<div>•<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Active Directory usernames with dashes “-“ are now recognized.</div> <div> </div> <div>The following link has the comprehensive list of all addressed issues in Toad Intelligence Central 6.0 (Major):</div> <div> </div> <div> <p><a href="https://support.quest.com/technical-documents/toad-intelligence-central/6.0/release-notes#TOPIC-1826817" target="_blank">https://support.quest.com/technical-documents/toad-intelligence-central/6.0/release-notes#TOPIC-1826817</a></p>
After upgrading Toad Intelligence Central(TIC) server, or just logging in to TIC Admin Console, Toad prompts for an admin username and password. ... How can this password be reset, if forgotten? <p>See the attached document on how to reset the root password.</p>
How to setup my TIC server to use my connection certificates for an extra layer of security. ... <p>Location of the appsettings.json file C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Toad Intelligence Central\webserver</p>
What's New in Toad Intelligence Central 6.3? Toad Intelligence Central 6.3 introduces these items:<br> ... <ul><li>With the Connection lending feature, you can publish and ‘lease’ data sources to any Toad Data Point user</li><li>Toad Intelligence Central admins can define the “default” user for running automation scripts and workbooks on Toad Intelligence Central</li><li>Toad Intelligence Central supports modern authentication connection to email servers</li></ul>
Toad Intelligence central web UI is not secured.
Publish snapshots that named with Chinese characters will fail with an error, as screenshot below shows:</p> ... <p><img src="https://prod-support-images-cfm.s3.amazonaws.com/KB_kA06R0000006jHGSAY_1.png"></img></p>
When trying to create a new user in Toad Intelligence Central (TIC), it shows only the option to add Active Directory Users, see image below:
ERROR "You are not authorized to do the operation" after upgrading TIC to 6.2.3 when trying to publish or manage an automation. ... Install this Toad Data Point version on all machines.<br>2.
When migrating the Toad Intelligence Central (TIC) Data Folder onto a different server where TIC is also installed, the published scripts from the "old" server fail to run correctly with below error message:
Issue 2 (TIC-14322): ... The UI for configuring the end date in the Range of Recurrence section for published objects is missing. ... A part of the Change Connection feature introduced in TDP 6.2, related to the Automation Script Designer and the option to select a connection specifically for the Clean Data step, has caused a regression.
There's a common query about altering the user account responsible for executing automation scripts. ... TIC's documentation typically mentions the use of the server's Local System user account for this purpose
The TIC server is set up on a machine that is in a separate domain from the one our users are currently on. ... Let's call them Domain A and B. The TIC server is on Domain A and the users are on Domain B.
What is the Toad Data Point Viewer and where I can find it? Where can I get support if I have issues with the product? <p>Toad Data Point Viewer is a desktop tool that lets non-technical users easily consolidate, prepare, browse, visualize, and analyze data.</p><p>This tool is supported through the Toad World portal <a href="http://www.toadworld.com/products/toad-data-point" target="_blank">here</a>. (If posting to the forum, please mention the product name Toad Data Point Viewer)</p>
Toad is downloaded from the website to a Windows 8.x / 10.x PC. ... On running, the following Windows error is displayed: ... To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher" ... 1. Incorrect 'bit' type i.e. 64-bit version of Toad has been downloaded and it cannot run on a 32-bit version of Windows.
In some situations, it errors out during the download and won't let the download to complete even though a current support maintenance contract exists. ... Steps to download a commercial product:
TIC: After upgrade 4.3, getting all of a sudden several email notifications. ... Getting unwanted email notifications. ... Administrator users now have more options under 'Email Subscriptions'.
When trying to run automation scripts published to TIC, the error “Compilation failed. ... The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect” is being received. ... When looking in the C:\Users folder, on the TIC server, a new folder named with non-English characters, which should not be ther, is found.
They can be seen under the appropriate folders in TDP, when connected to the TIC connection, but are not seen in those same folders in TIC. ... An incompatibility when connecting to TIC with an older Admin Console version.
After daylight saving time occurred, all scheduled jobs published to Toad Intelligence Central, through Toad Data Point, are running an hour earlier or later of what they are scheduled for.
Is there a way to set an end date when publishing an automation script. ... In the publishing window's scheduling settings, there is a section called 'Range of Recurrence', where a begin date can be set, but there is no where to set an end date.
Does Toad Data Point and Toad Intelligence Central support ESRI's geodatabases / *.gdb file format? Toad Data Point and Toad Intelligence Central does not support ESRI's geodatabases / *.gdb file format. <p>Toad Data Point and Toad Intelligence Central does not support ESRI's geodatabases / *.gdb file format. </p><p>Please see the Release Notes for the supported databases.</p><p><a href="https://support.quest.com/toad-data-point/technical-documents" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 170);font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;" target="_blank">Toad Data Point Release Notes</a></p><p><a href="https://support.quest.com/toad-intelligence-central/technical-documents" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 170);font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;" target="_blank">Toad Intelligence Central Release Notes</a></p>
Does Toad Intelligence Central support Windows Server 2019? Yes, Windows Server 2019 is supported starting in version 5.0.
This article contain some new features released with version 5.1.x. ... Toad Intelligence Central includes the following new features and enhancements. ... Greater control over published objects through object owner updates.
Is there a way to set up Toad Intelligence Central to send an email indicating everything that ran successfully and everything that failed on a daily basis? <div>1. ... Open the TIC web console and login with an admin role user.
We have two TIC servers, running parallel, in different environments. ... One is an older version and the other is the latest version. ... What is the best way to migrate the data from the older version to the newer version? <div>Note: These instructions are using v3.3 as the older version and v5.1 as the newer version.<br><br></div><div></div><div>The normal process should be to back up the existing TIC data folder, to avoid lost data, and upgrade in the same server.
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