Operating system Windows operating systems require the Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.6.2 to be installed to run the Rapid Recovery Agent service. The Rapid Recovery Agent software supports 32-bit and 64-bit Windows and Linux operating systems, including the following:
  • Microsoft Windows versions 8.11, 2, 101
  • Microsoft Windows Server versions 2008 R2 SP12, 3, 2012, 2012 R21, 20161, 20191, 4.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6
  • CentOS Linux 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6
  • Oracle Linux 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6
  • Debian Linux 7, 8, 9
  • Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS3, 12.103, 13.043, 13.103, 14.04 LTS3, 14.103, 15.04 3, 15.103, 16.04 LTS, 16.103, 17.043, 17.103, 18.04 LTS, 18.10
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 (SP2 and later), 12

1 Requires the ASP .NET 4.6.2. role or feature. When installing or upgrading the Rapid Recovery Agent software, the installer checks for the ASP .NET 4.6.2. role or feature. If required, the installer installs or activates this component and then reboots.

2 Follow guidance in Microsoft KB 3033929. For silent installation, see Microsoft KB 2921916.

3 Since this OS has reached end of life, only limited support for Agent in this release. Agentless protection is also supported.

4 ReFS volumes not supported for protection on Windows Server 2019.


Additional operating systems are supported for agentless protection only. For more information, see Rapid Snap for Virtual agentless protection.

If any operating system listed specifies a service pack (for example, Windows 2008 R2 SP1), then the OS with the specified service pack is the minimum requirement. If an operating system is listed without a service pack (for example, Windows 8.1), then the base operating system is supported. Any subsequent SP for a listed OS is also supported, unless explicitly excluded.

The Rapid Recovery Agent software supports Windows Server Core edition installations for Windows Server versions 2008 R2 , 2012, 2012 R2, and 2016. For Windows Server 2008 R2 Core only, you must have SP1 or later.

The Rapid Recovery Agent software supports the Linux distributions included in this list. Additionally, note the following:

Linux kernel. Rapid Recovery supports Linux kernel versions 2.6.32 and later.

FIle systems and restrictions. Supported file systems include ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs, and BTRFS. The following restrictions apply:

  • ext2 is supported only on kernel version 3.6.0 or later.
  • BTRFS is supported on Linux operating systems with kernel 3.7 or later. This minimum kernel version is included beginning with Ubuntu 14.04, Debian 8, CentOS/Oracle Linux/RHEL 7, and SLES 12. If the kernel on earlier versions of these OS is upgraded to 3.7 or later, BTRFS is supported.

For more information, see the Rapid Recovery release 6.3 operating system installation and compatibility matrix.

Agents installed on Microsoft Hyper-V Server versions 2012, 2012 R2, 2016 and 2019 operate in the Core edition mode of the relevant Windows Server OS.

NOTE: Native backup of cluster shared volumes is supported on Windows 2008 R2 (SP1 and later) protected machines only.

Architecture 32-bit or 64-bit
Memory 4GB or higher


Single processor or higher

Microsoft Exchange Server support

Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2013, or Exchange Server 2016.

Microsoft SQL Server support

Microsoft SQL Server versions 2008 (deprecated), 2008 R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2017 are supported on Windows machines only (no Linux support).

NOTE: End of life for SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 is July 9, 2019. Users are advised to move to a current version of SQL Server that is supported by both Microsoft and Quest in advance of that date.

Microsoft SharePoint Server support

Microsoft SharePoint versions 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016

NOTE: Support for "SharePoint" refers to fully licensed versions of Microsoft SharePoint Server for the versions listed above.

Oracle relational database support

Oracle 12c database using Rapid Recovery 6.2 or later on 64-bit servers running Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, or Windows Server 2019.

Oracle support includes application awareness. You can perform database integrity checks against our volume images using DBVERIFY (a native Oracle utility). Protection of Oracle12c databases is limited to using Volume Snapshot Service (VSS) in the ARCHIVELOG mode.

For more information, see "About protecting Oracle database servers" in the Rapid Recovery 6.3 User Guide.

Storage Direct attached storage, storage area network or network attached storage

1 gigabit Ethernet (GbE) minimum

NOTE: Quest recommends a 10GbE network backbone for robust environments.

Quest does not recommend protecting machines over a wide-area network (WAN). If you have multiple networked sites, Quest recommends installing a Core at each site. To share information, you can replicate between the Cores located at different sites. Replication between Cores is WAN-optimized. The data transmitted is compressed, deduplicated, and encrypted during transfer.

Network hardware

Use network cables with the appropriate rating to obtain the expected bandwidth.

NOTE: Quest recommends testing your network performance regularly (at least once annually) and adjusting your hardware accordingly.

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