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Error Upgrading to UCD with Error code -2146824582 "Provider cannot be found" (4373374)

When attempting to upgrade UCD to version, users may get an error during the first few steps.<br><br><img alt="image" src=";feoid=00N6R00000J0qH7&amp;refid=0EM6R000005RpiA"></img><br>

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 09/10/2024
NA rating | 310 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to merge license files together, or request a new or updated license (4237462)

How to merge license files together, or request a new or updated license, for a Quest product you are currently licensed for. ... If you have license files which need to be merged together or you require a new updated license for a product that you are currently licensed for, please fill out the form on the following page to submit a request to the Licensing Team:

Produtos: Active Roles, Migrator for Notes to Exchange, Secure Copy, Active...
Última atualização em: 20/08/2024
1 rating | 18481 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How can I determine when my Support Contract expires? (4243498)

How can I determine when my Support Contract expires? ... Please contact the Quest Sales Department for this information: ... Email: ... Phone: 1-800-306-9329

Produtos: Collaboration Services, MessageStats, Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 24/01/2024
NA rating | 555 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Failed to install license. Make sure that you are installing correct license file. (4341976)

When I apply the license I get the following error: &quot;Failed to install license. ... <p>- License is trying to be installed on 8.2 version</p> ... <p style="font-size: 11.8181819915771px;"> </p>

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 10/10/2023
NA rating | 1378 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How can Spotlight on Exchange be configured to monitor specific servers in Exchange Organization( (4264647)

How can Spotlight on Exchange be configured to monitor specific servers in Exchange Organization(s) and not the entire exchange organization? ... Click Actions|Clear All Data Collections to clear data collection for all servers.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 250 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Can Spotlight on Exchange and MessageStats be installed on the same system? (4336671)

Can Spotlight on Exchange and MessageStats be installed on the same system? ... It is not recommended to install both of these products on the same computer because MessageStats uses as much resources as it needs to do the processing and Spotlight on Exchange needs a fair amount of memory, so there could be conflict.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 213 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to Set Up Notifications in Spotlight on Exchange (4286666)

This article describes how to set up notifications in Spotlight on Exchange. ... Please perform the following steps: ... 1. Connect to a server in Spotlight console ... 2. Select View | Options | Alarm Log

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 135 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Web Reports Error: "Microsoft .Net Framework version 2.0 must be installed on the IIS server that (4333549)

"Microsoft .Net Framework version 2.0 must be installed on the IIS server that hosts this application. ... Microsoft ASP.NET must also be enabled on the virtual directory that contains this application.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 225 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Is there a way in UCC Diagnostics to monitor the number of items in a windows folder? (4324065)

Is there a way in UC Diagnostics to monitor the number of items in a windows folder? <p>Currently there is no way to monitor how many files are in a specific folders with in UC-D.</p><p></p><p>Workaround: None</p><p>Status: Enhancement Request TF00491750 has been opened and being considered for a future release by product management.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 253 visualizações
Knowledge Article
RPC/Sec is showing around 600, and the default warning is 5 why? (4340571)

Spotlight on Exchange is showing the primary back-end Exchange Server RPC/Sec of around 600 but the default warning is 5, why?. ... This just means that a lot of MAPI workload is happening right now which could indicate 3rd party software calls through MAPI.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 313 visualizações
Knowledge Article
SMTP Queue Report is displaying N/A for the Status for the Number of Queued Messages. (4326972)

None. ... STATUS: ... Waiting for fix in a future release of Spotlight on Exchange.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 224 visualizações
Knowledge Article
I am trying to apply a license file with a .DLV extension to Unified Communication Command Suite 8.0.1 and I get the error invalid License. (4319085)

I am trying to apply a license file with a .DLV extension to Unified Communication Command Suite 8.0.1 and I get the error invalid License. ... Quest is switching to a new Quest license type (.dlv) and will be emailing your new license file to you.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 446 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Connection to Lync to Pool fails with error: (4241232)

When connecting to the FQDN of a Lync pool, the following error is generated after entering user credentials:<br><br>Windows API function (DsGetDcName) failed because &#39;The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted&#39; Defect ID: TF00483402 has been identified to cause this issue in environments where the default sip domain of the service account does not match the Active Directory domain namespace.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 120 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Error: "Datasource error in connection server name registry proxy cannot be created error 8007000 (4276740)

"Datasource error in connection server name registry proxy cannot be created error, 80070005 access denied" ... Try restarting the Windows Management Instrumentation Service on the remote Exchange Server to resolve the issue.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 366 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Unable to connect to SQL Server 2005 Express (4344255)

This solution describes an issue when Spotlight on Messaging is unable to connect to SQL Server 2005 Express. ... By default, remote connections are disabled for SQL 2005 Express. ... The following needs to be enabled in order to install Diagnostic Services on a different computer other than the Spotlight on Exchange Enterprise Edition database.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 308 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Message Delivery Test and External Message Transfer test fails with 'Access Denied' error (4348642)

This article describes an issue when message delivery test and external message transfer test fails with "access denied" error. ... Microsoft released hotfixes for Exchange 2000 SP3 and Exchange 2003 SP1 and SP2 which will cause diagnostic tests using the MAPI protocol to fail with an Access Denied error message.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 319 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Why is Spotlight on Exchange showing -2 and grayed out objects on the homepage? (4340553)

Why is Spotlight showing -2 and grayed out objects on the homepage? ... Spotlight on Exchange cannot gatherer the data it needs because performance counters are not available on the remote server.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 402 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to setup and configure the Data Recorder in Data Recorder Mode (4334017)

The Quest Spotlight on Messaging Data Recorder enhances the Spotlight on Messaging Diagnostic Console by capturing server performance data, making it easier for you as an administrator to troubleshoot and resolve possible issues.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 305 visualizações
Knowledge Article
APPCRASH when opening the Management Console with Fault Module Name: QuestLicense.dll (4229812)

When opening the Management Console you receive an APPCRASH on screen. ... Problem signature: ... Additional Information 3: 8aeb ... Additional Information 4: 8aebc978c9c5a2c5bd229abe768cf1bc ... Read our privacy statement online:

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 416 visualizações
Knowledge Article
This page uses JavaScript, but your browser does not support it. (4330889)

This page uses JavaScript, but your browser does not support it. ... You may be able to correct this problem by adding this web site to your Trusted Sites or Local Intranet web content zones. ... Error

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 294 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Spotlight on Exchange reports messages in the Send queue when the System Manager queue appears em (4265944)

Spotlight on Exchange reports messages in the Send queue when the System Manager queue appears empty.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 316 visualizações
Knowledge Article
What are the requirements to install Unified Communications Diagnostics? (4219666)

What are the supported hardware, operating systems and platform requirements required to install Unified Communications Diagnostics? <div>For the most up to date information log on to the Quest and Security Support Site.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 705 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Migrating Connections in Spotlights (4287736)

It is possible to save your machine connections in a central location which can be used by all Spotlights that are installed in an environment. ... After the below procedure is followed, all Spotlights configured to use shared connections will be able to use the same connections list.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 306 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Threshold settings are not applied with template (4294850)

When applying a template to a server in the Diagnostic Console the thresholds are not applied. ... When saving the template you need to indicate that you wish to also save the calibration details.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 345 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Error "8004005 Access Denied" occurs when running reports. (4294403)

There are known issues with the way Native Authentication is being passed between the IIS Servers and the SQL Servers. ... Usually there is no issue authenticating remotely when using the account that installed Spotlight On Exchange and also running the reports on the IIS server.

Produtos: Unified Communications Diagnostics
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 344 visualizações
Knowledge Article
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